Group 7-day waking average?

Morning 🙂 6.8 for me today.

Thank you all for your well wishes 🙂 My appointment went ok, I have a penciled in date for the operation to try and save my leg in 7 weeks after I have taken a cocktail of anitbiotics for 6 weeks to kill a bone infection. I am exceedingly scared as we talked about the difficult decisions I may have to make if nothing heals again or it gets infected then in a complete mad moment I watched part of the operation on youtube - what on earth was I thinking!!!! 😱😱 - Why did I ever think that was going to be a sensible thing to do? Stupid Flower 🙄

I hope your levels smooth out today Amanda and stop sending you up and down the D rollercoaster 🙂
I don't know about Stupid Flower - blooming brave if you ask me - youtube can be the devil's spawn if you ask me!!!

Fingers crossed for the Antibiotics kill off the infection.
Thank you Flower🙂 I'm glad that the appointment went well for you but not at all surprised that you're scared. I'm glad that you've got time to make decisions. I hope that you are able to keep yourself focused on nice things between now and the surgery, although I know that is easier said than done x
Morning all.🙂 5.9 for me. Yesterday, all my before meal readings were 5.0! Thought my meter was stuck.:D

Hope everything goes ok for you Flower.
Fingers crossed for you flower, now ban yourself from videos like that on youtube, just stick to cats to funny things!!! Hope you get your levels down AJ.

A 7.3 for me again today.
Good morning all and 6.4 today 🙂
Difficult times Flower but hoping things improve with antibiotics xx
{{{HUGS}}} Flower, hope those antibiotics do their stuff 🙂

A somewhat elevated 7.4 for me today, and sneezing and sniffling :(
Have to report a 5.2 this morning after being low all night and jelly babies. Caused by my overreaction I think. Jamie went to his youth club and I think that someone gave him tea with sugar. He was nearly 11 when he got home and I think I overcorrected. So stayed up watching catch up tv until 1.30 when his levels started to rise and again at 5 to check when he was back low again. Not a good day today as we are in hospital looking at his blood levels which have always been low (problems with white blood cells etc and platelets) but have gone more alarmingly low. Hoping it is a blip but will get immediate results and have appointment with Haematologist.
Have to report a 5.2 this morning after being low all night and jelly babies. Caused by my overreaction I think. Jamie went to his youth club and I think that someone gave him tea with sugar. He was nearly 11 when he got home and I think I overcorrected. So stayed up watching catch up tv until 1.30 when his levels started to rise and again at 5 to check when he was back low again. Not a good day today as we are in hospital looking at his blood levels which have always been low (problems with white blood cells etc and platelets) but have gone more alarmingly low. Hoping it is a blip but will get immediate results and have appointment with Haematologist.
I hope the appointment goes well shirley 🙂
How I feel for what you're going through Flower. I can only send immense best wishes to you in your challenge.
Sorry to hear of your misbehaving levels too AJ. Best wishes to Shirley and son, it must be so hard being a parent and managing this. Hope the appointment goes well.

I'm a much better 6.4 this morning and the virus has headed South with a vengeance but it's preferable to the other end! It's made me realise how helpless it is to watch your levels rise without food and be totally unable to prevent them!

Like they say, when you get to the end of your rope, hang on tight! 😳
I'm a much better 6.4 this morning and the virus has headed South with a vengeance but it's preferable to the other end! It's made me realise how helpless it is to watch your levels rise without food and be totally unable to prevent them!

Like they say, when you get to the end of your rope, hang on tight! 😳
It's pretty scary even when you can do something about it - when I was really ill a couple of years ago I couldn't eat or drink without it coming straight back. Although I could keep levels under control with insulin to some extent, I was scared in case I overdid it and ended up having a hypo that I wouldn't be able to treat 😱 Illness and diabetes are never a good mix :(
5.8 this morning. (No chocolate buttons last night!!)
It's pretty scary even when you can do something about it - when I was really ill a couple of years ago I couldn't eat or drink without it coming straight back. Although I could keep levels under control with insulin to some extent, I was scared in case I overdid it and ended up having a hypo that I wouldn't be able to treat 😱 Illness and diabetes are never a good mix :(

Yes I was thinking of that as I typed it northerner. I can see why dehydration and inability to keep food and drink down would quickly land diabetics in hospital. It made me grateful I could test too because with a knackered immune system, I needed to watch how bad it could get! 😱
Great that you've got a 6.1 Northerner. 4.7 for me so I'm having a little bit of Lucozade and going back to bed for an hour or two 🙂
Morning folks.🙂 8.9 here...Dawn, you little devil! Sneaking up on me with your bloomin' Phenomenon.🙄

We're shopping for lights ALL day today...will this house reno never end?😱🙂

Hope all you poorly bunnies are feeling better today. Have a good Friday...!
Good morning folks - 7.5 for me this morning and a bucket full of white stuff falling from the sky 😱🙄
Good morning 🙂 an annoyingly high 10.4 for me today :confused: Diabetes you are really spoiling me !!
It's ruining me! Good luck with the antibiotics, Flower. Everything crossed here too!😱🙂