Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.8 for me again today, 2 days in a row 🙂
Glad to hear that you are back home Amigo.
An annoying 9.3 for me today. I had fairly high numbers all day yesterday and ive been feeling a bit down for the past few days. I think ive been putting on a brave face about things since being diagnosed last august and even though Ive got my HbA1c down nicely things are really hitting me now. Im on holiday in just over 3 weeks time and im hoping that it will be the break away that I need.
Good morning 🙂 4.0 today.

Good to hear you are home Amigo, keep going Stitch you have done so brilliantly and it's nearly holiday time 🙂

Thank you all for your very kind good wishes. The repeat tests I had last week were no better unfortunately so had some more and different tests but it looks like progression of the chronic kidney disease I've had for many years. The only good thing is I know my control is pretty tight, I've been told on numerous occasions that I have the gene for complications and sadly I think it is true as well as a helping of bad luck where diabetes is concerned. I'll wait for the next lot of test results and hope, bl@@dy diabetes 😡😡
Sorry to hear that it wasnt better news Flower. X
Don't get despondent Flower, these things often level out and not progress to problematic levels. Just do what you're doing and don't let the worry suck the joy out of your life.

Stitch, give yourself a kick up the bum for forgetting how far you've come and how well you've done with a life extending weight loss and much improved fitness levels. You've taken control but a few bad days have slapped you down. They won't last and your holiday will re-energise you!

I was due to go to Spain on Sunday but I'm not fit to travel so it's disappointment all round. But they'll be other days and having been desperately ill, today I'm just glad to be alive! 🙂
{{{hugs}}} for Flower, Amigo and Stitch, and all who are feeling a bit down :(. Here's to a brighter year all round for us all.

My reading was another 5.2 today (5.6 yesterday). I've tried to be a bit more disciplined lately, and if it carries on like this my GP will be very pleased when I see her in May!
Morning from hospital central folks.

A 4.7 for me which has been the norm in here. Was even told to order a higher carb meal last night!

So BG's good, just need a working pair of lungs now! 😳
Sorry that you are still in that yukky hotel.
Glad that the BGs are good though, as that should help with recovery.
6.8 this morning at the start of a fasting test for the morning.
Lunch will be very yummy.
Was 14.6 this morning. Now at 9.6!
So pleased to hear you're home, Amigo - I don't know where you were going in Spain, but the weather's been pretty awful all week, especially on the Costas, so you haven't missed out on a heatwave or anything! Good luck getting better.🙂

Cheer up, Stitch. 😉 We all get a bit down with this bloomin' illness from time to time. It's only natural. Just think of all the positive changes you've made and how good they make you feel. 😳🙂 Not long to your hols now - where you going?

Sorry to hear about your CKD, Flower. It doesn't seem fair when your control is so tight.
Cheer up, Stitch. 😉 We all get a bit down with this bloomin' illness from time to time. It's only natural. Just think of all the positive changes you've made and how good they make you feel. 😳🙂 Not long to your hols now - where you going?

10 days all inclusive in Lanzarote. Cant wait. I tend to eat quite a lot healthier when I'm out there as there is a lot of fresh sea food and salads available. Just really looking forward to some time away with the OH and his mum.
10 days all inclusive in Lanzarote. Cant wait. I tend to eat quite a lot healthier when I'm out there as there is a lot of fresh sea food and salads available. Just really looking forward to some time away with the OH and his mum.

Sounds lovely and it will do you the world of good! 🙂
9.8 but I didn't get woken in the night. Hurrah! have made some tweaks to try and bring it down from tomorrow.

(((hugs))) for Flower, Amigo and Stitch
10 days all inclusive in Lanzarote. Cant wait. I tend to eat quite a lot healthier when I'm out there as there is a lot of fresh sea food and salads available. Just really looking forward to some time away with the OH and his mum.
Any space in your suitcase?
Good afternoon all 🙂 And 7.0 after a busy night and for some silly reason trouble getting to sleep. Think my brain didn't want to turn off!

Great to hear you're home Amigo. Wishing you a relaxing recovery. A bugger about the BGs being lower in hospital but they were still in you usual good range so that's something. 🙂

Your holiday has come at just the right time Stitch. You deserve the break away and it will really perk you up. We all have our moments when we don't feel as positive. Hope you're soon feeling brighter xx

Well done Pine Martin. Hope that extra hard work pays big rewards at your next hba1c 🙂
Hugs Flower, Amigo and Stitch x
7.8 this morning and in target all night 🙂
Morning all. 5.4 for me today. Trip to hospital this aft to see if I need any meds for my mutated bone marrow
Morning all. 5.4 for me today. Trip to hospital this aft to see if I need any meds for my mutated bone marrow
Good grief, Khskel! You've got some list of ailments. Hope it goes well.

Morning folks.🙂 7.6 today - I was high all day yesterday, for whatever random reason:confused:, so it's a relief to touch tierra firma again!😱🙂

Aw,'re right, Stitch, it's so much easier to be healthy when the sun's shining! Hope you have a fab time.😎🙂
Morning 5.7 today, is it still only Wednesday? I'm absolutely shattered!

Glad to hear you're home Amigo, hope you get a few glimpses of sunshine whilst recovering 🙂 Flower sorry to hear about the kidney tests, I do hope they can offer some light at the end of the tunnel with that next set of tests X

Stitch, give yourself a minute. Those of us who are highly motivated tend towards throwing ourselves into control before we acknowledge the enormity of it all, it'll pass, just go with it for a while and lick your wounds, then enjoy that holiday 🙂

Good luck with the appointment khskel, hope it goes well, and happy Wednesday to all 🙂