Group 7-day waking average?

KookyCat I'm sorry to hear that you had a hypo day yesterday. I hope that you have a better day today.

Thanks AJ, if past experience is anything to go by today will be hypotastic as well, tomorrow drain circling and then I'll be fine by Tuesday. It's like a weird little sub pattern that usually coincides with the change of the seasons.

Hope your basal troubles are coming to an end too, what a little terror this diabetes is, like an eternal toddler 🙄
Cor blimey, AJ and Kookycat! There's no let up sometimes...thank goodness you two are skilled "eternal toddler" handlers.😱 Hope today's BGs are are easier to manage.

Morning folks.🙂 7.1 here.😛 And a beautiful straight line from about 2am onwards (according to Libre).😛
KookyCat I hope you don't have another hypotastic day. You're right diabetes is like a temperamental toddler.
Thank you Bloden. Well done on your BG and that beautiful straight line. I can't wait for my new Libre sensors to arrive. I haven't had any sensors for a week or two - I hadn't ordered any because I'd mistakenly thought that my diabetes would continue to be reasonably under control - how wrong I was.
Good morning 🙂 5.8 for me today.

Sorry to hear about the problems KookyCat and Amanda, I hope you both have much better days today! 20 JB = about 80g carbs, nearly a day's worth! 😱
Good morning Alan🙂 Thank you🙂
Good morning everyone and sorry to hear of your struggles Kooky and Amanda. Hopr things settle down soon for you both
Afraid I've checked in at 7.5 today despite my usual diet and a lot of walking at work til 10.15 last night.
Good morning 🙂 5.8 for me today.

Sorry to hear about the problems KookyCat and Amanda, I hope you both have much better days today! 20 JB = about 80g carbs, nearly a day's worth! 😱

Today's jelly baby count is currently standing at 6 and I'm rocking a 4.9. This is stunningly good going even for me 😱

Good morning everyone and sorry to hear of your struggles Kooky and Amanda. Hopr things settle down soon for you both
Afraid I've checked in at 7.5 today despite my usual diet and a lot of walking at work til 10.15 last night.

Sometimes lots of walking gives me higher waking figures LindaRose, no clue why but then it drops throughout the day. Although let's be honest this diabetes lark is about as predictable as the weather 😱
Oh it's certainly been stormy for some, sorry to hear that Kooky and AJ and hope it's stabilises.

I'm a 7.2 this morning but woke late. Been a weekend of celebrations and I was exhausted so I think my liver woke up before me 🙄

Best wishes to everyone🙂
Oh it's certainly been stormy for some, sorry to hear that Kooky and AJ and hope it's stabilises.

I'm a 7.2 this morning but woke late. Been a weekend of celebrations and I was exhausted so I think my liver woke up before me 🙄

Best wishes to everyone🙂

Hope you have a quiet day to recover your strength! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 An astounding 4.7 for me today! First one in the 4s since I can't remember! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 An astounding 4.7 for me today! First one in the 4s since I can't remember! 🙂

Woo hoo

A Bank Holiday House Special for me..oh I love a 5.2 🙂
Good bank holiday morning all and 7.1 today.
Are you ok with that number northerner or is it abit too low?
Good bank holiday morning all and 7.1 today.
Are you ok with that number northerner or is it abit too low?

I'm fine with it Lindarose, as unlike the majority of Type 1s I don't need a basal insulin (reduced it and finally stopped it 4 years after diagnosis), so little chance of it falling to hypo levels. I'm Type Weird 🙂
Glad to hear it's a good result 🙂
Knew it wasn't hypo but wondered if you were heading that way. I know even less about Type Weird!!!
Join the club! It has baffled my consultant! 🙂

I often get the feeling that they're the ones that know the least about diabetes!🙄

Morning folks.🙂 7.5 today. 😛 A bit high, but went to bed high (can't eat dried prunes then!). Enjoy your bank holiday!
Good morning everyone. 6.7 this morning🙂
Thank you Alan🙂 That was a basal test because I hadn't eaten since lunchtime and had to correct before bed. It was also 6.7 at 1.30am. It will be interesting to see what happens when I have an evening meal. Hopefully my Libre sensors will arrive soon🙂
Must be a Bank Holiday 'cos it's raining! 🙄

A not impressive 7.2 this morning. Must do like the weather and 'rein it in!' 😉

Nice ones generally this morning though folks 🙂

Update: OMG! No more shreddies for me. Never had such a high post breakfast hike.
Serves me right for being in a rush and believing the healthy hype on the box! :-(
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