Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 5.4 again today.

Thanks everyone, my heel was treated and has extra strategically placed padding inside the cast, it doesn't feel quite as sore, phew!
I hope you get some good help very quickly Rosie, you are having such a battle and it's not fair on you and it shouldn't be.
Good morning 🙂 5.4 again today.

Thanks everyone, my heel was treated and has extra strategically placed padding inside the cast, it doesn't feel quite as sore, phew!
I hope you get some good help very quickly Rosie, you are having such a battle and it's not fair on you and it shouldn't be.
Glad to hear the heel is more comfortable @Flower 🙂
Morning everyone. a high 9 for me today. My morning readings always seem to be higher than I want.
Morning everyone. a high 9 for me today. My morning readings always seem to be higher than I want.
What are things like during the day Stitch? I seem to be noticing that your morning levels are creeping up slightly, I wonder if your medication is not working quite as well as it was and might need reviewing?
I was wondering that too Northerner. Last time I went to the Dr's he asked me to start to reduce my metformin, I was taking 2 after breakfast and 2 after dinner, at the moment I'm taking 1 after breakfast and 2 after dinner and im on 2 gliclizide before breakfast. I was thinking of going back up to the max dose of metformin to see if that makes a difference. My next HbA1c isnt due until beginning of June. Most days I seem to average between 6-10 with my readings (which are definately a bit higher since reducing the Metformin). I might go back on to the higher dose and see what happens.
A 7.1 'confessional' for me. Since I've been ill my levels have crept up a bit on a morning but level during the day until after the evening meal. Rarely going higher than 8.5 though.

Best wishes to everyone x
A 7.1 'confessional' for me. Since I've been ill my levels have crept up a bit on a morning but level during the day until after the evening meal. Rarely going higher than 8.5 though.

Best wishes to everyone x
Considering what you have been dealing with, I think you are doing very well 🙂
Morning all 5.1 for me
Thanks everyone, I am extremely frustrated. I think it's possibly the canagliflozin that's "papering over the cracks" as northerner says! I'm trying extremely hard and getting so annoyed that healthcare professionals don't seem to be concerned. It terrifies me thinking that im doing damage to my body when I'm trying to hard to stop that. All the complications that come with high blood sugars scare me so much! All my results are on Diasend now so the DSN can check them out and see just how high they are basically all the time now. It's interesting to see them in a graph and see them slowly rising!

Also Amigo I second what Northerner said. Even when unwell you had good levels and you should be proud of that!
I'm struggling to find any useful information regarding type 2 and exercise. Most of the information relies on type 2s not being used to exercise. I enjoy exercising and although I'm overweight, I lead a very active life. I'm a student nurse AND go to the gym and now swimming! The past few weeks I've barely been below 13 after meals (like 11ish upon waking) even though my exercise and fitness levels have increased! This is very stressful :(

How many carbs are you eating at mealtimes? That will be the thing that has potential to increases BG in all of us. There is a lot in the Food and Carbs section about lowering carbs. Is that worth a try?
A rather late good morning (and only just in time).
Busy setting up my new weaving room.

A 4.6 this morning after an unexplained hypo in the night.
Went to bed at 10.2 after a late meal with accurate carb count.
I have a slightly higher ratio at night (1:14) so did not expect to go low.
This did follow a fasting afternoon into early evening, 6 hours in total.
Could that have an effect?
How many carbs are you eating at mealtimes? That will be the thing that has potential to increases BG in all of us. There is a lot in the Food and Carbs section about lowering carbs. Is that worth a try?

I am trying to do LCHF mostly. I don't post usually in the food section, I just lurk :D I'm currently posting everything in MyFitnessPal so I'm logging what I'm eating. I don't eat pasta, bread, potatoes etc but I do love cous cous and sweet potatoes. I occasionally have quinoa too. A typical tea for me is fish with cous cous or gammon with eggs! I am trying to limit my carb intake to around 100/120g a day although I do go over some days. Some days I WILL have pasta but I make my own pesto so I'll have something like brown pasta with chicken and pesto.
Sounds good and you are welcome to come and cook for me!!
I hope that you get some answers at your next appointment.
I'm tolerable to small amounts of cous cous & sweet potato, but if I overdo it just slightly, my BS goes up.
Happily SB2015! I love cooking and finding new low carb recipes. Some are a bit terrible but some are gorgeous. I really need to start writing them down!

Mark Im the same with sweet potatoes but luckily cous cous and quinoa seem to be fine! All hell breaks loose if I have any kind of rice though!!
Haven't risked rice yet. Bulger wheat is ok though. Similar to cous cous but a bit bigger.
Morning everyone! 11.4 today. Got a 20 min doctors appointment at 4:30 to discuss insulin, medication and the foot pain I've been getting all week (plus unrelated prescription for more sleeping tablets!)
Morning all.🙂 4.2 here. 😛

Glad to hear your heel feels more comfortable, Flower. 🙂

Rosie, sounds like you're making a supreme effort. I hope the doc realises that later and ACTS! Just a thought tho, gammon sends me high - is it dipped in something sugary? o_O Good luck...