Group 7-day waking average?

Morning 5.7 today, seems to be my new favourite 🙂

Odd appointment with the practice nurse yesterday, whereby she insisted I go through all my doses for insulin. She didn't understand that the novorapid is used as needed. I eventually got her to confess it's because they're trying to "limit" prescriptions of insulin. I suspected this beforehand, and told her very plainly that if they "limited" my prescription again (this isn't the first time) I would formerly complain in the most vocal way possible. Then she asked if I would consider going on to fixed doses 😱 Yeh course I will, anything to make your life easier...what I actually said was "absolutely not" with a look on my face similar to the one I'd have if I sucked a lemon. She got the message. Bet they still try and limit it again though, in which case I think I'll just actually go nuclear. They are very hard work🙄
Good grief! 😱 😱 😱 Actually, I think that sort of approach does need reporting KookyCat. Not sure who you'd report it to, but I can imagine that there are people who will absolutely believe in the authority and knowledge of the nurse (and her back up cohorts in the CCG) and end up on unsuitable doses that do NOT reflect the whole point of MDI, and reveal a total ignorance of the individual variations in insulin requirements from person to person. Insulin is NOT something you can choose to restrict, you need what you need. How on earth would they address someone who needs 60-100 units of novorapid per meal? Cut it by 90%? This is one of the most stupid, ignorant things I have heard in a long time 😱 I'm not going to blame the nurse, it sounds like she's just repeating what she has been taught, without really understanding it, but things really need addressing. I wonder if Diabetes UK could help with something like this - if you like I can ask to see who the best person there might be to bring it to their attention.
Good morning folks - a 7.8 for me today.

Sorry for being absent over the last few days. Busy time getting ready for our jaunt in Europe in the motorhome. Needed to get all the washing done from our holiday so it can be packed in the van ready for the off.:D
Good morning folks - a 7.8 for me today.

Sorry for being absent over the last few days. Busy time getting ready for our jaunt in Europe in the motorhome. Needed to get all the washing done from our holiday so it can be packed in the van ready for the off.:D
So, you don't actually leave everything to the morning before the 'off', then? 🙂 Hope the weather stays fine for the washing! 🙂
Morning all 6.3 for me. @KookyKat are you sure you are not sneaking a few extra units in just for the hell of it?
Morning 5.7 today, seems to be my new favourite 🙂

Odd appointment with the practice nurse yesterday, whereby she insisted I go through all my doses for insulin. She didn't understand that the novorapid is used as needed. I eventually got her to confess it's because they're trying to "limit" prescriptions of insulin. I suspected this beforehand, and told her very plainly that if they "limited" my prescription again (this isn't the first time) I would formerly complain in the most vocal way possible. Then she asked if I would consider going on to fixed doses 😱 Yeh course I will, anything to make your life easier...what I actually said was "absolutely not" with a look on my face similar to the one I'd have if I sucked a lemon. She got the message. Bet they still try and limit it again though, in which case I think I'll just actually go nuclear. They are very hard work🙄
I hate how the nhs try to cut funding for everything, I use compression socks because of ulcers, one of the nurses was grumbling about the cost of them, thing is they save the nhs money because I dont need to be dressed every 3 days in bandages.
I can just see some stupid manager cutting funding for the socks and costing the nhs more, it's decisions like this that are ruining the nhs.
What would happen if you needed hospitalization because of the change of regime or limiting doses, how much would that cost in comparison?
добро утро (dobro utro)!🙂 5.5 for me today.🙂 Only 2 days to go before we're off the Bulgaria. Wife is starting to panic. Apparently she has a ritual of packing & unpacking a suitcase at least 3 times before she is happy.🙄 Got our Levs. Funny looking money. Pictures of grumpy people on them.:D
Morning all. 🙂 5.5 here.😛

I'm so shocked, words fail me, Kooks. 😱😱😱Complain NOW. Don't wait until the next time. It's your health they're threatening with their...'stupidity' doesn't quite cover it...'donkey-bottom-thinking' (there isn't a word for it, so I had to invent one - no donkeys were harmed in the process).:confused:
Crikey, Kooky, that sounds unbelievably stupid! ( except after reading countless similar stories on here, I can believe it)
5.3 today, with a little help from a fruit pastille at 4am. At this rate I will be lowering my basal as soon as my half unit pen arrives.( Easier than I thought, rang up Sanofi, expecting to jump through hoops. Yes, she said, what colour do you want! Much much easier than trying to get my surgery to prescribe the right one)
Except that it's raining, so I probably won't need to lower basal until it's gardening weather again.
Morning all, 10.6 for me today.
That is disgraceful Kooky.
добро утро (dobro utro)!🙂 5.5 for me today.🙂 Only 2 days to go before we're off the Bulgaria. Wife is starting to panic. Apparently she has a ritual of packing & unpacking a suitcase at least 3 times before she is happy.🙄 Got our Levs. Funny looking money. Pictures of grumpy people on them.:D

Is it Sunny Beach you're going to Mark? If so I could recommend some good places to eat and drink. You won't believe how cheap it can be.

Kooky, it defies belief! Stupid nursey...they'll be rationing oxygen next!

Haven't tested yet...another pacing the floor night with this rotten shoulder tear! :(
Good morning all 🙂 and sorry but I'm going to cause you further upset Kooky with a 7.0 😱
Hope all the holiday reparations go well Mark and Lynn 🙂
Good morning everyone. 5.8 :D
Sorry I haven't been in touch much lately but for five months we've known that my OH's current role was disappearing and thus the risk of redundancy, It has been very scary, especially as we rely on his income. Anyhow he applied for a different job last week which had fierce competition. He was successful and has been promoted. I am so proud of him, and relieved🙂
KookyCat I am so shocked about what the nurse said. Have you contacted the practice manager to discuss it?
Good morning everyone. 5.8 :D
Sorry I haven't been in touch much lately but for five months we've known that my OH's current role was disappearing and thus the risk of redundancy, It has been very scary, especially as we rely on his income. Anyhow he applied for a different job last week which had fierce competition. He was successful and has been promoted. I am so proud of him, and relieved🙂
Brilliant news Amanda! 🙂 Well done M! 🙂 And great waking number! 🙂
Thank you Akan 🙂. 🙂
Great news AJ!

Your touring holiday sounds like fun Lynn! 🙂

A 6.3 for me.
Thank you Amigo 🙂
Morning all, 4.7 for me today. Still on 6 units of Lantus, it seems that lowering the dose has made no difference at all to my morning readings?! I am considerably less "bouncy" during the day now though - hope it continues!
Morning all, continuing a nice run of 5s with a 5.5 today 🙂

Bon voyage for all going on holiday :D and a definite 😱 to your nurse, @KookyCat, that needs reporting!
Is it Sunny Beach you're going to Mark? If so I could recommend some good places to eat and drink. You won't believe how cheap it can be.

Yes it is Sunny Beach. We are going all inclusive but it will still be nice to know where else to eat & drink for a change. Thanks, Amigo.🙂