Group 7-day waking average?

Budge up Northerner I'm sitting with you today with a 5.7 🙂
Good morning all, a 12.2 for me today. Im looking forward to me appointment next friday. Getting fed up with high numbers now.
9.0 after being 6.1 at 4.30am.
I bet there is a special swearing song that goes with it 😱 Hope it's a song that quickly drops out of the charts due to lack of airplay! 🙂

And i bet most of us have our own versions of the same song!
I bet there is a special swearing song that goes with it 😱 Hope it's a song that quickly drops out of the charts due to lack of airplay! 🙂

There surely is and it won't be challenging your lovely poetry! It doesn't have rhyming lyrics just a stream of choice words 😱
Back to a nice 5.3 this morning (5.1 yesterday - but we had to get up at silly o'clock to get a train).
First time posting on this thread - mine was 7.5 this morning. I went out with a friend last night and had two large glasses of red. As a result of that ate three little chocolate eggs when I got back. My mum had brought them round for my son's girl friend who forgot to take them home at the weekend! Wine = loss of control! I try not to drink much these days. It's much better when I don't drink at all, but I do love the red wine and it's more of an occasional treat now x.
Ps - is 7.5 bad or ok? X
First time posting on this thread - mine was 7.5 this morning. I went out with a friend last night and had two large glasses of red. As a result of that ate three little chocolate eggs when I got back. My mum had brought them round for my son's girl friend who forgot to take them home at the weekend! Wine = loss of control! I try not to drink much these days. It's much better when I don't drink at all, but I do love the red wine and it's more of an occasional treat now x.
Ps - is 7.5 bad or ok? X
It's OK Kathy, especially after a little indulgence 😱 😉
I didn't test this morning. Was 5.8 after breakfast, which has been a kind of fry up everyday (strange sausages, bacon, scrambled egg & grilled tomatoes). Yesterday went a bit mad & had a slice of pizza. Finally peaked after 3 hours at 7.6. Not perfect but not as bad as expected.
Good afternoon all 🙂 and 6.7 for me after an overnight.
Good afternoon folks - a 7.8 for me today.

AJ - you are so much better than them! Dust yourself off and hold your head up high and rise above them all!

Just a thought regarding volunteering- do you have a branch of Dial near you? They would welcome your admin skills with open arms xx