Group 7-day waking average?

Hello, hello, hello.🙂 5.1 here.😛

I can just see the beginning of the Picos (where we're going today!) from my house and there's a great big cloud covering everything...hahaha. My photos will be pretty boring, methinks. 🙄

I hope your cold blows over asap, Kooks. And I really hope your 'fire fight' is over, AJ.
6.5 here. Have been sleeping a bit longer recently, (good) so don't catch the reading before the dawn rise (bad).
Hope that pesky cold doesn't develop into a momster, Kooky.
Morning everyone. A 7.3 for me this morning. Im liking the fact its lighter in the mornings for my walk to the office.
Morning! 5.7 for me which surprised me as I had an awful nights sleep.
Good morning folks - a lofty 8.1 for me this morning. Heaven only know what is causing the rise - could be the thyroxine getting into my system!
Hello, hello, hello.🙂 5.1 here.😛

I can just see the beginning of the Picos (where we're going today!) from my house and there's a great big cloud covering everything...hahaha. My photos will be pretty boring, methinks. 🙄

I hope your cold blows over asap, Kooks. And I really hope your 'fire fight' is over, AJ.
Thanks Bloden. Have a brilliant weekend at the Picos. I did a correction at 6am and two hours later my BG has gone up!!
Good morning 🙂 4.1 here.
Apologies for any seriously bad language floating around at 3 am as I had cramp down my leg under my plaster cast and had to do my swearing dance 😱o_O

I hope you can find the mountains Bloden and diabetes behaves itself for everyone else 🙂
Oh Flower! I have so been there! No plaster cast but still the swearing dance in the kitchen!!!
Good morning 🙂 5.4 for me today - had a precautionary slice of cheese on toast before bed and that seems to have kept the night incident-free, although I really shouldn't have to be doing that when I don't have any basal insulin to worry about! 🙄

Sorry to hear about the swearing dance Flower, hope you get a very peaceful night tonight to make up for it 🙂
7:57 - 11.4 mmol/l
10:29 - 10.8 mmol/l

The only thing I have had today is a coke zero and a cup of coffee with milk.

Very disappointed :-(
Sounds like dawn phenomenon to me.
Hi Lee, welcome to the forum 🙂 Have you been diagnosed long? Did you test before bed?

Since 2010, didn't test before bed. Also forgot as usual to take my evening dose of metformin.

What is the best times to test, I decided to start testing after Trust Me I'm a doctor. Want to see what foods trigger spikes. Seems I need to do nothing to spike at the mo?
Test just before you eat and 2 hours afterwards.
As little as possible, really. Ideally after food, you want to be below 8.5, but this of course depends on what your pre food reading is. I try to stick to no more than 2 mmols increase after eating. Anything that pushes you up 4 mmols or more is either too sweet or too carby.
Quite often, your liver starts pumping out extra glucose just before and after you get up a morning, to prepare for the coming day, this is the Dawn Phenomenon that Mark referred to above. Some people find that eating something for breakfast straight way stops it in its tracks, and they end up lower a couple of hours later. It varies from person to person, so trial and error is the only way to find out. ( If I remember my kid's school maths lessons, it's now called Trial and Improvement, because we wouldn't like to tell them they were making an error, now would we!)
Personally, I find that caffeine raises my glucose levels, so Coke Zero and a coffee would have my levels hitting the stratosphere,
I'm lucky as caffeine has no effect on me. I usually have 4 or 5 cups of coffee in the morning and no BS spike.