Group 7-day waking average?

I had an 80% TBR. Woke up at 2.30am felling wobbly. Libre said 3.8 and testing machine 4.4 so I had a glug of Lucozade. It then went on a continuously upward slope until I woke up 8am with a 9.0!
7.5 for me this morning. Don't know what to have for breakfast this morning. Last night had a lovely greek meal. Lamb koftas in flatbreads (made using rye flour) and buckwheat. Absolutely gorgeous and only went up 3 points on my meter.🙂 Never had buckwheat before & it makes a lovely alternative to cous cous or rice.
Good morning 🙂 5.4 for me today after a long lie-in - maybe a knowck on effect from the hypos of the previous two nights. Happily no hypo last night, went to bed on 6.8 so decided to forego the cheese on toast 🙂
Morning all. Went to bed on 6.7 7.9 @ 04:00 6.3 @ 7:30 and after a return to bed 6.2 @ 8:33 Is 4:00 too early for Dp? Glad you had a hypo free night Northie.
Glad your night was uneventful Northie :D
Morning all 4.8 today. Glad to hear there were no night time naughties Northerner, maybe it's passed for the time being?

Look at you Lynn Davies with a double even 6.6, very good work :D

Just realised that the term night time naughties sounds a bit rude 😱. Oh well it is Saturday 😛
A slightly higher 8.1 for me today. I was naughty last night as I really fancied a burger for dinner. We was at the pub for the first beer and cider club meeting of the year and had what I wanted for a change not what I should have! I also had a sneaky 1/2 pint of beer!
A more naughty 7.3 for me but I did indulge a little at the beige buffet last night at a party. Obviously didn't dance it off enough! :D
8.7 for me this morning although I did have a naughty curry last night as it was my brothers birthday!
A slightly higher 8.1 for me today. I was naughty last night as I really fancied a burger for dinner. We was at the pub for the first beer and cider club meeting of the year and had what I wanted for a change not what I should have! I also had a sneaky 1/2 pint of beer!

Well we're allowed to enjoy our selves every now and again aren't we! As long as "every now and again" isn't regularly 🙄😛
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.8 for me.
Day off today so going on a long walk. Something we used to do frequently but things seem to get in the way these days. Hope we don't get blown away!
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.8 for me.
Day off today so going on a long walk. Something we used to do frequently but things seem to get in the way these days. Hope we don't get blown away!
Hope the weather stays good for you and you enjoy your walk! 🙂
I like it when food tastes naughty but is really very good to BS levels. Thought my flatbreads last night would be evil, but no.🙂 Rye flour works really well with me.
We definitely have several naughty steps today!
Look at you Lynn Davies with a double even 6.6, very good work :D

*Struts round room*
6.1 for me, been around the 6.0 to 6.5 all week, beats the 8.0 and above I used to get, still getting into the teens later in the day, and then the unexpected close to hypo's.