Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 7.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 8.7 and been in the 12s all night despite a 2u correction before bed. Where has the weekend gone?! I'm tired before i even get out of bed.
Morning all. A nice round 6.

I don’t need to be up, no Zara today but here I am. I woke at 6am and was absolutely starving for some reason. It’s pouring down here, as forecast, yellow warning for rain today and a yellow warning for more wind on Wednesday. Yesterday, in comparison was a lovely day, 11c, a bit of sun and a moderate wind. I got two lines of washing hung out and dried, in January! Mad! I also had a stint in the garden. I dug up the remaining leeks as the leaves were turning yellow. Most of them were ok but a few were splitting at the roots. Glad I got them up. I washed and trimmed them. Then sliced them and open froze them, and now I’ve two big bags of ready to use leeks.

Nothing much going on today, mainly because of the weather, but that’s fine.

Have a Happy Monday.
Good morning 6.9 today

one eye needed treatment yesterday (same as my last visit)
it seems my left has responded to the treatment, tye swelling on the retina has considerably reduced
but the right eye still needs more treatment, so will be back there in another 6 - 8 weeks, its good that the DMO clinic at the hospital are currently working over the weekend it makes less impact on my working day.

Happy Monday Everyone 😎
Morning and a Sunset Strip for me 7.7.
Should have waited until 7 minutes past 7 to post and I would be in Seven heaven however I was a flat 6 for most of night so must get up earlier to get a lower score or probably just wait until lighter mornings.
Quiet day at home today after a nice w/end so have a good start to the week all.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 for real. No brilliant pseudo-science calculations necessary!!! 🙂

Yesterday playing at the church went really well. Great walk later on. Great tea even later on. My wife was well and happy. All good.

Today exercise (if it doesn't rain), friend coming for tea (Sunday roast, ok a bit late!)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
8.3 I didn't end faling asleep until 4. I did a couple of corrections last night

6.6 today, did eat a very small amount of pasta with my dinner yesterday evening, and for some strange reason I decided to eat 2 jelly babies, no idea why. agree with @freesia where did the weekend go. Only going to work this morning as hubby is going for his colonoscopy this afternoon, keeping my fingers crossed it is all ok as his FIT test was positive which he requested to do due to some issues since about Oct.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today.
Good morning everyone. 5.2 this morning for me, so I am joining Gwynn today (congratulations @Gwynn !)

The red sand overnight gave some very weird dreams which have all disappeared on waking, other than a sense that they were weird!

Have a good day everyone!
Well done to @Eternal422 & @Gwynn on those HSs. A 4.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all and 6.1 for me.

I didn't think the weather was too bad until I went outside. The forecast was spot on. It is siling it down. I'll give the garden a miss today. I can at least see that most of the snowdrops I transplanted have taken. Hopefully the blue bells will do the same.

Have a good day everyone.
5.7 for me... after an evening tea where I may have overindulge on potatoes - which saw an hour's reading of 6.9 and a 2 hour reading of 5.9