Group 7-day waking average?

7.2 for me this crisp morning. Looking out the window and all the feeders are being attacked by our feathered friends.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today so feeling good about that. Must admit I'm sticking to low carb bread and cheese still as it's easy and know i seem to be able to handle it. Plus good to get weight down.
Good to see you back down again Northerner.
No snow here but a sharp frost. Brrrrr
Snap, 6.6 for me too. A sprinkling of icing sugar on the garden this morning, nothing worse. Makes it look very pretty, hides the weeds.
Good morning everyone. 6.5 for me today🙂 I dare not go out because I don't trust myself in the snow. It does look lovely🙂
Making a hat-trick with another 6.6! 🙂

Is the low carb bread the stuff you get from Lidl Linda? Do all their stores have it?
Morning all 7.8 for me today and woke up feeling rough. I had a bit of a cough yesterday and today woke up all headachey. Hoping I'm not getting the lurgy!
Making a hat-trick with another 6.6! 🙂

Is the low carb bread the stuff you get from Lidl Linda? Do all their stores have it?
Hi Amigo. No this is ready sliced bread called Livlife and its seeded brown and has 3.8 grand carb per slice Only small slices but 2 with cheese or egg and salad is a very good lunch. It's slightly chewier than normal bread but I really like it. I can only find it in waitrose which is abit out of the way so usually get a couple of loaves. Sometimes it's out of stock so can be frustrating!
The Lidl low carb rolls are also good but heavier. I often find half of one is enough too. Think they are 4. Something carbs.
Both well worth a try 🙂
Good morning folks - 7.7 for me today.
Morning all, 5.8 before I set off to work today. It's brass monkeys out here. If you're still at home I advise going back to bed 🙂
Morning all, 5.8 before I set off to work today. It's brass monkeys out here. If you're still at home I advise going back to bed 🙂
Great waking number Bob 🙂 Hope you have a safe journey to work 🙂 It's just a bit chilly and damp here in the soft South 😉
Morning all.🙂 8.1 here after wee small hours hypo.🙄

Can't be doing with this getting up in the dark lark - roll on February!
Morning all.🙂 8.1 here after wee small hours hypo.🙄

Can't be doing with this getting up in the dark lark - roll on February!
I'll top that, 8.6! I woke up around 3am but not fully enough to be bothered to get up and test, so reckon I was a bit low then and rebounded. Maybe time for a libre sensor for me.
I'm getting impatient with the dark mornings. Evenings are beginning to draw out, but no change at this end of the day yet.
Morning all, 8.8 for me this morning. I still have the lingering lurgy. I spent most of yesterday curled up on the sofa trying to get warm under a blanket. In work today, but would rather be at home in bed.
Good morning all and 6.5 again here. That's 3 days in a row 🙂
Hate to complain but my pre meal readings during the day are always just over 7 and though my food is only pushing it up 1-2 points on meter shouldn't it be lower?
Hope everyone has a good Monday and can keep warm.
A 6.7 for me this morning.

It's good that your meals only push you up 1-2 points Linda but frustrating that you can't get much below 7 pre-prandial. Although my levels rarely rise much after breakfast, I find the effect creeps up during the day if I overdo the carbs.