Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 5.4 for me today - first waking reading in the 5s for ages 🙂 Actually managed to get some sleep last night!

Glad to hear you got some sleep also Amanda, and hypo-free! And very nice to wake with a confident 4.8 KookyCat, instead of one that induces foreboding for the day to come! 🙂
Morning larks!🙂 Glad to hear you're all feeling better.😛

Morning everyone else.🙂 6.6 here. 😛
Morning everyone else.🙂 6.6 here. 😛

Woo hoo
Thank you Bloden and Alan.
Well done Bloden and KookyCat. a great start to the day🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and happy with 6.7 this morning. Worked til 2.30am so more exercise which helps.
A cheery 7.1 this morning, my lowest morning reading ever! Something's working.

Quite pleased with my willpower yesterday too. Met a friend for a couple of beers, the people sat beside us in the pub had a massive meal consisting of burgers, chips, curry, poppadoms (all of my weaknesses). I had a packet of crisps and some jelly babies in my bag in case of a hypo on the train home (didn't happen) and to top it all off my partner asked me to pick her up a McDonalds on the way home! I came home and had a sugar free jelly and a ryvita with cheese.

I had my first hypo on Wednesday too, ironically just after getting off the phone from the DSN. My BG level went from 8 to 4.4 two hours after eating lunch, which gave me clear signs of a hypo (incredibly hot, arms, legs and fingers shaking, a bit disorientated). I think I got the GI of my food wrong, and it was too low for the dose of insulin I took. These last two months have been the biggest learning curve of my life.
A cheery 7.1 this morning, my lowest morning reading ever! Something's working.

Quite pleased with my willpower yesterday too. Met a friend for a couple of beers, the people sat beside us in the pub had a massive meal consisting of burgers, chips, curry, poppadoms (all of my weaknesses). I had a packet of crisps and some jelly babies in my bag in case of a hypo on the train home (didn't happen) and to top it all off my partner asked me to pick her up a McDonalds on the way home! I came home and had a sugar free jelly and a ryvita with cheese.

I had my first hypo on Wednesday too, ironically just after getting off the phone from the DSN. My BG level went from 8 to 4.4 two hours after eating lunch, which gave me clear signs of a hypo (incredibly hot, arms, legs and fingers shaking, a bit disorientated). I think I got the GI of my food wrong, and it was too low for the dose of insulin I took. These last two months have been the biggest learning curve of my life.

Well done Matt! 🙂 It was the same for me - you learn so much in those early months! I think it's worth keeping a record so you can see how far you've come in the years to come 🙂
Glad to hear you're getting the hang of it all, Matt.🙂
Morning a shaky 4.3 today, hmm maybe I do need to turn that dial down a notch 🙄
Morning campers.🙂 8.0 this morning, after under-treating a 5am hypo (I thought!) and having a lie-in. That'll learn me.😛
Good morning all 🙂 Back up to 7.3 again today.
11.9 after going to bed at 10.7. I had to extra carbs last night and a reduced TBR to get to 10.7 and I've reduced my basal by 25% over 5 days.
What has happened this week is leading to hypo phobia which I need to deal with. I had to reduce basal again due to BGs dropping at 2pm. But last night I'd had enough and went out for some drinks and a meal - not too many drinks, three glasses of champagne cocktails and some tapas. I didn't carb count. It was a case of mini diabetes burnout. Went to bed with a 12.7 which I was too scared to correct after the hypo problems this week. Woke at 5.30 at 15.7 - too high but actually not much of a rise considering the 25% reduction in basal and that I hadn't carb counted last night.
Today I am going to risk going to bed with a "normal" BG and will see what happens. With my complications I can't afford to develop hypo phobia.
Morning 5.6 today after a hypo day yesterday. Very peculiar, a 2.2 on the bus in the way to Manchester which I didn't actually notice just felt a bit odd so tested, then a 3.3 whilst walking in Manchester that felt a lot worse so had to sit on the pavement (Manchester needs more benches), then a few hours later a 2.4 which I barely noticed. I truffled 20 jelly babies in total, my entire hypo stash, and before dinner I was 4.4 😱 bizarre!
KookyCat I'm sorry to hear that you had a hypo day yesterday. I hope that you have a better day today.