Group 7-day waking average?

11.8 for me this morning. The lowest since I started last week, and even better considering I forgot to take my insulin last night. Disrupted while making dinner, and I remembered before bed. I didn't fancy another meal, and didn't want to risk taking too much insulin, so decided to skip my dose and start again this morning. Fingers crossed consistent levels within single figures are around the corner!

Dreaming of cheese on toast now...
11.8 for me this morning. The lowest since I started last week, and even better considering I forgot to take my insulin last night. Disrupted while making dinner, and I remembered before bed. I didn't fancy another meal, and didn't want to risk taking too much insulin, so decided to skip my dose and start again this morning. Fingers crossed consistent levels within single figures are around the corner!

Dreaming of cheese on toast now...

I'm sure you're not far off those single figures Matt! 🙂 We all forget to inject sometimes, and I think you probably did the right thing by not taking a dose just before bed as you are still finding your way. If I am too high at bedtime, which happens rarely these days thankfully, then I might do a cautious correction of one or two units - how much you 'correct' with is dependent on your own individual 'correction factor' - for me, one unit will normally reduce my levels by around 3mmol/l 🙂

Apologies for planting the idea of cheese on toast in everyone's mind! 😱
A fabulous 5.8 for me this morning! Well done Matt, you'll get those figures down soon with determination.

Sounds like some very lush food has been had by the group 🙂
Morning, 5.0 for me today - we had a lovely few days away staying with a friend, only for our eldest cat to develop a serious problem and need surgery on her eye! we've been at the vets on and off since returning on Monday :(
Morning, 5.0 for me today - we had a lovely few days away staying with a friend, only for our eldest cat to develop a serious problem and need surgery on her eye! we've been at the vets on and off since returning on Monday :(

Aw, poor thing! I hope he/she is OK now 🙂 Great waking number! 🙂
Thanks everyone! Down to 6.8 before lunch today, but that will rise through the afternoon as I'm still only on 2 doses a day (morning and night). My new exercise regime is obviously working.
Morning 5.1 and hypo drench last night. These graduation ceremonies are pushing my blood sugar into my boots, need a better strategy for next year, but four down, two to go 🙂
Good morning 14.4 for me after an Indian meal. Went to bed at 5.7 with a seven hour extended bolus and I only ate half my main course. Oh well I guess I must have eaten more paratha than I thought.
11.1 this morning. The downward trend continues! Had a horrible spike to 16.3 yesterday as a result of misreading the ingredients on some, allegedly, healthy pitta breads.
11.1 this morning. The downward trend continues! Had a horrible spike to 16.3 yesterday as a result of misreading the ingredients on some, allegedly, healthy pitta breads.

I find that pitta bread, and naan bread in particular, always spike me. That's good information you've now stored up for the future though, so that spike wasn't in vain! 🙂
A high 5 for me this morning at 5.9 and I'm a very happy bunny! At the end of Feb when diagnosed, I struggled to get down to a high 8 on waking so take heart Matt, it can be done!

Onwards and downwards I hope. I like Fridays! :D
A high 5 for me this morning at 5.9 and I'm a very happy bunny! At the end of Feb when diagnosed, I struggled to get down to a high 8 on waking so take heart Matt, it can be done!

Onwards and downwards I hope. I like Fridays! :D

That's great news Amigo!
That's great news Amigo Well done 🙂