Group 7-day waking average?

A slightly too high 7.4 after a bed time reading of 4.7 followed by oatcake, cheese and 2 creon. Was 7.4 @ 4.20. Looks like some more night time testing is in order to se.e if I can make sense of this
A better 7.5 for me today. Was at 9.5 after dinner last night, but had a small portion of rice (about 2 spoonfuls) and some tortilla chips with my homemade chili. Was rather delicious though.
That's a great result Mark 🙂 Maybe your results will start to persuade him that your approach might be a good idea 🙂 Does he test at all?
Rarely. He stopped testing because his results were always high!😱 He is one of these 'head in the sand' people. His last HbA1c was 74, he has been diagnosed for 15 years & is on the highest dose of tablets possible before going on Insulin. He tells me he has never had any complications, then goes on about his 'very painful' frozen shoulder. I had a frozen shoulder, but since getting my BS down, it's virtually gone away.🙂
7.9 for me this am. But i did have a sandwich quite late. But still single figures so i am happy 🙂
Morning all 🙂
I'm fed up with a 7.3 today. Fed up with myself because I ate what I wanted last night and know I can't do that anymore but still do it! Sometimes I think I need more medication so I can eat nicer things more often but in reality not sure that's the answer.
But on the bright side I hope this very odd number has cheered you up Kooky! :D
My BG's are singing unusually low this morning at 5.8 but I suspect it's because I swopped my bedtime hot milk for a vodka and Coke! So it might wreck my kidneys but it distracts my liver temporarily!

I know exactly what you mean though Linda. I so wanted crisps with it :(
I know exactly what you mean though Linda. I so wanted crisps with it :(

"As I was out walking, I happened to meet
Someone casually eating some crisps in the street.
Now, that’s not remarkable, I hear you all say,
For it’s something we witness almost every day!
Well, that may be true, but I think you may find
Diabetes brings thoughts of a quite different kind.
The thoughts may be angry: how dare she do that!
Just stuffing her face at the drop of a hat!
The thoughts may be jealous: I wish it was me,
Enjoying those crisps so entirely carefree!
Or, maybe some sadness: I remember the time
When I would eat crisps, oh the taste was sublime!
Now that one simple act that the girl took for granted,
For me, is a sin that must now be recanted.
The carbs in the crisps would send my blood sugar high –
It’s hard to resist, but I really must try!
But once in a while, I may admit defeat,
And casually consume some crisps in the street!"

Tee-hee northie! I read all your poems to my other half (who normally cringes at poetry) but he always has a good laugh too and said you really need your poetry publishing professionally! 🙂

And confession time...I munched 4 Pringles 😱
Tee-hee northie! I read all your poems to my other half (who normally cringes at poetry) but he always has a good laugh too and said you really need your poetry publishing professionally! 🙂

And confession time...I munched 4 Pringles 😱
You managed to stop at 4? 😱

When I was diagnosed there were a lot of things I came across in my new world of diabetes that struck me as funny, so I started writing poems about it. I don't really like the 'woe is me!', anguished stuff, preferring the comical and bizarre :D I have had a couple published in Balance, when they had a 'Poetry Corner', and also in an American anthology - see video of poetry reading, they read a couple of lines from my poem 'Ode to Perfect Pancreas' about a minute in 🙂 I keep threatening to do a Kindle book of my poems, but am an accomplished procrastinator 😉

Morning all, 5.4 today. Things seem to be ok so far after stopping Metformin....
Thanks for such an apt poem Northerner. Like Amigo I also read them out loud to hubby who also thinks they're brilliant! 🙂
Pine Martin you're doing great!
Good morning🙂 3.3 for me. Just had 3 mini iced Party Ring biscuits with a cup of coffee to raise my bg, not had those biscuits for decades, yum! They might be a challenger for my top spot Wagon Wheel!
Morning everyone.🙂 6.1 here.😛 Lots planned for the weekend, including giving Gwennie (my avatar) a haircut - wish her luck!

Hope ev-one has a good one.:D
Good morning🙂 3.3 for me. Just had 3 mini iced Party Ring biscuits with a cup of coffee to raise my bg, not had those biscuits for decades, yum! They might be a challenger for my top spot Wagon Wheel!
Ooo lush!
Morning all, 7.7 for me today. Good luck Gwennie. The company my OH works for is celebrating its 55th anniversary with a party tonight. Theme is black and white, so I've got a black and white 50's style prom dress to wear. Should be good.
A terrible 7.8 for me. Was 4.9 after evening meal which rose to 6.6 before bed, 8.3 @ 01:47 7.9 @ 05:18. Seems like my levels tend to drop during the day, rise in the evening and hold steady over night. I wonder if it's digestion of my main evening meal that takes longer?
Good morning. A nice 6.5 for me.🙂
5.0 for me, a whole number three days running, (I think my meter really is stuck, and I'm not doing this deliberately to wind up Koooky).
Khskel, it certainly looks as if you're living proof of the 'we're all different' maxim!