Group 7-day waking average?

Hope you have a safe, smooth journey home and a very Merry Christmas Bloden! 🙂
Aw, thanks, Northener. Managing not to feel seasick so far! 🙄🙂 13.3 this morning tho. Carb guesstimating isn't my strength.😱

We should rename this the "warm, fuzzy feeling thread"! Merry Nearly Xmas everyone.
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5.9 for me and all down hill since then due to Chinese takeaway and a slice of birthday cake.
Not me, daughter! She would have been mortally offended if I hadn't partaken, at least that's my excuse 😉

Not totally irresponsible though. I drew the line at the pineapple fritter.
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Evening all🙂, was 7.5 this morning on waking but have been somewhat lazy with the testing this weekend so have no other readings... Christmas shopping and fishing, that's my excuse:D.
Morning all 5.4 today and second Christmas lunch today although it will be eggs benedict (my most favourite meal in the whole entire world :D). The only downside is I have to battle my way into Manchester to get it and that mythical increase in seats hasn't appeared since they reconnected us to the rest of the world. Interestingly I've discovered standing up on a train makes me hypo so it's a good job I'd don't travel to work on one every day anymore 😱. On the plus side I can get my hotel chocolat chocolate today so I just need to decide which truffles will be mine 🙂

Northerner hope your cold is swiftly dispatched, the Christmas snots as my godson calls them are the pits!
Good morning 🙂 6.1 for me today. Got a bit of a cold, I think :(

Hope your cold goes away soon Northener 🙂

6.0 for me this morning after a bit of an up and down day yesterday, so I'm pleased with that! 🙂
Good morning folks - 7.9 for me today:(
Bit of stress going on today Northie - hopefully tomorrow will settle down:(
5.3 this morning. Christmas shopping for me today. Not last minute, there's 3 whole days after this one. Loads of time. 🙂
10.4 this morning for me. Last day of my placement. Going back to uni in the new year for 5 months then another placement in summer. I have loved this one so much though I don't want to go! Emotional day
10.4 this morning for me. Last day of my placement. Going back to uni in the new year for 5 months then another placement in summer. I have loved this one so much though I don't want to go! Emotional day
I hope you have a great day Rosie, I'm sure those you have helped will miss you! 🙂
5.4 for me, snap, Kooky! Ages ago I arranged to meet a friend in John Lewis in High Wycombe today, because it's half way between where we both live, and the only date we could both do. What possessed us to think that was a good idea so close to Christmas! The M40 will be solid traffic and the shop will be heaving.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.9 here.
Hope you all have a great day and the cold soon goes Northerner.
I love John Lewis. We have one here and the mezzanine coffee shop makes the best americanos.
Good morning 🙂 4.3 today.
Hotel chocolat amaretto truffles yum... I always feel like a naughty girl in a sweet shop in hotel chocolat waiting for my insulin pump to be exposed and to be marched out by an insulin shop detective!
Morning all, a 7.5 for me today. Feeling tired today after a great day/night yesterday. I even had a cheeky pint (or 2) of scrumpy.
If you ever get the chance to see The Skimmity Hitchers live you must do it. They are a great bunch of blokes.