Group 7-day waking average?

4:30 BG 7.4
6:00 BG 4.9 ??
Activating the Libre today so I shall see what that is all about.
Perhaps it is the shock of getting up so early
(Husband is a poll clerk today)
Good luck with the pop up Mark and hope the B12 sorts you out Kooky. I think I'll fire up the Mini this morning as it's supposed to be a cracking day. Going to vote befote work although we haven't had any literature from any of the parties. Oh and 5.8 for me
Morning! 5.9 for me.🙂 Our pop up shop opens today at Deepdale market. Quite a commute for us but looks like the wearher will be good.🙂

Glad you're feeling better, Kooky. Think my wife has a B12 deficiency. She is on folic acid but her body is not absorbing it.

Mine doesn't absorb B12 well either Mark, in fact the injections make me vomit (sorry bit graphic) so I have to have slow infusion and sit with a basin for two hours. It's lovely, but at least I absorb some that way. Tablets are useless for me I had them for 18 months the last time and at high doses and it took all that time to get from 56 to 106. Might be worth her asking about a B12 test, once the B12 was a problem I couldn't hold on to any B vitamins, or potassium it seems (but apparently that's just me!).
Good luck with the pop up Mark and hope the B12 sorts you out Kooky. I think I'll fire up the Mini this morning as it's supposed to be a cracking day. Going to vote befote work although we haven't had any literature from any of the parties. Oh and 5.8 for me
Just voted. No literature at all for me either, had to look up the Police Commissioners on t'interweb 😱 Beat the rush though and the pencils hadn't all been nicked 😉
Morning all 6.3 for me. Better get a boogie on, still to get ready for work, vote and collect prescription that I ran out of-oops. Lovely day here, here's hoping the weathers turning nicer,cause I have a day off tomorrow
7.7 here, and a completely flat line overnight, that's obviously what sausage and lentil casserole does for me, maybe I should live on it permanently!

Glad you've got your B12 and your GP under control, Kooky.
5.2 for me this morning. Have got a bit complacent with diet these last 10 days or so, need a slap to get me back on track
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today.
Glad that B12 treatment is out of the way Kooky. Sounds horrible. Does the difficiency effect your memory? Only asking cos there was a lady on TV last night (gp behind closed doors ) who had low b12 and dr mentioned it.
Good luck with the shop today Mark Lovely day for it!
Morning All, 7.8 for me highest for a while (still not taking my Glic tho) now is it stress of being at work again (mmmm) or did I have a little to much celebrating my HbA1c last night. (mmm must be work)
Glad your better @KookyCat, hope you sell plenty @Mark Parrott and mrs P of course.
Hope you are feeling better with your B12 boost Kooky, good luck at the pop up Mark, if I was busy this weekend I'd have suggested a day out with the other half to pop along for a nose, we love upcycling things for our garden.
A slightly lower 8.3 for me today, I was at 6.5 before bed last night.
5.2 for me this morning. Have got a bit complacent with diet these last 10 days or so, need a slap to get me back on track
Really Greg, that's an excellent, healthy number to wake on. Don't feel you have to keep driving it lower, you have done really well getting things under control and now your body is coping very well, with non-diabetic (not even close!) levels 🙂 It's why we call a 5.2 a 'House Special'! :D
A large 15.9 for me this morning! It's nearly Friday yay!
Hi everyone, short holiday nearly finished. I got a break but not the type I hoped for! Had a bad fall and have fractured my hand and injured various body parts. :( No alcohol was involved.
Hi everyone, short holiday nearly finished. I got a break but not the type I hoped for! Had a bad fall and have fractured my hand and injured various body parts. :( No alcohol was involved.
OH Blimey!!!! Amigo!!! That wasnt the plan. You should have been having a break away, not a break amigo holiday. Hope you heal quickly. Wishing you well hun. X
Hi everyone, short holiday nearly finished. I got a break but not the type I hoped for! Had a bad fall and have fractured my hand and injured various body parts. :( No alcohol was involved.
Aagh! 😱 Really sorry to hear this Amigo :( I hope you are not in pain and that you heal quickly {{{HUGS}}}
Really Greg, that's an excellent, healthy number to wake on. Don't feel you have to keep driving it lower, you have done really well getting things under control and now your body is coping very well, with non-diabetic (not even close!) levels 🙂 It's why we call a 5.2 a 'House Special'! :D

Thanks Northerner. Not overly concerned by the waking result, I just know in myself that a few inappropriate food choices have been creeping back into my diet and need to get a proper grip of it again, or my next Hba1c won't be as good as the last one! Have been generally busy and making healthy choices is much more difficult when time is limited :-/ plus bread I find very hard to resist!
Oh Amigo that's bad news 😱 So sorry to hear about your injury. Hope the pain can be reasonably controlled and you're soon mended xx