Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂
7.1 my first reading after a week away from it all. Had a lovely holiday, indulged but now I'm back and finding my determination again.
Hope everyone is well 🙂
Good morning all

I signed up to this site yesterday so here goes...

11.5 this morning after a 17.2 before going to bed last night. 11.5 is the lowest I've been since being put on Humulin (one other 11.9 the rest have been 12 - 14+)

Talking of gardening ...when, on a Sunday afternoon during late Autumn and Winter months I'm out cutting and chopping wood for the fire, my levels plummet to 'argumentative & confused shaky time' (not good when you're handling an axe!) I reckon it has something to do with bending as I've noticed the same effect when I'm gardening (but nothing strenuous).
Good morning all

I signed up to this site yesterday so here goes...

11.5 this morning after a 17.2 before going to bed last night. 11.5 is the lowest I've been since being put on Humulin (one other 11.9 the rest have been 12 - 14+)

Talking of gardening ...when, on a Sunday afternoon during late Autumn and Winter months I'm out cutting and chopping wood for the fire, my levels plummet to 'argumentative & confused shaky time' (not good when you're handling an axe!) I reckon it has something to do with bending as I've noticed the same effect when I'm gardening (but nothing strenuous).
Gardening is an almost dead cert for a hypo with me. I have read that certain types of activity that you are not used to performing regularly can place extra demands on your need for energy. Thus, I can happily run for miles because I have been doing that for 33 years, but gardening only happens for me when the weeds are taking over, and rather than being the delicate pruning of a couple of rose bushes and thinning out some blooms, it's usually a feverish demolition of swathes of bindweed and brambles! 😱

Always worth testing when you feel 'argumentative and shaky', @Jonsi - might not be a true hypo (below 4.0), but it will help you understand your levels and how they are reflected in how you feel 🙂
A 5.7 for me...loving these high fives! 🙂

Glad you had a lovely holiday Linda. Big welcome Jonsi, hope you get your levels down soon.
Good morning. 4.1 for me today 🙂
I reckon it has something to do with bending as I've noticed the same effect when I'm gardening (but nothing strenuous).
I reckon you're onto something there Jonsi - my OH swears that my gardening hypos (regular, despite attempted precautionary measures) are caused by my bending down - and I garden regularly! I guess different muscles use up different amounts of energy, whether used regularly or not, and if you use those particular muscles, you'll go lower than if you dont. Another case in point - walking (which I do regularly) makes my bgs drop, even a sedate wander round the village, but cycling (less regularly) has much less effect.
Good morning.
Im putting myself in the naughty step this morning, after illicit 2am munchies I'm 10 .6 😡

@Jonsi Welcome
Good morning.
Im putting myself in the naughty step this morning, after illicit 2am munchies I'm 10 .6 😡
Oops! At least you know why, it's the high levels that don't have an apparent reason that are the problem ones 🙂
Morning all! Been a while since I've done a waking BG so here it is. 4.9.🙂
Morning all. 15.4 for me today. I'm not in the office today as I'm starting on the weight management course that my Dr has referred me to. Will update when I get home.
Morning all, 5.9 for the naughty step so hope it's nice and cosy ljc
3.1 here. Gardening hypo! Delayed reaction, I mean, I wasn't gardening at 3am!
Whatever rocks your boat, Robin! 🙂

Morning from autumnal Wales.🙂 5.5 here and a hypo hangover. Getting the eye drops, etc. this morning, so I should be grateful it's a dull day...but July, seriously?!😱😉

Glad to hear you had a nice holiday, LindaRose.
Morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Worked yest evening and resisted biscuit tin!
7.5 here! May have forgotten yesterday's Lantus, I thought at the time, did I, didn't I? The phone went just at the wrong moment.
The weather in Wales is in mourning for the football, Bloden. Good luck with the eyes.
7.5 here! May have forgotten yesterday's Lantus, I thought at the time, did I, didn't I? The phone went just at the wrong moment.
The weather in Wales is in mourning for the football, Bloden. Good luck with the eyes.
You're right, Robin, boo hoo hoo. :( I thought the interview with Bale immed after was excellent - football is full of mega-egos (zzzzzz) but the Welsh squad obviously enjoyed every minute of their adventure playing as a proper team. It left me with a warm fuzzy feeling.😛