Group 7-day waking average?

Hope your appt goes well, Amigo.
Good luck with your appointment Amigo.
Thank you Amigo and Northerner with your comments. Several things happened including a phone call on Wednesday evening at my home going on and on about something I had supposedly done wrong - but all I had done was send out an email that the charity's regional office had told me to send out. I was apologising even though I hadn't done anything wrong but kept being told that I knew that I was doing wrong when I sent the email. Several things were said and I fell apart when I put the phone down. This was the culmination of two weeks of different things and since then I have been frozen out. Although I'm meant to be Secretary of the branch I was removed as admin from the branch's FB site on Monday. There's a whole list of things. The lady from the regional office came out to see me on Monday and was shocked but the situation is untenable for me to go back. Just to avoid confusion the lady from regional office was talking to me trying to work out a solution to keep me at the same time somebody at the branch level was removing me from the FB site.
I cant stand bullies!!! 😡
Good luck with your appointment Amigo.
Thank you Amigo and Northerner with your comments. Several things happened including a phone call on Wednesday evening at my home going on and on about something I had supposedly done wrong - but all I had done was send out an email that the charity's regional office had told me to send out. I was apologising even though I hadn't done anything wrong but kept being told that I knew that I was doing wrong when I sent the email. Several things were said and I fell apart when I put the phone down. This was the culmination of two weeks of different things and since then I have been frozen out. Although I'm meant to be Secretary of the branch I was removed as admin from the branch's FB site on Monday. There's a whole list of things. The lady from the regional office came out to see me on Monday and was shocked but the situation is untenable for me to go back. Just to avoid confusion the lady from regional office was talking to me trying to work out a solution to keep me at the same time somebody at the branch level was removing me from the FB site.
Grr!!! 😡 Sounds like some tinpot Hitler who has got the wrong end of the stick and won't admit it :( What a shame :(
I was 21.6 this morning. Maybe the two slices of birthday chocolate cakes weren't the best idea but it was my birthday after all!! Now I'm 18.2 before lunch, hoping my lunch time meds will help bring my levels down again
I was 21.6 this morning. Maybe the two slices of birthday chocolate cakes weren't the best idea but it was my birthday after all!! Now I'm 18.2 before lunch, hoping my lunch time meds will help bring my levels down again

Oooops!!! Hope your levels come down, but I hope you enjoyed your birthday cake.
Afternoon all. My run of 5s (and occasional 4s) turned to 6.1 today - yes, I know, not high but it made me :( a bit.

Actually I had a bad night, couldn't sleep, my dodgy knees and feet were aching, other muscles aching, so I got up before 3am and went downstairs. I warmed a cup of almond milk and took some Ibuprofen. Things ok today apart from being tired. I'm *definitely* going to talk to my GP about my knees again when I see her. I know I've got arthritis in my feet cos they keep telling me 🙄 so maybe it is spreading.
A 6.1 for me.

Hope everyone is ok....I have an important cancer appt today 😳
Oh Amigo, hope everything goes well for you x
Afternoon all. My run of 5s (and occasional 4s) turned to 6.1 today - yes, I know, not high but it made me :( a bit.

Actually I had a bad night, couldn't sleep, my dodgy knees and feet were aching, other muscles aching, so I got up before 3am and went downstairs. I warmed a cup of almond milk and took some Ibuprofen. Things ok today apart from being tired. I'm *definitely* going to talk to my GP about my knees again when I see her. I know I've got arthritis in my feet cos they keep telling me 🙄 so maybe it is spreading.
Hope you have a better night tonight @Pine Marten 🙂
Good morning 🙂 A twittering 6.1 for me today (meter has a built-in Kooky-Block for whole numbers 😉)
Morning folks 6.7 today and not sure if I'm breeding the lurgy or the pollen is causing me grief, oh well if it's the lurgy it's bound to arrive in time for the bank holiday so I'll know by then 🙄. I've got a weird twitching eyelid at the moment too, driving me bonkers 😛

Amigo hope the appointment went well, flower lovely to see you back again and I hope those bones have got their knitting needles out 🙂. AJ sorry to hear about the volunteering, have you tried a plain old "what's your problem conversation" with the bully? If nothing else it may make you feel better to address it head on, if you're not going back there's nothing to lose and it might just teach them a lesson.
Good morning.🙂 5.1 this morning. Went a bit mad last night. It was a Bulgarian themed dinner so had bread & honey for starters, plenty of different meat dishes & tiramisu for pudding. Also had some cheeky cocktails. And my bloods after all this? 5.0:D
Good morning folks - a 7.6 for me today :D
Morning folks.🙂 10.7 here - give us a break DP! 24 hours until I activate my Libre sensor and find out what on earth's going on.🙄

Found out last week that tomorrow's a local holiday (I love Spain!) and Friday's a 'puente' (another holiday), so I'm off til Monday - oh yeah!:D Reno house, here I come. Have a fab bank holiday weekend everyone.😛
Morning folks.🙂 10.7 here - give us a break DP! 24 hours until I activate my Libre sensor and find out what on earth's going on.🙄

Found out last week that tomorrow's a local holiday (I love Spain!) and Friday's a 'puente' (another holiday), so I'm off til Monday - oh yeah!:D Reno house, here I come. Have a fab bank holiday weekend everyone.😛
Result! 🙂 You must be close to completing the renovations now, especially after the boost to progress that the DF gave you 😉