Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 7.3 for me today.
On my own at 6.5. 5.2 at bedtime so had a couple of oatcakes. 1 might have done the trick without basal.
Morning all.🙂 I'm at the bottom of the stairs with a 4.2. 😉

One less jab a day, khskel - long may it last!😛
Good morning I reduced my basal for the third day in a row. Had quite a bit of Lucozade at 3am when I was 4.2. Woke up at 6.3 🙂
My son might be still sat in bed. Well he wanted to be. 12.4 this morning 🙂
Thanks Alan. mmmmmh not sure about the exam. I think I passed but afterwards I realised the mistakes that I'd made, so the grade may not be great.
7.1 for me this morning.
Morning all🙂, was 7.6 on waking, now 10.7 on sitting down to brekkie:(. I wonder if it's stress? Am under a bit atm, blood been found in urine but no infection. Now got to go to hospital for more tests.
Morning all🙂, was 7.6 on waking, now 10.7 on sitting down to brekkie:(. I wonder if it's stress? Am under a bit atm, blood been found in urine but no infection. Now got to go to hospital for more tests.
Sorry to hear this Boatboy, I hope it is something easily treated.
Cracked it this morning 4.6, though to do it every day would have to stop eating altogether :D
Good afternoon and some good numbers today 🙂 I'm 6.6 so that's ok.
Good luck with tests Boatboy.
Pav that's very impressive but know what you mean about not eating much to get there!
Cracked it this morning 4.6, though to do it every day would have to stop eating altogether :D

Maybe a wrong reading, I was out this afternoon and tested, got another 4.6 which appeared not right as should of had hypo warnings as was 10.6 1 1/2 hours earlier, retested and in the 9.0's. May be a couple of duff strips in the pot. :(
5.2 for Jamie this morning. Please don't change the house special today!
Good work Shirley and don't have to worry that 5.2 is my life mission, I will defend it to the end :D We'll have no more of this silliness involving whole numbers and even numbers after the decimal point, no more I say 😉

5.4 today, two more sleeps till the Christmas break, and the boots are delightfully toasty and bouncy and they're red, brown and black patchwork...what more could you ask for. Labootson indeed Amigo :D