Group 7-day waking average?

12.2 for me today.
Hope all goes well for you today Kooky.
Good morning everyone. 9.4 after the Libre told me I had a four hour hypo starting at 11.30am I noticed when I was 3.0 at 3am. It took 30g of fast acting carbs plus a 10% TBR for an hour to get it above 4 :(
Thinking of you Kooky.
Good morning everyone 🙂 Snap Stitch147 it's 12.2 for me as well
A 6.2 for me after a night of endless 'piddle stops!' Surely this shouldn't still be happening with BG's under control! 😡

Hope all goes well kooky. Funerals are so difficult.
A 6.2 for me after a night of endless 'piddle stops!' Surely this shouldn't still be happening with BG's under control! 😡
It's most unfair! 😱 I'm astonished at the volume of liquid my capacious bladder has to release during the night! (Apologies for TMI! 😱) I mean, I do keep well-hydrated during the day, but pretty sure I get rid of most of during the day as well! Perhaps I need to do an experiment...😱
Sounds like the DF needs a kick up the pants, Bloden (though I'm not sure she was wearing any when I had her).

I hope I can stop after just one kick! 🙂
Sending more hugs, Kooky - hope it's not too distressing for you.

Alan - a GP once told me (years before I was diabetic) that the thing to do when you go to the loo a lot is to drink more, not less. Drinking more doesn't mean you go more frequently, it just means more volume when you do go!

4.4 for me this morning, after a surprise 8.9 yesterday morning (which I suspect was related to the plum crumble the night before). Nice to be waking up over 4 again though.
Alan - a GP once told me (years before I was diabetic) that the thing to do when you go to the loo a lot is to drink more, not less. Drinking more doesn't mean you go more frequently, it just means more volume when you do go!

At least it makes it worth the trip! 😱 🙂
Morning 6.9 today and a hypo drench last night, tsk. Can't work out if it's stress, an impending cold, or more or less Tresiba. Perhaps I'll let myself chill out a bit before tackling that, the more basal yesterday didn't help during the day (3 corrections required) but made me hypo overnight. Then emotional stress is clearly my trigger for highs so maybe letting myself come down a bit will help.

Thanks for all your kind wishes, yesterday was very upsetting as expected but we gave him a good send off.
Morning all.🙂 A frustrating 12.2 here.😡:confused: My BGs have been doing this random dance for a few months now...ffllrrrrrghff. I hope everyone else's BGs are behaving this misty morn!😛
Good morning all and 7.3 today. A bit higher than my target but I have a hospital app today so could be because I'm a bit anxious. It's a follow up rheumatology but I've been referred to endocrinology and have an app next week as well following lots of blood tests. I've stopped googling for info as frightened myself over the past few weeks!
Good morning everyone. Bloden it looks like we're both having "fun". After the mega hypo the night before I did an 80% TBR and knocked one unit off my extended bolus. No hypo 🙂 but woke up at 12.3 - it was 7.7 at 2.30am but then a steady climb.
Good morning all and 7.3 today. A bit higher than my target but I have a hospital app today so could be because I'm a bit anxious. It's a follow up rheumatology but I've been referred to endocrinology and have an app next week as well following lots of blood tests. I've stopped googling for info as frightened myself over the past few weeks!
Lindarose big hugs. I hope that the appointments will reassure you.
I find the same with my ME, Amanda - sometimes my BGL reacts as if I've been running a marathon when I've just been pottering about doing very little - I think ME/CFS causes your body to react as if you've done a lot of exercise when actually you've done very little.

Sorry for the delay in replying. Thanks for writing this, it certainly helps to explain some of my problems.
Woohoo!!! Mini lap around the office this morning, 9.2 :D:D:D:D:D
Woohoo!!! Mini lap around the office this morning, 9.2 :D:D:D:D:D

A 6.5 for me and also going through a stressful time. Mum rushed into hospital and in surgery at the moment.
Morning all 🙂 6.2 for me this morning and 8.7 before bed but I don't know how though being as I ate 2x small bags of wotsits and 2x chocolate biscuits during the evening with no bolus insulin!
A 6.5 for me and also going through a stressful time. Mum rushed into hospital and in surgery at the moment.

Hi Amigo, hope you mum is ok.