Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - more of the same weather wise... grey! It is getting extremely tedious.

4.9 this morning with a straight line overnight. I tested twice in the night, got a 5.0 and a 5.5. So not unhappy with that.

Still festering about the Libre/phone issue. Kept me awake in the wee hours.... and have espent nearly 2 hours this morning researching phones. Seems to me that anything that's guaranteed to work with Libre costs around £200, which I don't have to spend on a new phone when the current one works fine with the exception of LibreLink. Although I changed the sensor late last night and it does seem to be reading it, even if it takes forever to show the current BG. No alarms of course, because I started it with the reader.

Nothing much to do today, since J will be hogging the TV watching rugby, so I can't get on with the ironing, or rather I can, but only if I want to watch rugby whilst doing it. I think I might make stuffed pork fillet with creamy spinach and beans.


@Eternal422 glad to hear the shoulder is improving

@ColinUK hope you see some improvement from the physio soon.
Morning everyone - 8.4 for me this morning. I then went out for an early morning walk (at 7.17am which is UNHEARD of for me). Did 4.5 miles and was eagerly anticipating doing my BG when I got home but was disappointed that it had gone up to 8.6 - maybe I should have waited longer? I don't really know how it works but I assumed my BG would have gone down. Got a friend coming over today with her gorgeous (huge) deerhound called Mouse - Wilbur our boxer who is a bit full on for most dogs met her a couple of weeks ago and they got on like a house on fire out on a walk - but you need to keep your wits about you as they come barrelling towards you! Have a good day everyone xxx
Did you have breakfast before your walk? If not, it’s the old dawn phenomenon or foot on the floor. As soon as you started to stride out your liver will have thought “WT..blooming heck she’s had nowt to eat since yesterday and she’s moving, better chuck some glucose at her to give her enough energy to catch her breakfast”.
If you did eat breakfast, it was probably because there’s a Y in the day, you had the wrong coloured jumper on or because that’s the old diabetes just being awkward! 😉
If it’s any consolation, any exercise will help in the long run. You may find your BGs are lower tomorrow. X
4.8 for me this am
Totally my own fault as I lost control of my eating last night. Didn't eat anything particularly high carb, but just ate and ate and ate and injected a couple of units here and there to try to cover it,
Glad it’s not just me! The evenings are my worst time and I get nights when nothing satisfies me and I snack and snack, adding insulin here and there as well! I used to try stopping snacking on sweet stuff by eating something savoury, sometimes it worked for me other times not. At least I have shaken the habit of eating chocolate and not had any now since Christmas.
It was an 8.2 for me this morning. Totally my own fault as I lost control of my eating last night. Didn't eat anything particularly high carb, but just ate and ate and ate and injected a couple of units here and there to try to cover it, which I thankfully did and somehow managed to keep levels under 10 but the protein release from nuts and cheese kept me top end of the range all night and I needed a silly amount of Fiasp this morning to bring it down.

@TinaD When you mentioned the low carb treats you were going to buy at Lidl I wondered if you had discovered the feta stuffed peppadew peppers. They are naturally quite sweet and a little bit spicy but such a treat. They are in clear tubs with the olives in the chiller counter and you have to rummage through the olives with feta box to find the odd pot of these but they are delicious. A bit higher carb than olives but not too bad and so worth it as an occasional treat! If they only have yellow/green ones, don't bother as they don't have anywhere near the same flavour, but the cherry red ones are gorgeous. Aldi do them as well although the Aldi version are slightly different flavour as the peppers are a different variety.

Congrats to @MrPixels again on another House Special.
Thanks - I'll look out for them.
4.5 for me at 5am. conveniently the same as my lirbe alarm 😉 😉

Anyway got up and foot on the floor is actually helping this morning and sitting in the 5s now with a cereal bar on standby :D Glad I waited to see which way it would go this morning.

Made a lasagne for tonight (its in the oven as I type) and need to refill the coffee cup. :D

Have a great day everyone x
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 happy with that

This morning, church, then a walk, then possibly my friend round for supper. A good day ahead.

Just solved a really tricky problem in he App. When something doesn't do what you expect then it's time to turn detective and see and follow the clues/evidence. The problem comes when there are few clues or that they are ambiguous or that nothing seems to make consistent sense. A bit like DB.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Happy Sunday folks!
Me & my meter have fallen out ~ it's chucking out every darn number but the ones I want!!!
Restless night last night so I guess come high noon I'll be a walking zombie and ready to hit the sack for a few hours!
Take care and enjoy your day.

8 this morning, didn’t sleep well, off into London this morning for the Cancer Research London Winter Run, a 10K.

Hope you all have a good day.

8 this morning, didn’t sleep well, off into London this morning for the Cancer Research London Winter Run, a 10K.

Hope you all have a good day.
I’ll have a look at the route and see if I can find somewhere to stand and cheer you on!
7.4 this morning.

Weird sleep last night. Mainly drug induced I think as I snaffled some paracodeine last night as well as a zopiclone. Woke a few times but when I wasn’t awake I was out cold which was good but for the dreams. Not nightmares but just quite trippy dreams mixing family, Avatar 2, the opera house and massive donuts.

Treated myself to a new folding walking stick yesterday. Someone gave me one but it’s slightly too short and it’s very much an evening stick. I wanted one which I could fit into a backpack and have with me if I want to use it as I’m starting to think about not using my cane all the time.
Went back to the walking stick and umbrella shop I bought mine at and they had a number of lovely folding ones. The one I opted for is German, way over engineered, carbon fibre and cost more than my wooden stick did. But it’s head and shoulders above the alternative they offered and it doesn’t make that metallic tap tap sound when it’s in use. It’ll get its first outing on Tuesday when it gets to go to the opera.