Group 7-day waking average?

3.9 for me this morning but a lovely straight line overnight albeit ever so slightly inclined downwards, so I am quite happy with that and no actual time in the red seeing as target range is 3.9-10. I even managed a unicorn yesterday, which is the first in a long while.
Heading along to the next village this morning to tax the Freelander. Tried online but I couldn't remember my Visa verified password. I had the same problem last year and rang up and had to create a new password but have forgotten it, now I need it a year later, so I have concluded that a walk along to the Post Office will be much less frustrating than having to create yet another new password that I will forget..... Does anyone else rue this modern scourge of needing passwords for everything! It absolutely does my head in! A good leg swing along the riverside footpath and back along the old railway line on a nice sunny day seems infinitely preferable to sitting on the phone for ages and then trying to think of a suitable and memorable 8 character word with symbols and numbers and capital letters etc. 😡 Apologies to you guys down in rainy Cornwall for rubbing your noses in it, but absolutely glorious here today. Hope your inclement weather passes over quickly.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on your House Special achievement this morning.
@rebrascora try using the name of the site (each site ) eg Diabetes . pick some symbols nos. eg D$ab5tes.... add ending. same every time. Use the same symbols instead of some vowels in each word Amazon eg Am$z5n add an ending - same for every password. Maybe ????
I went for naps and woke up to a HS, does that still count :rofl:

Tummy is being rather upset today and was super painful by the end of the day yesterday so I'm on super low carb day today (20g carbs for lunch and dinner combined) so I get baby insulin doses. I don't always absorb my meals properly when its like this (which was one of the reasons given when getting asking to get libre added). So far lunch was -4 from start point on 10g carbs/2u.
Got a letter in todays post to make an appointment for a colonoscopy so that's booked for 28th I think of next month. Not sure if I hope they find a reason or not for the constant tummy things if you know what I mean.
Also got my d-eye screening letter for next month (6 months+ late).
...all the fun things thru the letterbox today 🙄
Not sure I trust anything computer related to store passwords, even if the majority of people do.
No! Never get a browser to save your passwords, much too risky and unsafe!

I use a password app, mSecure on my Apple devices, it’s a great app that can generate and organise passwords, logins and other information for you. Plus, it integrates with the Safari browser so whenever you have a login/password field displayed it will offer a button to open the mSecure app, get the login details and paste them into the webpage. I’m sure there are Android versions of this available that do the same.

But I agree, passwords are a real PITA!
Good night guys! 4 this morning after 6 hours in the red according to Libre. I haven't taken insulin in 5 days so not really concerned, and I was sleeping in that arm all night. But I don't think I was much more than 4. My levels between meals have been 4s and 5s all day so I'm not bringing Levemir back yet.

Had a pretty fun night out with my co-workers on Tuesday, the town was quiet but most of us were lucky to have the next day off so it worked well. After that, he only remarkable things I did yesterday were a visit to Lidl and watching Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, and I fancied some McDonald's chicken nuggets after the guys were fantasizing about McDonald's in the tipsy walk home, but didn't want too many so went for the Happy meal, which also got me some cucumber sticks (didn't have any fresh veg before my Lidl trip) and a tiny bottle of milk that will give me a few cuppas :D
Good moaning/morning! Let ne be the first today although I hope to get back to sleep. Woke by phantom pain akin too a stabbing cramp in the arch I haven't got. Anyway 5..5 - winder where it will go?

Weather - very dark so I suspect it's cloudy!

Still no sleep. Time for a cuppa I think! BG has climbed to 9.7!

Weather - still dark!
Good morning all. 6.9 on this damp and quite dark morning. A bit disappointing after the glorious day we had yesterday. Glad we got a bit shed tidying done.

Zara day today, hopefully the weather will sort itself out and we can go to the park. We’ve got childcare from today all the way through to Monday, so I’d better sort myself out as I feel like a real wet weekend after a very restless night for some unknown reason.

