• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Happy good mornin' to you all on this sunny morning.

For some unknown reason I couldn't draw blood today. :( Tried different fingers on both hands to no avail. My hands were warm but I got out of bed to go and wash my hands in hot water to see if this made a difference. Back to bed and success prevailed yeah!

So my monitor chucked out a 7.9 at 6:45am not too shabby but would have liked it to be lower. I think it might have been lower had I tested when I was in bed which is the norm for me. Not bad considering I ate a rather large-ish portion of pizza which I shared with a friend who dropped by last night on her way home from work!🙄 When will I ever learn that late night snacks will impact my bgls big time?!😱

That's all folks, have an enjoyable Sunday and stay as well as you can.

PS. Can anyone please remind me how I can transfer a photo from my gallery - to a thread on the forum? My memory ain't as good as it once was! Thanks a bunch.
Morning everyone. Yet another 4.9 for me this morning and the sun is still shining.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
8.1 here on another gorgeous day in paradise.

Yesterday was a laundry day, we fed the machine's three times and had them both on at full tilt, glad that it's all done now. Checked the smart meter for the day at 11pm, and it told me it was £5.97!

Trying to persuade J to come out with me and have a walk around town, down the prom and maybe a drink at a local craft bar later.

Enjoy you day whatever you do.
Morning was 7.2 today, but then shot up and into double figures (ate to many biscuits yesterday afternoon & evening)
another lovely warm day today, might even get my legs out again

loads to do around the bungalow today, my car to clean & sort out ready for work next week
both things I should’ve really done most of the tidying up last week when I was off work

Currently am having a coffee (in the back garden) listening to birdsong
haven’t a clue what birds they are 🙄 but it’s quite pleasant and calming <3

TC everyone 😎
4.4 this morning for me. Yesterday was a BG roller-coaster day and I struggled to keep things level, no obvious reason but it was annoying to have to munch on snacks to avoid hypos. Oh well, all part of the diabetes circus!

Busy yesterday looking after the grandchildren whilst my daughter and her husband were off in Pittsburgh exploring to see if they want to do the move there. We took my grandson to his football game where he scored 4 goals and the team won the match 8-2! We dropped them off at one of my daughter’s friends afterwards for a party and had the rest of the day to ourselves. The other grandparents are taking over today until Tuesday when my daughter and SIL return.

@Pam123 lovely picture of the aquarium! It made me search through my old pictures and I found these :

View attachment 34395

View attachment 34396

@gail2 - hopefully you are out of pain now and feeling better?

Have a good day everyone, hoping you all get a chance to enjoy any sunshine todayLovely
Lovely photos, love your clown, I see you had a clam? we had one there so beautiful.
Lovely photos, love your clown, I see you had a clam? we had one there so beautiful.
Thank you! It was a 6ft tank, the large size made for more stable water chemistry. Yes, I loved the clam, I agree they are really beautiful.
PS. Can anyone please remind me how I can transfer a photo from my gallery - to a thread on the forum? My memory ain't as good as it once was! Thanks a bunch.
What I do is share it with my own email address and when it pops up in my Inbox I download it. I can then click on Attach Files and select it from the Downloads folder.
5.1 this morning hubbies birthday coming up on the 21st daughter her boyfriend and myself clubbed together to buy him some fancy smoked Oled tail light for the car so he's out fitting them now, with daughter and boyfriend helping him then there washing both cars so don't expect to see them for a good few hours so I will be prepping Sunday lunch shortly have a great day everyone
@Wirrallass Not sure if you use a phone or laptop or desktop, but on my desktop, when I am replying to a post or thread on here, I click the picture icon in the bar above where I am typing which says insert image if you hover over it with the mouse and that opens up a new box which says "Drop Image" "or click here". I click on " or click here" and that takes me to my photo folder and I select the image I want and click "open" and it then embeds my photo in post. There may be an easier way but that's what I do and it works.
To get any images into my desktop, I send them from my phone via email and then save them.
9.9 for me this morning after I knocked 4 units off my evening Levemir ie. I didn't take any evening dose after I did quite a lot of walking yesterday. With hindsight I probably should have gone with 1.5 units rather than none but at least I just caught it before it went into double figures.

Karen and Gorka were brilliant last night along with equally talented support cast of musicians/singers and dancers. Sadly the main hall in the Sage was not sold out and in fact only just over half full, I would say, but as an audience we did our best to make up for the short fall. They encouraged us to get up at the end and have a boogie along with them to some serious 80s disco funk music. A bit of audience participation always makes a good end to a show and I danced out of the theatre and down the stairs afterwards as the music played us out. Just what I needed to lift my spirits.

The glorious sunshine today is also helping give me a mental boost. My apricot tree is now almost in full bloom against the south facing side of the house and I am pleased to report there were 3 huge queen bumble bees pollenating it today when I checked as well as some hover flies and a couple of my honey bees. Hopefully the word will spread in the hive and more will come later in the afternoon. Oh.... and I also saw my first butterfly on it yesterday. Her wings were looking a bit tattered after her over wintering, but she was enjoying some warmth from the sun and a good sup of nectar from the blossoms. Hopefully they will all be helping me get a good crop of apricots in the summer.
PS. Can anyone please remind me how I can transfer a photo from my gallery - to a thread on the forum? My memory ain't as good as it once was! Thanks a bunch.

As long as it isn’t too big, you can usually copy-paste, eg drag the file to your desktop, right-click and select Copy, then go to the forum put the cursor in the message box and select Paste.

Martin’s email-to-yourself trick is a handy one for reducing image sizes, but plenty of image apps allow you to do that too, even the venerable MS Paint could do it with a following wind. Mac makes it easier, mind you…