Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you Bloden, Flower and Lindarose🙂
9.7 this morning. Annoying as I was 8.0 before bed, I had a low carb day yesterday, and on the advice of my consultant I put my Levemir up to 19 units last night. Rather frustrating! My stomach didn't feel good though, and I think there's a correlation there somewhere.

Going to call the DSN today. My insulin ratios have worsened to 1:5g at breakfast, 1:6g at lunch and 1:7g in the evening. I really don't know why my body is so insulin resistant.
Hi Matt sorry to hear that you are finding it so challenging. Have you done any basal testing?
Morning all 🙂

6.8 for me this morning.

best wishes to all having a struggle x
Hi Amanda,

I haven't tried that yet, but I'm still really just following the diabetes team's guidance, and they've not suggested I try that. My basal does need to be increased a little bit, the consultant suggested going to 20/22 units eventually, but increasing it slowly.

I've spoken to the DSN this morning and she doesn't seem concerned at the amount of insulin I'm having to take. Her approach (which seems reasonable) is that my body needs me to take as much insulin as it needs. I should probably aim to do more vigorous exercise which might help with the insulin resistance.
Hi Matt
I completely understand you are following your clinics guidance. However, until your basal is right you won't know what your ratios should be or whether you are insulin resistant. As a Type 1 with the right basal and carb ratios you should, in theory, be able to have good BGs without the need to reduce your carbs too much or vigorous exercise. Vigorous exercise is good but you shouldn't need to do it to control your BGs as a Type 1 . Once your control is good you will need to reduce your insulin/eat more carbs to accommodate exercise.
It's not time for my BG morning test yet but I'm sitting here at 3am with a BG of 3.0 and it's 20 minutes after 15 carbs of fast acting glucose. 20 minutes after a second lot of 15 carbs of glucose and I'm only 3.9. Went to bed on reduced basal and a temporary basal of rate of 70% that I've been on since 6pm. What on earth is happening with these hypos??
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It's not time for my BG morning test yet but I'm sitting here at 3am with a BG of 3.0 and it's 20 minutes after 15 carbs of fast acting glucose. 20 minutes after a second lot of 15 carbs of glucose and I'm only 3.9. Went to bed on reduced basal and a temporary basal of rate of 70% that I've been on since 6pm. What on earth is happening with these hypos??

Very sorry to hear this Amanda :( So tiring for you. I just can't imagine what it could be, but you do appear to be either a lot more sensitive to insulin latel. The only other thing I can think is that perhaps for some reason your liver has decided to slow its output of glucose, meaning your basal setting is too high to cover it, even though you have reduced it. I'm pretty sure this happens to me from time to time. Goodness, I hope things settle fr you soon, and that you have been able to get some sleep without further hypos {{{HUGS}}}

I have woken at 4 am today, feeling (almost!) wide awake, with a BG of 6.0.
9.7 this morning. Annoying as I was 8.0 before bed, I had a low carb day yesterday, and on the advice of my consultant I put my Levemir up to 19 units last night. Rather frustrating! My stomach didn't feel good though, and I think there's a correlation there somewhere.

Going to call the DSN today. My insulin ratios have worsened to 1:5g at breakfast, 1:6g at lunch and 1:7g in the evening. I really don't know why my body is so insulin resistant.

Matt, when I was diagnosed I was taking nearly 80 units of insulin a day to get my figures anywhere near yours, within 6 months my total was down to 40 and now it's more like 20 total units. So don't worry about how much you have to take to get stability, just keep going until you get there, because you may well find your requirement will reduce. Insulin resistance after diagnosis is I'm told very common in adults. I'm now classed as extremely sensitive to insulin (trust me to be a sensitive soul 🙄) so you can't predict how your body will adapt in the longer term. If I took 80 units of insulin now I'd be in serious bother!
Oops forgot to say 5.6 today. Sadly my brain is convinced that it's Friday, so it's destined to be a disappointing day 😱
Matt, when I was diagnosed I was taking nearly 80 units of insulin a day to get my figures anywhere near yours, within 6 months my total was down to 40 and now it's more like 20 total units. So don't worry about how much you have to take to get stability, just keep going until you get there, because you may well find your requirement will reduce. Insulin resistance after diagnosis is I'm told very common in adults. I'm now classed as extremely sensitive to insulin (trust me to be a sensitive soul 🙄) so you can't predict how your body will adapt in the longer term. If I took 80 units of insulin now I'd be in serious bother!

