Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Woke up at 3.15 at 10.3 on my Libre and 9.9 on my testing machine so I did the correction recommended by my machine. By 6am I was 2.4.
Morning 6.4 today after a crazy day yesterday. We aren't flooded in the house thank goodness, just the lodges that have overflowed, so now the woodland path and the park are submerged. Just about to don the wellie boots and go and see my friend who lives on the edge of the lodge, they've escaped quite well but need help getting the water out of their basement before it reaches the ground floor. It's utterly surreal.
5.4 for me. Sounds wild and windy outside, think I'll stay in bed for a bit with a cup of tea and the newspaper.
Oops, posted that before Kookys post appeared. It now looks a bit insensitive. I'm really sorry for anyone who has got to deal with water coming in, either from below or above, Two years ago we had a load of storms during our roof repairs while we just had tarpaulin between us and the elements, so I know what it's like.
A 7.7 this morning. Worst figure for me in months. Back to basics today for me, the party is over! :(

Hope all is ok kooky, this flooding is dreadful
Good morning folks - 8 for me today.

Budge up Lynn, I'm joining you on the 8 step this morning. Just had my porridge so that should bring me down a bit. Gonna hit some sales today, especially at the garden centres, we want to expand our Christmas village for next year so we are going to see what's in the sales.
5.0 for me on a beautiful morning in Belfast
Good morning all and 6.5 today 🙂. Can't pretend I didn't have my moments yesterday but being at work helped in sure!
Good luck making a new start today Amigo. I've had to do that more than once! We are out at friends today but she is very thoughtful checking in ok with cold neat and salad 🙂
Such terrible times for everyone affected by the floods. No more rain please.
Have a good shopping day Stitch - not much point in going shopping for us - York is our nearest city and the road we take is closed due to flooding - the sales will have to wait. I do hear that B&Q have some really good prices on their decs 😉
We have to endure the madness that will be the retail park today to return ill fitting gifts 😉 Still the exercise might do me good. I'm beginning to get jittery looking at increased levels.

Might need to grab B & Q bargains quickly Lynn as they're losing 60 stores and look to be massively downsizing all over the UK.
I'm 11.2 this morning. Can't believe how badly Leeds has flooded. All local trains are cancelled. I'm travelling to Wales but luckily my train is running fine. Changing at Manchester which is also flooded so fingers crossed my other train is fine!
Good morning everyone🙂 2.7 with an 80% TBR - guess it is the effect of yesterday's gym workout!
Morning all 7 today, a round number and much higher than normal, the insults just keep coming. Ah well, thems the breaks 🙂
4.4 for me today. Morning readings have been fine over the holiday period, but we'll just ignore the huge spike yesterday after that piece of Christmas cake.
Good morning folks - 8.4 for me today - musta bin them nastee selebrashuns that accosted me last night!!😳

Waiting with baited breath for the high tide this morning to see if our flood defences in Selby hold. We are not at risk where our village is but the town is - worrying times for those who live close to the river.
Good morning all and 6.8 today.
But I have only checked in the mornings past few days so know I've been much higher at times.
Going to make the large rolled porridge this morning and see what happens. Last time wasn't much increase after an hour but jumped higher after 2 hours. I just love the taste so worth another try.
A better 6.6 for me this morning. I think being marooned on the sofa watching dodgy telly has impacted on me more than the food intake so time to get moving again! 🙄

Hope the terrible floods don't affect anyone badly :(
6.4 for me this morning. Went to bed on a christmas pudding/creon induced spike of
10.4. I can't quite understand how my levels always drop to somewhere in the "acceptable" range overnight.
Morning all🙂, hope everyone had a good Christmas. Had a naughty day food wise yesterday and woke up this morning with a 9.9:(. Must do better.! The DF enjoyed her Christmas and pigged out on chocolate. It's a shame she didn't eat them all then I couldn't have pigged on them as well.
6.4 for me this morning. Went to bed on a christmas pudding/creon induced spike of
10.4. I can't quite understand how my levels always drop to somewhere in the "acceptable" range overnight.
Creon is good fun isn't it! :D
Possible side effects: Hypoglycaemia, Hyperglycaemia ... take your pick 🙄