Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.6 for me which hopefully means I'm firmly back from the 'Dark Side'.

Huge best wishes for today AJ x

Just the usual short hop to Paris for lunch today Stitch, bit of shopping and then back on the private jet in time for The Voice :D
morning folks.... it's a 6.6 for me this morning. I'm not testing everyday, doc wants me to cut down for awhile due to me becoming a little obsessive and making my anxiety worse.
Good morning all and very pleased with 6.3 today 🙂 I've been trying extra hard and glad it's showing instant results. Just got to keep it up!
Good luck at Moorfields Amanda.
Got work later and this morning I'm making mother in law a cake for tomor. I'm so not a cook so hope she will appreciate my efforts!
Well, I need 7 units for one slice of Burgen toast in the morning! 😱 Yet, only 5 units for sausage, mash and veg + apple and chocolate in the evenings! 🙄
It's a funny old game...:confused:🙂 I'm just as carb-sensitive in the evening (1:5g) as I am in the morning (1:6g). I can let rip at lunch-time (1:12g) but it HAS to be medium-GI (my other meals HAVE to be low-GI) or I go high later.😱🙂
I wanted to do loads this weekend but feel poo.:( My wife & I run a furniture upcycling business and we are doing a craft fair up in Yorkshire in 2 weeks & need to crack on with stuff but really dont feel like it. Hopefully the pills will kick in soon🙂
4.2 this morning. A little near the mark.

Getting into a right old mess with timing of bolus on evening meals and ending up hypo in the middle of the meal. 2.1 yesterday. So the morning ones are probably sensitive to the mess the night before (and that is without any chocolate buttons)

Feel like I have sorted breakfast (most of the time) but struggling with evening meals timing as it is never the same meal, and timing of new things is a bit unpredictable, and it is my OHs week to cook. He weighs everything and adds up carbs but then it is difficult to predict how much I will actually eat. We will get better at it and I shall just go onto the conservative side of times at present and then work back as necessary.
8.9 for me. Aargh! Entirely my fault, had a particularly slow release meal last night, ( Lancashire hotpot, only with just one token bit of potato from the top) followed by cheese, with wine, and felt hypo in the night. Treated it without testing as I was half asleep ( I'm between Libre sensors at the mo). May well have been dropping, but obv still had some digesting to do.
4.8 for me today, I did a lot of walking yesterday (over 21000 steps!) and I may have not gotten out of bed until an hour later than usual... It's the weekend (even if I have to work tonight!)
Morning all. Am I the first one up on this chilly Sunday morning. 8.5 for me today.
Porridge for me.
Thank you everyone for the good lucks at Moorfields. Unfortunately it wasn't good news for me. I last ate at 4pm yesterday, corrected at 10.1 at 10pm and then woke with an 18.2 at 4.30am!
Sorry you are having so much trouble AJLang, Hope they sort it out soon for you xx..I'm having 1 slice of wholemeal toast 🙂
Sorry to hear it's more bad news, AJ. Try to have a relaxing Sunday.

Morning all.🙂 7.6 here - Libre's going on today cos there's something afoot overnight and I want to know what it is! Enjoy this chilly Sunday...:D
Sorry about the bad news AJ. 4.6 for me despite nocturnal oatcakes
Another 6.6 clickety click for me.

Have a lovely Mothers Day to all the mums 🙂
Good morning folks - 7.2 for me today.

AJ - (((hugs))) - them's is bone crushing hugs!!!
Good morning (just!) A 7.6 for me today, courtesy of a bit of a lie-in and Madame Dawn Phenomenon... 🙄
Good morning all and another 6.3 🙂
im going for a hat trick!
Sorry it wasn't a good eye appointment Amanda. But hope you feel brighter today.