Have a fab-u-lous Friday. ( As it’s September I thought I’d get you into Strictly mode).:D

Setting off south for the cruise today!
Good morning folks! 4.8 today for me and another early start thanks to the grandchildren who are very definitely early risers! Last day today with them and we’re waiting to see what the weather is like before deciding what to do. Might be a visit to Stratford and a picnic by the river if the weather permits.

Had my diabetes review phone call yesterday and the GP health centre DSN changed my diagnosis on their notes to T1 after reading the letter the hospital sent in June last year. So now it’s official on my notes. I know it’s just a label and for me hasn’t changed my treatment plan at all but it’s nice to see it there (well in a way, of course it would be good to not have D at all!). As part of my retirement planning I got a copy of my GP notes going way back and interestingly there is a line in 2002 when I was first diagnosed that states T1, so maybe there was some thought back then that it was. Subsequently it appears in later notes as T2. Strange and a pity I never had tests initially, but it wouldn’t have changed things other than 5 years of messing around with Metformin which did nothing to help. I also found a line that said I was prescribed a sulphonylurea (which I had totally forgotten about) again that didn’t do anything either for me, so it does seem that T1 was right all along.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get that off my chest!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. 6.9 at 7.30am How do you do commas and stuff on a mobile I wonder. Can't believe it is my favourite month already. It's all downhill towards Christmas now.
Good morning folks! 4.8 today for me and another early start thanks to the grandchildren who are very definitely early risers! Last day today with them and we’re waiting to see what the weather is like before deciding what to do. Might be a visit to Stratford and a picnic by the river if the weather permits.

Had my diabetes review phone call yesterday and the GP health centre DSN changed my diagnosis on their notes to T1 after reading the letter the hospital sent in June last year. So now it’s official on my notes. I know it’s just a label and for me hasn’t changed my treatment plan at all but it’s nice to see it there (well in a way, of course it would be good to not have D at all!). As part of my retirement planning I got a copy of my GP notes going way back and interestingly there is a line in 2002 when I was first diagnosed that states T1, so maybe there was some thought back then that it was. Subsequently it appears in later notes as T2. Strange and a pity I never had tests initially, but it wouldn’t have changed things other than 5 years of messing around with Metformin which did nothing to help. I also found a line that said I was prescribed a sulphonylurea (which I had totally forgotten about) again that didn’t do anything either for me, so it does seem that T1 was right all along.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get that off my chest!

Have a great day everyone!

I recently got access to my patient record and it was quite amusing in places with important things being missed and others entered twice in different years instead of once. I am also tagged as an ex-smoker despite more than one consultant saying its irrelevant since I last smoked around fifty years ago! Not sure how you get this corrected or how to stop people putting in letters I am Type 2 because I am middle-aged!
bs . dont know when f2f was as been up and down all night.
Raining so not surprised.
Same, I'm not paranoid about data protection but I never select the option to remember passwords (even less bank card details). But I do keep a handwritten list of passwords at home, sort of coded so they are very easy to understand for me but not for a random person. You could try something similar.

Is totally understandable that you would forget a password you only use once a year!
The password management facility built into Apple devices is fantastic.
Not only does it automatically generate random passwords but it also gives you the ability to create unlimited disposable email addresses when you sign up for any service/email list.
So not only do they have a random password but they also have a random email address.
Drum roll please…..

5 point…..

Three. So close and yet..

last day of work for 2 weeks today, 6.1 but ate 3 slices of pizza yesterday for dinner, hubby and son ordered it and didn’t get me any as I am doing slimming world, but I moaned so much they each gave me a slice of theirs, then hubby gave me another small slice of his, if I am honest 2 slices was probably enough, buutthat is an improvement on having my own pizza.

Very grey and dark today, was grey all day yesterday but didn’t rain until the evening. Early start in the morning as our flight is 6.20, thankfully we are just under an hours drive from Gatwick, so not too bad journey.