Totally agree! I was on 65 units a day, now between 12 and 20 units! 🙂
You've got good memories, Northie and KCat! I can only remember my basal: I was on 20 units of Lantus, I'm now on 11. Keep plugging away, Matt, you'll get there. Why not mention basal testing to your team?

Morning all.🙂 6.6 here. 😛 Moved my Lantus fwd by an hour to 9pm to see if that fixes some problems...Watch this space! (if you do, I'd advise you to get a life - it's not very interesting really!).

Happy nearly Friday!
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Very sorry to hear this Amanda :( So tiring for you. I just can't imagine what it could be, but you do appear to be either a lot more sensitive to insulin latel. The only other thing I can think is that perhaps for some reason your liver has decided to slow its output of glucose, meaning your basal setting is too high to cover it, even though you have reduced it. I'm pretty sure this happens to me from time to time. Goodness, I hope things settle fr you soon, and that you have been able to get some sleep without further hypos {{{HUGS}}}

I have woken at 4 am today, feeling (almost!) wide awake, with a BG of 6.0.

Thank you very much Northerner. Whatever is happening with me I wish it would sort itself out
4am is early to be almost wide awake

When I eventually got back to bed at 3.40am my BG was 5.0 It is now 14.4😱
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.3 again today
Good morning 🙂 8.9 today after my pump suspended insulin 3 times in the night as my bg was determined to be 2.8. Where is that meddling Diabetes fairy? I need words...😉
Thank you for the support everyone! 8.9 this morning, although I was 11.4 at 7.30am! I have a busy few days so I wouldn't be able to do the basal testing until next week, but if I can't get my levels down further before then I will certainly give it a go.
Good morning everyone. 10.5 after a hypo free night🙂 Yes higher than it should be but I expected it to be higher as I've reduced my basal to the lowest that it has ever been on the pump, gave myself 2 units less than I should for dinner last night, had some glucojuice yesterday evening AND I've had a temporary basal rate of 70% since 6pm last night!!
Feeling any less tired lately, KookyCat? I hope so 🙂

Yes a bit better thanks Northerner, I find I don't zone out until Friday now, so much much better but makes Friday's a bit of a nightmare. Currently looking at returning to my previous job role but doing fewer hours as a consultant, or winning the lottery or becoming an international best selling author with my tell all memoir entitled "Driving Miss Patty: Life on Manual" 😉

Good morning everyone. 10.5 after a hypo free night🙂 Yes higher than it should be but I expected it to be higher as I've reduced my basal to the lowest that it has ever been on the pump, gave myself 2 units less than I should for dinner last night, had some glucojuice yesterday evening AND I've had a temporary basal rate of 70% since 6pm last night!!

At least you got some sleep AJ, that always makes the world seem slightly brighter :D. Is it possible the gastroparesis is reacting to the stress you've been under lately? I know it's a complex condition but it's well proven that stress impacts on the nerves in the digestive system, which is one of the core mechanisms implicated in IBS (when the nerves over react to stress signals). So I wondered if the stress was counterbalancing the gastroparesis a little and making your digestive system behave more "normally" hence less basal insulin because it's digesting food in a more regular fashion?
Oops I did it again (just call me Britney), forgot to say 4.8 this morning. Interestingly a 4.8 morning reading with Lantus would have spelled disaster for the rest of the day, but with Tresiba it doesn't seem to matter. Have I mentioned I love Tresiba? Oh yes it's actual love, ask him to marry me, sit in a horse drawn cart, mushy love hearts, save the last dance LOVE :D
Hi Kookycat good question about the gastroparesis although it has never before reacted to stress, but yes it does seem to be acting better. So yes I think it may be something relating to the gastroparesis but not sure if that is caused by the stress because I've been under worse stress than this this year and it hasn't made it improve. Gastroparesis is so erratic so it is difficult to understand what it is going to do next.