Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.5 for me.

Hope nobody is affected by the appalling floods which thankfully haven't reached us but are close. Desmond has been destructive! :(
I have friends who live in Cumbria, touch wood they haven't been affected where they are.
I'm a lovely 8.6 this morning 🙂

My mum lives in a lodge in the middle of Kendal and all around her has flooded. Roads in and out of Kendal are closed. Luckily her lodge is raised off the ground a little bit. To get to hers you've to drive up country roads and they're impassable at the moment. The beck behind her has turned into a river!! Oh and a third tree fell down yesterday! It's been an absolute nightmare for her
6.0 this morning.

I'm in Cumbria, not flooded but obviously know lots of people who are. #herewegoagain :(
Still a high one for me at 9.9 :(
I had a 9.1 first thing this morning. Tested before my cuppa. No idea if it is good or not. First day of testing.
I had a 9.1 first thing this morning. Tested before my cuppa. No idea if it is good or not. First day of testing.
It's a benchmark Lynn 🙂 Hopefully, it's a number you can start to bring down eventually. It's handy to do a test before bed also so you can see whether it went up or down overnight (or stayed about the same!). Ideally, you are aiming for 7.0 or below 🙂
Thanks Northener. Still stumbling about in the dark but getting there - I think.

My post food reading last night was 8.5 so was a bit surprised to see it higher this morning after not eating since 7pm yesterday.

I suppose that is one of the vagaries of diabetes.
Thanks Northener. Still stumbling about in the dark but getting there - I think.

My post food reading last night was 8.5 so was a bit surprised to see it higher this morning after not eating since 7pm yesterday.

I suppose that is one of the vagaries of diabetes.
This is something that puzzles people a lot to begin with, but in fact there's a very good explanation as to why this happens. Basically, we need energy 24/7, not just at times when we are eating, in order to keep all our 'automomic systems' working - these are the things you never normally think about, like your heart, lungs, brain, digestion etc. When you eat some of the energy from the food gets stored in your liver, and your liver then trickles out a constant supply of this to keep us going. Sometimes this can result in a higher level when we test in the mornings because the body's 'clock' recognises it's time to wake up and starts trickling out extra glucose to give us an energy boost to start the day. If you have diabetes then you are less able to deal with this extra glucose, so your blood glucose levels rise. 🙂
Now that makes perfect sense. Thanks for that. Might have to include a snack of some sort before bedtime. We shall see how it goes over the next few days.
I think you might find your morning levels coming down naturally after a while eating less carbs Lynne. Like you, when I was diagnosed in Feb, I had morning levels around 8-8.6 and it was that 'dawn phenomenon' people talk about. I've managed to get them down much lower now but find the later I test on a morning (even though I haven't eaten), the higher they are. It's like your liver gets up before you do 🙄
Thanks Amigo I shall keep all that in mind. Only diagnosed last Tuesday so very early day's yet.
Morning 5.3 today after a random 9.8 before my evening meal yesterday.....anyone find a hot shower makes their BG pop? I'm struggling to work out why that does strange things to me but it does!

Anyway happy Monday everyone (boo hiss, Friday's are much better) :D
Good morning all and 6.7 today 🙂
Morning all.🙂 5.1 here.

Just seen the UK flooding on TV - terrible! I hope your mum's high and dry, Lindarose.
Good morning everyone! 11.6 here today.

I've had protein porridge this morning (meant to be low carbohydrate high protein high fibre) so will be testing again in an hour or so and see what happens!! Im praying it doesn't affect my BGs too badly as I love porridge in winter
4.4 this morning. Protein porridge? Sounds ideal for us post porridge spikers, but Ive never heard of it, where do you get it?
9 for me - lower than yesterday though :D
Morning all, 8.9 for me today.