Group 7-day waking average?

Hahaha. LOL Rosie...Well done on finding a new hobby and taking to it, well, like a diabetic to water.😛

Ha!! I can't wait to get back in the water!

I'm a strangely high 15.3 today. I'm not sure why but hoping it goes down! I hope it's not a sign of me becoming unwell, I don't have time to be poorly!!
Good luck with the consultant today, Kooky 🙂
Morning all 5.5 for me
🙂Good morning all and 6.4 for me 🙂
Great result Amigo and hope you're well on the road to recovery.
Good luck with your appt Kooky!
6.0 for me this morning & day 5 of the lurgy. It will be nice to feel well again at some point :(. On the plus side, sugar levels have been slightly higher than normal but not much and I've stayed in single figures, so things could have been worse. Now, if only I could breathe...
6.0 for me this morning & day 5 of the lurgy. It will be nice to feel well again at some point :(. On the plus side, sugar levels have been slightly higher than normal but not much and I've stayed in single figures, so things could have been worse. Now, if only I could breathe...
Hope you feel better soon
6.0 for me this morning & day 5 of the lurgy. It will be nice to feel well again at some point :(. On the plus side, sugar levels have been slightly higher than normal but not much and I've stayed in single figures, so things could have been worse. Now, if only I could breathe...

That was my post almost word for word some weeks ago SlowRunner and then I ended up with severe pneumonia. If you don't feel any better, see your doctor. Glad your BG's haven't gone berserk though.
Pneumonia!! 😱. I will definitely be visiting the doctor if I don't improve soon xx
6.4 today and Kooky is not a happy cat, not happy at all (see she's referring to herself in the third person that's a sign of severe annoyance). 6 units of Tresiba was working well until the clocks went forward or back or whatever nonsense they make us do, and literally since Sunday the blood sugar has been higher than normal, stuck all day at around 8. Is the fairy having a giraffe? I mean seriously the clocks changing is now a factor to add in as well as everything else. Why? No really why? I'm so annoyed I could burst out of my own chest like alien.

On the plus side consultant prescribed me Tresiba cartridges and the half unit pen which I can pick up today so hopefully half units are the key, because this is starting to really tick me off 😡
Move over Khskel, 5.5 for me too.🙂 Think last night's dinner was a problem. Had a jacket sweet potato with home made chilli. It wasn't a huge potato, but BG went from 5.8 to 8.7! My highest after dinner reading for months😱. Oh well, it's all a learning curve.
Morning all.🙂 Some lovely figures this fine morning...not here tho - 13.6. :( Ouch! I blame the weird sinuse-y headache / earache I've had since Monday. 🙄
Down, BG, down. Bad BG! 😱

Glad to hear your consultant's listening, Kooks. Hope you get your basal in line asap.
Morning all.🙂 Some lovely figures this fine morning...not here tho - 13.6. :( Ouch! I blame the weird sinuse-y headache / earache I've had since Monday. 🙄
Down, BG, down. Bad BG! 😱

Glad to hear your consultant's listening, Kooks. Hope you get your basal in line asap.
Ack! Hope your levels improve as the day progresses @Bloden ! Get well soon! 🙂
5.0 here, to wind Kooky up even further. Here's to the half unit pen, though, glad your consultant seems sensible.
Hope you feel better soon, Bloden.
Good morning folks - 7.8 for me today.
Morning all, 8.7 for me today.
Morning 🙂 5.4 for me today.
Off to plaster room and podiatry today as I have one of those agonising heel splits under my plaster cast and need help!! Ouch it hurts, stupid feet ggrrr!
Glad your consultant was useful KookyC and really hope the half unit pen prevents you having to do an alien act!
Keep giving your BG the Barbara Woodhouse treatment Bloden it's the best way 😉