Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all and I'm joining Amigo with a 6.7 today 🙂 Plus a much needed lie in!
Hope your numbers continue to improve Stitch.
Thanks lindarose. Not been over 17 since they doubled the gliclazide. That used to be my regular waking number! I know being in double figures still isn't good, but it seems to be going in the right direction.
Thank you Alan. Hopefully I'll be ok as long as I've got the Libre and hypo awareness 🙂
Don't give up, AJ. Hopefully it's just a blip and your trends will return again soon.😳🙂 It's a funny old game - I find that as soon as I spot a trend, a new one comes along to replace it! I hope things settle down for you...😳🙂
5.4 for me this morning. Phew, normality resumed! Levels have been all over the place for the last few days, drove up to Dundee and back to daughters graduation, and to collect a bootload of stuff she'd left up there, (normally OH and I share driving, but he's grounded on doctors orders at the mo, so I had to do it all.), levels kept climbing to 13ish and staying there despite all efforts. Was beginning to think I'd compromised my insulin, but no, it's just my body. Whacked in a large correction dose last night when we got home, in desperation, and woke at 3am at 2.7!
Don't give up, AJ. Hopefully it's just a blip and your trends will return again soon.😳🙂 It's a funny old game - I find that as soon as I spot a trend, a new one comes along to replace it! I hope things settle down for you...😳🙂
Thank you Bloden 🙂 I promise not to give up.
5.4 for me this morning. Phew, normality resumed! Levels have been all over the place for the last few days, drove up to Dundee and back to daughters graduation, and to collect a bootload of stuff she'd left up there, (normally OH and I share driving, but he's grounded on doctors orders at the mo, so I had to do it all.), levels kept climbing to 13ish and staying there despite all efforts. Was beginning to think I'd compromised my insulin, but no, it's just my body. Whacked in a large correction dose last night when we got home, in desperation, and woke at 3am at 2.7!
Known as a 'Rage Bolus', when you become so frustrated that your judgement becomes slightly overwhelmed by your emotions! 😱
Known as a 'Rage Bolus', when you become so frustrated that your judgement becomes slightly overwhelmed by your emotions! 😱
It certainly was! Perhaps midnight wasn't the best time to succumb to it. At least I confirmed I still have nocturnal hypo awareness!
Just wanted to add that my weird BGs continue. We were meant to go to Blenheim today but I was exhausted so I've done nothing but went to bed at 12.45 with BG at 6.5. Got up two hours later and felt awful Libre said LO! This is when I've done nothing, haven't had any bolus since 10am and I can't remember the last time I had an afternoon hypo.
Just wanted to add that my weird BGs continue. We were meant to go to Blenheim today but I was exhausted so I've done nothing but went to bed at 12.45 with BG at 6.5. Got up two hours later and felt awful Libre said LO! This is when I've done nothing, haven't had any bolus since 10am and I can't remember the last time I had an afternoon hypo.
I wonder if the exhaustion is a related problem, Amanda? My weird night hypos are usually associated with extreme tiredness beforehand, with no bolus insulin for way beyond the 5 hours which is normal for me.
Good point Alan, you may be right. I've definitely been pushing myself to my personal limit during the last few weeks. Nowhere near as much as I wish I could do, but definitely too much for my CFS - I can see how that fatigue could then impact on my BG levels.
I find the same with my ME, Amanda - sometimes my BGL reacts as if I've been running a marathon when I've just been pottering about doing very little - I think ME/CFS causes your body to react as if you've done a lot of exercise when actually you've done very little.

The changing weather also makes a huge difference to my readings, and I think that's because of the ME too - thermostatic instability being one of the symptoms. At the moment with the weather getting colder it's hypo central here - I've had 13 hypos in the last week, and I was 1.7 this afternoon, 2 hours or so after lunch. My morning fasting readings for the last few days have been in the 3s and low 4s - when I had a 2.8 I finally gave in and put my Lantus down (hate doing that because I can only put it down a whole unit, not the half unit I need).
I find the same with my ME, Amanda - sometimes my BGL reacts as if I've been running a marathon when I've just been pottering about doing very little - I think ME/CFS causes your body to react as if you've done a lot of exercise when actually you've done very little.

The changing weather also makes a huge difference to my readings, and I think that's because of the ME too - thermostatic instability being one of the symptoms. At the moment with the weather getting colder it's hypo central here - I've had 13 hypos in the last week, and I was 1.7 this afternoon, 2 hours or so after lunch. My morning fasting readings for the last few days have been in the 3s and low 4s - when I had a 2.8 I finally gave in and put my Lantus down (hate doing that because I can only put it down a whole unit, not the half unit I need).
@TheClockworkDodo, you need to request a Sanofi Juniorstar pen for your lantus, it can operate in half units 🙂

It's beyond me why they think this pen needs to be aimed at children, there are loads of adults that have been crying out for them for years!
Good morning all 🙂 10.0 for me this morning after a 2.1 hypo at 2:45 and obviously over corrected with those jelly babies, club biscuit and cheese on toast 😱 Actually could have really scared myself, but I noticed at the last moment that I had put a ketone test strip in my meter - imagine if I hadn't noticed and it showed me a 0.2! 😱
Good morning 🙂 and 6.7 for me.
That sounds mega scary Northerner Glad you're ok!
Morning all, 13.7 for me today. Off to a Christmas market later. Glad you're ok northerner.
Morning all.🙂 4.0 for me.😛
A 6.1 for me this morning 🙂

Hope all is stabilised now northerner, sounded nasty! 😱

Keep warm with high mood and low figures everyone 🙂
12.0 for me this morning after enjoying a few drinks at an Alzheimer's society fundraiser last night.. After the third gin and diet lemonade the bar staff decided to tell me that they didn't even have diet lemonade!!
12.0 for me this morning after enjoying a few drinks at an Alzheimer's society fundraiser last night.. After the third gin and diet lemonade the bar staff decided to tell me that they didn't even have diet lemonade!!
That's horrible Rosie! 😱 It often happens in pubs and bars that the staff think it doesn't really matter, but actually it can be very dangerous - it's in effect spiking your drinks 😱 A lot of people get some glucostix which are actually urine sticks to test for glucose, but will show whether a drink is diet or the sugar version - I think they are about £5 for 50 without prescription 🙂
That's disgusting Rosie and it's a real bug bear of mine. I struggle to find anything other than Diet Coke when I'm out and I'm pig sick of drinking it! :(
Why is it so difficult for bars and restaurants to have sugar free versions of mixers and why must people have full sugar versions? Apart from anyone having a hypo, who needs them!

I asked my local landlord if he could get me sugar free lemonade and he did immediately. Of course it would be rude now not to buy a few vodkas each time to put in it! 🙂