Group 7-day waking average?

Morning, welcome to February.

Not feeling that great, headachey, grumpy and sniffly (but it’s the ME not actual infection most likely), full time work isn’t really manageable with this illness. Ah well, hopefully headache goes as I’d like to have a productive day at work.

Oh, fbg 16.1, guess that’s why the headache. Just put a sensor on to warm up after a few days off.

As it’s the first of the month time for a weigh in. 0.1 pounds off 1 stone lost this month. Let’s call it a stone. (I’m probably dehydrated rather than having lost weight but will ignore that)
Good morning. 6.3

Clear skies this morning but seem to have avoided both frost and storm. Boiler still being silly. It appears to enjoy turning on but distains turning off even when thermostat turned down to zero. It obviously doesn't believe in climate change. I'll be giving my tame plumber a ring & meanwhile have recourse to the mains switch.

Still puzzling over colours for kitchen. Rather tempted to jettison my massive leather armchairs by the woodburner: on the one hand they are comfortable and Rowan likes leaping from one to another via a large pouffe; on the other British racing green is a difficult colour and they are a swine to move when vacuuming. Also if I go for too strong a colour for the walls where will I re-hang the antique maps? Should I paint the bookcases? Oh dear, think I'll put it on the back burner for a few days before I get depressed and paint everything white...

Hope everyone has a good day.
Mind you the British also have a saying of “ raining cats and dogs” whilst I think the Dutch talk about “ Raining waterfalls” which always makes much more sense to me
It rains “old women and sticks” in Welsh... :confused: 😛

Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

Well done @Lucyr - that’s brilliant. I hope you feel better asap.

It’s going to be a looooong day, I can sense it already. Roll on Saturday!
A 5.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning All - 7.9 today (must try harder), not helped by me finding a pack of twirls in the cupboard late last night and telling myself I'd "earned" it playing netball. Full morning of gardening this morning with my new companion gardener. She's a tutor on one of the horticulture courses (not mine) and the idea is we work together in the garden with her teaching me things as we go along. We've done one session so far a few weeks ago and get on like a house on fire. Then yin yoga tonight to mend myself after netball yesterday - actually my niggles weren't too bad although my back keeps suddenly twinging out of no-where - must warm up better. Have a great day everyone x @Gwynn I'm looking at three red squirrels on our squirrel boxes as I type this 🙂
9.3 I acutttly expected it to be higher due to things. I still can't locate my dexcom reciver I hope I haven't accidentally thrown it away or something. I doubt dexcom would replace it.
And the third HS rolls in for me. . .
Congratulations to my fellow HSers @MikeyBikey and @Colin g !

Have a good day everyone! (29 days left at work for me, eeek!)
Morning all

5.4 but not feeling good, ache all over so probably have a cold coming.

@MikeyBikey @Colin g and @Eternal422 congratulations to you all on today’s HS.

@Lucyr - well done on your weight loss.

like @eggyg I like February not only because it is my birthday month, but the days are starting to pull out and the promise of spring just round the corner, even if the weather is still cold.
Morning all and 4.7 for me.

Out tonight to try and sort new rehearsal space out.

We were asked by Cleopatra records if we would like to consider recording a cover version for a Halloween album. We said we'd do I've Put A Spell On You by Screaming Jay Hawkins. Let's see what happens.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 4.7 for me.

Out tonight to try and sort new rehearsal space out.

We were asked by Cleopatra records if we would like to consider recording a cover version for a Halloween album. We said we'd do I've Put A Spell On You by Screaming Jay Hawkins. Let's see what happens.

Have a good day everyone.

Why not do "Jack the Ripper" by Screaming Lord Sutch. If my memory is correct it was released for Halloween! More of his Monster Raving Looney Party's policies have come to fruition than those of the two main parties each sadly having too many extremists!
Morning all
A happy 5.7 for me on this sunny morning. Just collected my new hearing aids and I can now hear again.

