Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 6.2 for me today, but of a hypo tastic day yesterday so basal back down then....good grief this is getting annoying, I jested about a three day cycle previously but I think I might actually have to do it until I get hold of a half unit pen!

Amigo glad you're well enough to be in communication again, and I hope the recuperation isn't as arduous as it sounds, sorry you're going to miss your holiday, that's pants :(
Unfortunately we were due to fly out somewhere warm next week, all booked and paid for but I'm not fit to travel :(

They'll be other times.
Aw, that's a real shame :( You'll have to pretend you've ended up there, but in a rubbish hotel where there's nothing to do and the food is bad! 😱 😉
Afternoon all and 6.6 today. Am working alternate nights for a while but my BGs don't seem too bothered!
Thsts really disappointing re holiday Amigo. Hope you're soon set to book another one
Another late afternoon entry here, and a nice 5.2 again this morning - whooo! Yesterday was 5.1 (am I feeling smug?!)

Amigo, that's a real pest :(...hope things improve soon!
Evening all! 5.7 for me this morning, 7.5 after epic 4 hour run... Yes it really did take me that long!! Fuelled by one banana & a bottle of lucozade sport. Treated myself to a slice of carrot cake, & pre-dinner reading was 10.5. Expecting massive plummet at some point... Ooh the anticipation 😉
Evening all! 5.7 for me this morning, 7.5 after epic 4 hour run... Yes it really did take me that long!! Fuelled by one banana & a bottle of lucozade sport. Treated myself to a slice of carrot cake, & pre-dinner reading was 10.5. Expecting massive plummet at some point... Ooh the anticipation 😉
Well done @SlowRunner , that's a great achievement! 🙂 Peanut butter on toast for supper to keep your levels up overnight! 🙂
Well done @SlowRunner , that's a great achievement! 🙂 Peanut butter on toast for supper to keep your levels up overnight! 🙂
Thank you 🙂, but...
Peanut butter!! 😱 Cheers, but I'll pass... I will be thinking of alternatives to your suggestion!
Thank you 🙂, but...
Peanut butter!! 😱 Cheers, but I'll pass... I will be thinking of alternatives to your suggestion!
I always found it a good bedtime snack as the fat slows the digestion and keeps levels up for longer 🙂 Cheese on toast a good alternative, I found! 🙂
Good morning folks - 8.5 for me today. Wish this bug would do one! I am fed up of sniffing and coughing! :(
Morning all! 6.6 for me on this till morning. Bought some sugar free ginger shortbread biscuits from Skirlington market yesterday. Not totally diabetic friendly, but around 6g carb each and they are quite big. Dunk nicely too.:D
Morning all 6.4 today, aided by a delightful chicken Kiev I knocked up last night using an almond crust instead of the normal breadcrumbs. Soooo much nicer, the chicken practically fell apart it was so tender. Yum, course I smell like a giant garlic bulb this morning 🙄. Almonds do a delightful job of keeping the blood sugar stable overnight :D Ooh and it's a four day week with a four day weekend at the end, what could be nicer 🙂
That chicken Kiev sounds yummy, Kooky. Must try it myself.
Good morning 12.7 ending my three day run of good morning levels. It may be a blip because I've got a bad stomach.
Morning from hospital central folks.

A 4.7 for me which has been the norm in here. Was even told to order a higher carb meal last night!

So BG's good, just need a working pair of lungs now! 😳
Morning all.🙂 9.7 for me (who knows?!).

Sorry to hear about your missed holiday, Amigo. Hope this week sees you back home and feeling much better.

It's a countdown to the Easter school holidays here. Roll on Thursday...!:D
Good morning 🙂 3.9 for me today, I seem to have started going low again :confused:
Off to hospital today to try and find out why my kidney function has dropped so much so quickly, quite worried about it!
Good morning 🙂 3.9 for me today, I seem to have started going low again :confused:
Off to hospital today to try and find out why my kidney function has dropped so much so quickly, quite worried about it!
I hope things go well at the appointment @Flower, and that you get good news {{{HUGS}}}