Group 7-day waking average?

@TinaD Losing a file on a PC can be so upsetting. I try to avoid that as best I can by saving as a new name...often and on multiple external devices. my App is up to version 3036!!! Even then I have had a few scares along the way.

I hope you can find/recover your file
Yesterday the wretched thing lost a document I had been working on all week and it is nowhere to be found. Grr!
How annoying! When this happens to me I often just use File Explorer and click on the date modified column to sort in order of newest first. That way you can often see a folder that has been used last and home in on the file. I presume it’s not in the “recent documents” when you open Word, Excel or whatever you are using?
How annoying! When this happens to me I often just use File Explorer and click on the date modified column to sort in order of newest first. That way you can often see a folder that has been used last and home in on the file. I presume it’s not in the “recent documents” when you open Word, Excel or whatever you are using?
Ah well - these things happen. I tried file/date modified as my first line of attack when it wasn't sitting in recent word docs. Using "search" - well you could almost hear the gremlins giggling. Fortunately I had saved the references elsewhere so it was quite a quick re-write. All done and dusted before friends turned up after lunch to try out the new metal detectors. Rick is an experienced detectorist - me the newbie klutz. Found the underground electric cable, a 1970's coke bottle top, some crumpled aluminium, and a washer. So the machines work but maybe I need to pick a more promising site than the front paddock!
Ah well - these things happen. I tried file/date modified as my first line of attack when it wasn't sitting in recent word docs. Using "search" - well you could almost hear the gremlins giggling. Fortunately I had saved the references elsewhere so it was quite a quick re-write. All done and dusted before friends turned up after lunch to try out the new metal detectors. Rick is an experienced detectorist - me the newbie klutz. Found the underground electric cable, a 1970's coke bottle top, some crumpled aluminium, and a washer. So the machines work but maybe I need to pick a more promising site than the front paddock!
Can't believe you didn't find an old horse shoe!
Finally got round to logging back in on my phone rather than waiting till I get round to using the laptop. Had to change my password again as can't remember what I changed it to when logging in on the laptop :rofl: .

I have got in the habit of eating a bit more and snacking over the past 3 weeks or so. Still not excessive calories most days or on average (and mostly still low carb, though I did have a bit much cake yesterday when I met up with friends) but since I still have some more weight to lose I could do with getting back to lower calories most days.

@Leodis Redding did you play "Community Day" today, and if so did you find any shiny Noibat? I found several, and evolved my best Noibat to Noivern, then caught a better one right at the end of the 3 hours....
Morning everyone. Was in bed early so up early again. 5.1 for me but up to 6 now I'm up n about and got coffee on the go.
Have a list of stuff needing done today but ignoring that until some reasonable hour at least :D
Hope you all have a fantastic day today x
Morning all. 6.9 and its Monday..again! Where did the weekend go? I think i blinked and missed it.
Good morning - 6.8
Good morning 5.5 today
have a great day everybody 😎
Yup cold out there. Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 fine

Supper with friend went well. Hard work preparing and cooking everything. Easy work eating it all.

Today a quiet day to recover

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning. 6.4 today. White here too @Robin better than the wind and rain though.

Had a good day yesterday, even though at the time I didn’t think so. We walked to Tesco the long way round along the river, and saw our first otter! We knew they were about but never been lucky enough to spot any. Of course we hadn’t taken our cameras as we were going shopping. Did get a couple on my phone but they’re not good. Got to Tesco about 2ish, one chicken left ( more like a sparrow) so it had to do. By this stage we were two hours into the walk and my ankle was a bit twingy, along with shin, knee, hip and lower back. Hobbled home, another hour, did my stretches took some painkillers. And voila, all is fine this morning. Seven miles in total. Looks like I might be able to do some decent walking next weekend in the Yorkshire Dales after all. Definitely not the Yorkshire Three Peaks though! 😉

Have a Happy Monday.

Those blobs are the otter…honestly!


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A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

5.8 here too, seems a popular bg today. Had kippers for breakfast (no idea why I fancied and bought that, never had them before) so probably a good job I’m working from home today. Ordered new glasses yesterday and got the Cpeptide test today so need to remember not to take insulin with lunch, but nervous about the results but imagine they’re a while away
And it’s a 4.8 for me this sunny but frost morning..

8.3 for me today, made it round my 10K, hadn’t done much training, so was pleased that it only took me 10 mins longer than last year, when I had trained for the event.

Next event is the London Landmarks Half Marathon in April, so going to try and press on with training for that as yesterday’s run encouraged me that I could get back to where I was last year.
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