Group 7-day waking average?

morning all a marvelous 11.6 for me today.
Morning all, 7.1 for me, off to hospital this morning for a cardiology scan, just read the appointment letter properly and it says allow 2 hours, any ideas what takes 2 hours?
Morning all, 7.1 for me, off to hospital this morning for a cardiology scan, just read the appointment letter properly and it says allow 2 hours, any ideas what takes 2 hours?
sitting in the waiting room? No, seriously, no idea, but when OH went to the TIA clinic recently and was told to allow two hours, he had various procedures, like an ECG, an ultrasound of his carotids, BP etc, all with different people, then got to see a consultant at the end to discuss the results.
(5.7 for me today btw!)
sitting in the waiting room? No, seriously, no idea, but when OH went to the TIA clinic recently and was told to allow two hours, he had various procedures, like an ECG, an ultrasound of his carotids, BP etc, all with different people, then got to see a consultant at the end to discuss the results.
(5.7 for me today btw!)
Thanks Robin, This is all because they started me on blood pressure pills in November, had an ECG at the docs, and they came back after 20 mins and said I will have to have one done at the hospital as the one they done was showing I was having a heart attack, this is my long awaited hospital appointment. (lucky I wasn't having a heart attack with this waiting list.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today
Hope your spot went as well as possible yesterday Amigo
And good luck with yours today Alan.
Thanks Robin, This is all because they started me on blood pressure pills in November, had an ECG at the docs, and they came back after 20 mins and said I will have to have one done at the hospital as the one they done was showing I was having a heart attack, this is my long awaited hospital appointment. (lucky I wasn't having a heart attack with this waiting list.
Hope things go well at the appointment Al 🙂 They thought I'd had a heart attack too, but it turned out it was something called 'myocarditis', which is an inflammation of the heart caused by a virus - after lots of messing about and treating me like I was about to keel over at any point (echocardiogram, angiogram, ramipril, aspirin, clopidogrel, beta-blockers, assigned to heart clinic, enrolled on exercise program, numerous follow-up ECGs 😱) they decided I was fine and 'low-risk' 🙄 Hope you turn out to be low-risk too! 🙂
A nice 5.9 for me this morning.

Thanks for all your most welcome best wishes. The appointment went well and despite everything else falling down around me, the cancer has stayed quite stable. 'I'm holding my own' at the moment 🙂
I have a VitD deficiency which I'd asked to be checked so that needs treating.

Hope all goes well with your appointment Alan. I'm very concerned to hear what you're going through AJ. How thoroughly unpleasant for you. Don't let this unpleasant woman make you doubt yourself.

Glad you had a lovely birthday Rosie but sorry it's led to a whopper reading.

Best wishes to everyone else I haven't mentioned x
Thank you for your support. The regional office has emailed to accept my resignation and nothing has been said about the bullying. I hadn't even formally resigned. So hurt.
Thank you for your support. The regional office has emailed to accept my resignation and nothing has been said about the bullying. I hadn't even formally resigned. So hurt.
Really sorry to hear this, is there nothing more you can do? :(
Almost forgot! 4.9 this morning, surprised because 10.1 before bed last night. Seem to be having trouble with soaring blood sugars after exercise that come down with quite a bump when at rest! Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you SlowRunner. I don't think there is anything more I can do. I guess she can't admit that there were problems because that could potentially cause them issues publicly/legally. This is an example of a message that was sent on messenger - it continued to go on and yet the person thought that was nothing wrong with what he wrote. After this when I was asking for things that I needed to do the role he tried to avoid giving them to me. Then his sidekick thought nothing wrong about phoning me and slating me about an email that I had sent which regional office had told me to send.
And finally why does Flick think that the sun shines out of Amanda's backside?

She's new to the team and is getting all the plaudits whilst those of us who have worked our socks off for longer don't even get a thank you

Do you think Flick wants Amanda to be her "special friend" because Tony T is no longer around
Thank you SlowRunner. I don't think there is anything more I can do. I guess she can't admit that there were problems because that could potentially cause them issues publicly/legally. This is an example of a message that was sent on messenger - it continued to go on and yet the person thought that was nothing wrong with what he wrote. After this when I was asking for things that I needed to do the role he tried to avoid giving them to me. Then his sidekick thought nothing wrong about phoning me and slating me about an email that I had sent which regional office had told me to send.
And finally why does Flick think that the sun shines out of Amanda's backside?

She's new to the team and is getting all the plaudits whilst those of us who have worked our socks off for longer don't even get a thank you

Do you think Flick wants Amanda to be her "special friend" because Tony T is no longer around

What a load of B*******!!!
He continued to write I think I'm saying
Do you think flick is trying to groom Amanda to be grass us up when we throw caution to the wind

What did you think I meant when I replied trying to diffuse the situation by saying that this is news to me, what compliments did I get. His reply was talk to the hand because the face isn't listening CREEP!
Amanda does this
Amanda does that
Isn't Amanda a asset
Amanda even controls the weather according to Flick!
I did read this out to the person from regional office to prove that I wasn't exaggerating, and said that she could read it.
Thanks Amigo. The irony is that I was a volunteer so unpaid so I can't go to a tribunal. I'd volunteered to help with admin a year ago but the committee made me Secretary earlier this year because the existing Secretary, who wrote that message, wanted to leave that role because he was becoming Mayor....From what understand because we were friends he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he wrote.
Result! 🙂 You must be close to completing the renovations now, especially after the boost to progress that the DF gave you 😉
DF? Oh, absolutely, she was...she was...well, she watched me work if I'm brutally honest. And sunned herself on the cement mixer all morning. Not a twitch from that magic wand of hers! o_O😉
Thanks Amigo. The irony is that I was a volunteer so unpaid so I can't go to a tribunal. I'd volunteered to help with admin a year ago but the committee made me Secretary earlier this year because the existing Secretary, who wrote that message, wanted to leave that role because he was becoming Mayor....From what understand because we were friends he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he wrote.

Sounds like you're best out of it AJ! Some of these voluntary organisations have very nasty infrastructures 😡
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Thanks Amigo. I'm hurting, especially because I had thought these people were friends. Never mind I'm TUFF and I will be able to move forward.