Enjoy the rest of the day and stay safe everyone..
Morning all - a brighter day today.

9.3 this morning. Don't know what's going on. Activated a new sensor in the middle of the night and so far haven't checked it against a blood test as I always do with a new sensor.

Had an audio check yesterday afternoon and apparently I now need hearing aids. Free on the NHS or just over £1K if I get better, private ones. Sigh. I hate getting old!!!

Well done @Lucyr on your weight loss. Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. Same to @Grannylorraine and @Elenka_HM hope you are all feeling better soon.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey @Colin g and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Have a good day all.
Still puzzling over colours for kitchen. Rather tempted to jettison my massive leather armchairs by the woodburner: on the one hand they are comfortable and Rowan likes leaping from one to another via a large pouffe; on the other British racing green is a difficult colour and they are a swine to move when vacuuming. Also if I go for too strong a colour for the walls where will I re-hang the antique maps? Should I paint the bookcases? Oh dear, think I'll put it on the back burner for a few days before I get depressed and paint everything white...
How about a nice pale yellow? It's cheerful, warm, sunny and bright and would go with your chairs and not clash with your antique maps.
How about a nice pale yellow? It's cheerful, warm, sunny and bright and would go with your chairs and not clash with your antique maps.
It was very kind of you to think of a colour but I am not a fan of yellow paint - except as road safety/life boat rain gear! Actually I am not keen on yellow at all except as a skin tone on well loved friends.
(Possible result of shock in my 30s when I went the colour of a duck's foot overnight with reactive (gall bladder) jaundice Picture mirror opposite end of bed Aargh! who is this very ugly Chinese lady? Me? Oops! For true beauty, when shaded yellow, in my view, you need delicate features, elegant slanted eyes, epicanthic folds, etc. A chum who shared my flat in London 50 odd years ago managed the lot - whew - what a picture! There may very possibly exist other types, even richer and more lovely, that I haven't yet had the joy of seeing - but yellow surely was frighteningly vile on a standard Anglo-Scottish visage). I hope I have not offended any racial types: you are all lovely to me.

Lemons are OK (small, flavourful, antiscorbutic, gin loves them) but not keen on pushing it over 28ft long kitchen.

Don't need more light fortunately - vast amounts of window, white units, high gloss black granite worktops. I am just havering between shades of green with a bit of grey in it - so many have a nasty touch of NATO camouflage...That white roller is still calling but feels a tad cowardly..

Spent the day being a "domestic Goddess" - erm - a very low power one. Still did get numerous duvets into loft storage boxes (imagine elderly and nervous Orangutan clambering ladder with bags of goodies balanced on head). Gave pine chest of drawers in bathroom the old heave ho - once I had emptied the airing cupboard. I loath pine but ended up with quite a lot once Mum died - only one chest of drawers to go... Vaguely looking at furniture paint.

Delivered spare, dreary, but clean, duvets/sheets etc to Animal Charity which shreds them for beds. They were delightfully grateful - and so was I - pity their Lloyd Loom chair had a split seat - I quite fancy a comfy "sitdoonery" in the bathroom. Nipped into local antique/vintage shops. Need a toy box to house the ruddy toys my daughter considers essential for keeping in Wales - also fancy a pale wood table (or possibly painted) for the kitchen as an alternative to dining in the living room. OK for grown ups but Hellish with grandkids.

Got home, whipped down "crap alley" ( Peachy's very organised loo - what a clean old pony she is) - and called her in for tea/bed. Ran and fed Wolf. Thanked God or anyone else responsible for a splendid day.

Sorry for the long post - I will be probably back to usual grumpiness tomorrow.
Good moaning! Woke from a recurrent dream (being held down on table as leg being hacked off without anesthetic) soaked in perspiration. Also felt a bit shaky. Checked on meter - 2.9 after a couple of fumbled attempts! Physio always speeds up my metabolism but seems yesterday's gruelling session pit me in the fast lane!

Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone.