Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. BG 6.00.
Lousy night with bad dreams. Nippy this morning. Off to Lampeter for Roman history course later.

Spent a lot of time reading research papers this last week. Apart from the irritation of difficulty in finding them from an economical source is added the scourge of the impracticality of most historians. Caesar says he encountered more than 4000 British chariots yet most of the historians think the pre-Roman Iron Age British didn't breed horses. So supposedly they managed to capture at least 8000 from the wild, break and train them, all without leaving any traces of where or how. Others think they must have imported them from abroad. Even without considering the huge cost they do not seem to consider what sort of boats were available to such Iron age people on the continent...

Why do they think so? Because there are very few immature horses (perhaps 2-or 3 skeletons) which have been found in excavating settlements/graveyards. In Britain they have only unearthed a matter of dozens of horse skeletons. Horses were not used until 4 years and above, most normal people would expect young stock to be in extensive pasture areas, which they haven't dug to find the fallen stock, even assuming it hadn't been munched by wolves/crows/foxes etc. I feel as if I am walking through mud...

Oh well, back to my studies once I have fed my resident neds.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all, 6.6 here.
My turn to be trawling for holiday cottages, @eggyg . I see what you mean about Shepherds huts. Over £500. In May. Found a decent one bed annexe to the owner’s home in the North Yorks moors for only £100 more than we used to reckon to pay for a proper 2 bed cottage, so booked it quick!
Good morning everyone.

Another near miss this morning BG 5.1

Today, a quiet comfy day doing a new update to the App (new functionality). I just keep on thinking of new useful stuff to add. Great fun.

Such a sad terrible tragedy in Turkey and Syria.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
5.6 on waking today, bit higher for me than normal, but a nice flat line around that level overnight. Note to self : stop snacking in the evenings!

Really good phone call with my DSN yesterday, she is very pleased with my Libre figures and basically said to continue what I am doing with everything. I asked about sick day rules (hoping never to have to need them, but just in case) as I have never been told them that I can remember. Result of that is she is sending me a pack of info plus flowchart and a meter and strips to test for ketones if I ever need to. I suppose being initially diagnosed as T2 I missed out on all these things, so I’m slowly catching up now. But it’s good to know that I will remain in their care and not discharged back to the GP, plus they are always available via email and phone if I ever need to ask anything at anytime. Couldn’t fault the care and service I’m getting.

@ColinUK enjoy Tannhäuser tonight, looking forward to CCC tomorrow !

@goodybags , I hope your move goes smoothly, glad to hear that the seller has paid for and done the remedial works from the water damage.

@eggyg , congratulations on your book spring cleaning! My wife started on Vinted at the weekend and has sold lots of handbags and some clothes that were just in boxes in the loft. It feels good to clear stuff out as well as giving me a good excuse to take a walk to the post office, Yodel or Evri drop off places at lunchtimes!
5.6 on waking today, bit higher for me than normal, but a nice flat line around that level overnight. Note to self : stop snacking in the evenings!

Really good phone call with my DSN yesterday, she is very pleased with my Libre figures and basically said to continue what I am doing with everything. I asked about sick day rules (hoping never to have to need them, but just in case) as I have never been told them that I can remember. Result of that is she is sending me a pack of info plus flowchart and a meter and strips to test for ketones if I ever need to. I suppose being initially diagnosed as T2 I missed out on all these things, so I’m slowly catching up now. But it’s good to know that I will remain in their care and not discharged back to the GP, plus they are always available via email and phone if I ever need to ask anything at anytime. Couldn’t fault the care and service I’m getting.

@ColinUK enjoy Tannhäuser tonight, looking forward to CCC tomorrow !

@goodybags , I hope your move goes smoothly, glad to hear that the seller has paid for and done the remedial works from the water damage.

@eggyg , congratulations on your book spring cleaning! My wife started on Vinted at the weekend and has sold lots of handbags and some clothes that were just in boxes in the loft. It feels good to clear stuff out as well as giving me a good excuse to take a walk to the post office, Yodel or Evri drop off places at lunchtimes!
I joined Vinted a couple of weeks ago, I’ve sold two pairs of brand new jeans, a barely worn fleece and denim shirt I have worn once. Going to put some jumpers on today. I’ve only been charging £2/3 per item but they would just have hung in my wardrobe for years.
8.5 this morning, took yesterday off work sick and not feeling amazing today but probably better enough to try WFH. Had the bloods for Cpeptide and glucose yesterday, I was 16 when I fingerpricked after so glucose should have met the required 8.5+. She did my GP bloods at the same time (thyroid and vitamin D) which saves me a seperate blood test at the GPs this week. They came back as normal thyroid and slightly low vitamin d.
Here’s yesterdays bgs - with no lunch bolus as instructed for the c-peptide test. If I do have high insulin production as per standard t2 then it’s not very effective insulin.
Morning all. 🙂 4.7 here. It’s amazing what a short afternoon walk can do for my fasting BG.

Fingers crossed the surveyor’s happy with the bungalow and things can go full steam ahead @goodybags.

I get weeks like that @Lily123 - I wish we’d done rugby at school, then I could efficiently drop-kick the DF onto another continent. I hope things settle down asap.
5.6 for me first thing this morning. 🙂

And it was a happy 5.5 for me earlier this fine, sunny but frosty morning. Anther bike ride for me again today methinks.
Morning all, bright and cold with frost on the car at 08:45 when J went off to have his blood test.

9.3 this morning, but I didn't have any insulin with dinner last night, which was carbier than usual and included left over stuffed pork, creamy spinach and butter beans, roast potatoes, followed by a portion of self-saucing lemon pud. I was trying out the pud recipe. I was 3.3 when I sat down to eat and my PDM wouldn't allow me to bolus. I was only 6.4 when I went to bed 3.5 hours later so I didn't bother. BG has dropped to 7.7 an hour after waking.

Another evening of low BP. Must get in touch with the GP on that one.

Looking forward to @colin's CCC.
Morning all. Brrr... had a lie in, 6.2 @ 9.05am
Late on parade. I woke up feeling really ill at 4am, to the point that I unlocked the door and rang Ian and asked him to come down. Was very close to passing out and levels were going high so I injected a correction but then worried that I needed supervising in case I did lose consciousness.... Not that Ian would really have much of a clue! My stomach hasn't been right for several days, so something clearly came to a head. Anyway, I have had a long lie in but managed to keep my levels in the 7s and 8s with the help of several corrections and a 2 unit increase in basal. Feeling much better now which is just as well as I have beasties to see to. Not keen to eat yet but I have had a cup of coffee and held onto it, so I will manage on that for now.
I am going to offer 7.3 as my waking reading because that is when I injected my morning basal but it was 7.5 when I hauled myself out of bed 3 hours later so not much in it and at least I seem to have remained in control of my diabetes if not my digestive system... 🙄.
Doing office based stuff today trying to catch up with the boring paperwork. Didn't have to scrape frost off the windscreen this morning, it was thin enough that a quick spurt of screen wash enabled the wipers to clear it. So that saved me a bit of time.

Stuck much better to eating less yesterday until I suddenly decided in the evening to try out Parmesan Crisps in the Blood Sugar Diet cookbook again, did it with home grated cheddar not ready grated mozzarella this time and it came out better but still a bit falling apart (and way more than 2 minutes to cook...) - so nice I ate the whole batch that I'd made (1/5 of the recipe) so calories back up to "probable maintaining amount". I think next time I try I'll half the ground almonds and see if I get a better "crisp". Which will also make it a bit less calorific too...