Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 5.4 today. Hope that ear is feeling better Lindarose. Northerner if that hayfever is still bothering you you might want to try stronger antihistamines. The one a day variety aren't very strong and tend only to last for 6-8 hours in reality. There are some OTC brands that allow you to take up to three a day and those tend to be more effective when it's really bad. Benadryl do one (I think it's acrivastin but it has a stop clock on the front). Sadly of course they are more expensive if you're taking three a day but they work 🙂
Good morning all and 6.6 today Enjoyed a few naughty chocolatey treats yesterday so quite lucky result really 🙂
Ear no better so will try to get Dr appt tomor. Monday is such a busy day and it's not an emergency
Northerner have you tried a tablet from pharmacy called Cetorizine Dihydrochloride 10 mg? They are around £2.50 for a month and same ingredient as over the counter expensive brand Hubby takes them daily and uses AllergieBlock topical gel around his nose Best result for him although everyone is different Good luck finding something to help you
Good morning 🙂 6.9 for me today. Wondering if these higher waking levels are down to the poor sleep and hayfever. Thanks for the advice guys, I will look out for those tablets Lindarose, and give them a go - can't believe I've got this after never being bothered for decades! 🙄

Hope you can get an appointment to get the ear sorted out soon Lindarose 🙂
Morning all.🙂 5.3 here - just missing the elusive (for me at least) HS.😛

I always grease up my nostrils - with Vaseline - to form a barrier against pollen (I'm gorgeous, me). Good luck finding a tablet that works for you, Northener.😱

Hope the doctor can sort out your ear problem, Lindarose.😱
Sorry to hear of the ongoing hayfever and ear problems guys :(

A not very impressive 7.1 today but I probably visited the 'trough' once too often yesterday 😱
Sorry to hear of the ongoing hayfever and ear problems guys :(

A not very impressive 7.1 today but I probably visited the 'trough' once too often yesterday 😱

Thanks Amigo 🙂 Nothing to what you are dealing with though, how are things going with the other problems? No worries if you don't want to talk about it here, but I hope that things are going well for you.
its very kind of you to enquire Northerner and I don't mind at all. Because I haven't widely disclosed my leukaemia, I tend to restrict too much detail on here with it being a publicly accessible site. I've only told a very few trusted people due to my personal circumstances and being a chronic blood cancer, there is an unpredictability about when treatment will be necessary.

There's some similarities with T1 diabetes in that this is an immune system malfunction but in the case of CLL, my body is churning out and replicating useless, cancerous B lymphocyte cells and can't be halted no matter where they gallop to or the damage they do in their wake. Only chemo (or for the very lucky) more tailored and non toxic chemo trials are given when the system becomes overloaded and at hazardous levels. There's absolutely no treatment in the interim and the condition isn't yet curable just treatable. It's amazing how we take our immune system for granted until it starts to fail us :(

I've felt very much better since getting the diabetes under control though because CLL causes opportunistic infection which was obviously impacting on my then undiagnosed diabetes. So I'm trying to stay positive and helping myself where I can. And it doesn't stop me from appreciating the misery other people experience with diabetes complications and other maladies because I get those too. But my motivation for keeping the diabetes in check has to stay strong and focussed which is why I joined this site for support.


A very thought provoking post Amigo
We all have other 'things' going on But we are all united on here by the Diabetes whichever type we have to contend with.
I think just talking about things on here can help a lot Everyone listens and offers support no matter how big or small the problem What a lovely bunch of people 🙂
Thanks for sharing that Amigo 🙂 It's good that getting the diabetes under control is helpful, and certainly a big incentive (as if one were needed!). I hope that things stay stable for you 🙂 Isn't it funny how we think of these things as different entities, when really they are just part of who we are, because we can make active decisions about how we might control their effects 🙂
You're obviously a very courageous person, Amigo.😱🙂
Morning all 6.7 today and either the hayfever has struck properly or I'm brewing something cold like 🙄

Amigo, I was just reading your post, I still marvel at the wonder of the human body and the irony of a rogue immune system. I hope it stays stable. Even though I know you cope because you have to, it must still be very difficult and I think it takes mettle to keep on going.
Good morning everyone 🙂 6.5 today
I'm now going to start the long process of getting through to the GP surgery and getting a nurse appt That should keep me busy for the next hour!
Amigo you are an inspiration.
KookyCat I hope that you're not getting a cold
LindaRose good luck with the GP
6.4 for me this morning🙂
Morning all. 🙂 5.1 here.😛
You are all incredibly kind and I thank you for your understanding and acceptance into your community 🙂

A 6.8 this morning and managing a leisurely one for a change. Have a good day everyone even if it involves trying to circumnavigate the inflexibilities of our medical systems! :confused:
Just a quick update I managed to get an app for 9.35 Was seen 10.25 but never mind! Had ear swab taken and will know Friday whether theres still infection.
Morning 6.1 today and it's hump day (Wednesday) so that means that when today is over the weekend is closer...yay. Happy day everyone and hope all goes well 🙂
Good morning all and 6.8 today
Love your thinking Kooky The Wednesday hump! I can picture us all climbing over it! 🙂
Good morning everyone. 5.0 for me🙂
Morning all, well after a long spell of him waking in the 4's and 5's, the last 3 mornings he's risen up from 3am and woken in the 9's and 10's. I suspect the action of growth hormones (he's 14) - anyway, basal rates from 3-7am have duly been increased by 10%.