Group 7-day waking average?

Northie, not again!
I woke up needing the loo and noticed when I got back into bed that I couldn't quite see the glowing numbers on my clock radio clearly. As this is one of my symptoms, I decided to test - didn't have any other symptoms - and 2.9. I was 4.4 before bed, but had a Belvita biscuit to top me up and that usually does the trick. Obviously some errant pancreas action going on, given that I woke to a 6.0 after 3 JBs :confused:

Hope you can sort the lantus out! 🙂
Blooming BG! Not happy with being up at daft o,clock so went back to bed to try and sleep for a bit longer. Just got back up and tested and its a lovely rounded 6 🙄
A 6.6 for me.

Sorry to hear of the scary nocturnal drop northerner. Glad you caught it and sorted it.
I woke up to 8.0 this morning. My lowest ever reading. Considering I started at 12.9 when first testing a week ago (not including the 20.9 spike before i knew) I think i'm doing alright.🙂
Me neither, Bloden. 3.7 this morning, as i appear to have continued downwards after 3am. Dawn having a morning off. I'm just letting a reduction in Lantus bed in, so we'll see..
Northie, not again!

Hope the dial-down works!🙂

Nice number, Mark.
Afternoon all. Was 6.8 this morning. We was up and out early as we had to drive down to Kent to collect something my OH got on eBay. Decided to pop in to see some friends who live near Brighton while down there. Popped to a farm shop place we like down there, OH wanted some cider, I wanted some cheese, got out the car with very wobbly legs, tested 4.2 after sitting in the car for 3 hours!
Afternoon all. Was 6.8 this morning. We was up and out early as we had to drive down to Kent to collect something my OH got on eBay. Decided to pop in to see some friends who live near Brighton while down there. Popped to a farm shop place we like down there, OH wanted some cider, I wanted some cheese, got out the car with very wobbly legs, tested 4.2 after sitting in the car for 3 hours!
Goodness Stitch! 😱 You might even have to start considering reducing meds at this rate 🙂

5.9 for me today 🙂
Morning folks.🙂 8.3 here. Looks like old DP kicked in about 10 minutes before I got hoo.🙄

Meant to be nice here today, so it's hang out the washing and relax for me!😛
A naughty round 7 for me this morn (wrong on every level).

Not surprised though as 9.9 for bed following an innocent looking small scone that caused a sugar avalanche in me! Scones are now officially evil! 😡

Would never have known without testing though as this replaced and was not as well as a meal!
I'll drop after breakfast though.

Sorry you've woken higher too Bloden.
Good morning folks - 7.3 for me this morning :D
Morning all, 7.5 for me today.
7.9 for me, looks like Dawn has come back with a vengeance,
7.7 for me. Lowest ever (again). I'm happy with that :D.
A very pleasing 6.1 after yesterday's pub tea and a cheeky bit of chocolate. Going to do some basal testing this week as despite zero basal I'm still getting dips 3 to 4 hours after lunch and breakfast.
Good afternoon all 🙂 When I don't have to get up I certainly know how to sleep in! 😱
And I'm with you Lynne with a 7.3 after eating a bit more than a scone last night!
Morning all 5.6 today bit of a hypo last night....6 units not quite enough, 7units that bit too much, ooh Patty you're on dangerous territory now 😡