• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 7.0 for me I had 3 large sausage rolls last night guess the diabetic fairy is saying bad diabetic
Had a bad night As you know i broke mr right kneecap about 9 months ago, well its never been painfree since im not expecting it to be 100% again but i do exect to be able to walk/sleep withut pain constant bad pain. I spoke to the ANP who comes to LH and she said she would spek to GP about it. I already have liquid parasetomol and pain gel. Hes put me on co-co-madol and will she how it goes if that does not work hes going to send me for an xray and possible referal to pain clinic They said it may be bone on bone eeek Sorry for the mini rant but am in so much pin that im crying a lot.Im quite prepared to pay to have xray done privatly if theres a long waiting time
There thanks for letting me rant
gail xxxx
Hi @gail2. So sorry to learn you're in so much pain hun. I feel for you.

I have bilateral knee pain and over the years have had steroid injections in both knees. Six months ago tho I thought I'd try alternative meds so I purchased Herbal Pain Relief Patches for knees from Amazon. By the third day I felt no pain at all :D so I applied them on a daily basis thereafter. I can honestly say I'm pain free now. However, should I forget to apply a patch, then my knees soon let me know and I slap on a patch. Just wondering if you'd like to think about alternative remedies to ease your pain until such time that you have a referral to the pain clinic.
WL xxx
Morning a 6.2 for me and rather than wait just before bed to have any correction dose to deal with the Pizza I decided to do it earlier at about 9pm to try and prevent any rise.
It worked a treat as limited my spike to 8 and was 6 before bed abd stayed flat all night.
Nice day yesterday doing a bit in garden and watched rugby and walked down to farmers market.
No lunch out yesterday or today ( we were warned off going to our usual place due to normal kitchen staff being off il).
Weather was lovely and same again today so hope you all have a great w/ end
Morning all. 6.1 for me before breakfast (Contour Next meter) while new G7 sensor is reading 6.5. New sensor was applied at 9am yesterday, so is still a little noisy.

Morning all 5.7 for me.

Sorry to hear about your disturbed night and leg pain @gail2 - hope the co-codamol helps. Though you have to be a bit careful with that and they most likely won’t want you to take that for long.
Morning all. 8.3 here - really? I know my BG rises at about 6 a.m. Why can’t the HCL work that out? It had suspended my insulin at 5 a.m. for goodness sake. I need to ring my DSN. See what she has to say.

Friday’s lesson planning and admin need doing today, oops. Then hubby needs picking up around 9 p.m. in Swansea. It’s going to be a long day!
Morning all. 8.8 this morning. I think I’m coming down with something maybe.

Dance thing at Sadler’s Wells yesterday was a mixed bag. First piece was irritatingly pointless and wasn’t helped by the director of Scottish Ballet coming out beforehand to tell the audience that it’s a groundbreaking piece of work that’s really difficult to perform and requires a high level of precision. Yeah we get that. It’s a dance piece.
Second piece was considerably more interesting and enjoyable than the first.

Royal Ballet this afternoon for Osipova / Linbury which has had interesting reviews. She is an extraordinary dancer so I’m looking forward to it.

Wandered over the border to 6.2 today, maybe the pizza I had last night, which I ate far too much and felt sick for the rest of the evening. Today I have a gravely throat and achy but that could be from clearing out late FIL house as it has over 4 years worth of dust and dirt. Today on another glorious day, we will clearing more stuff out ready for the skip that is arriving tomorrow, cleared over 40 black sacks of family member’s hoarding so can finally get to late MIL and FIL’s things to sort/clear out. Haven’t even attempted to start on sorting the family member’s room to store their useful possessions, as the whole room is full of rubbish, can understand why they were sleeping on the sofa downstairs as it would not be possible to sleep in the bed. Still don’t feel like we are making progress but I know all of a sudden we will see light at the end of the tunnel.

Sorry for the essay but need to get this out as it is affecting my mental health.
third 5.3 in a row. :D

Good morning. 6.1 on another gorgeous day.

Mr Eggy got his first earlys in and I got the Jeyes fluid out and cleaned the paths. Got up a sweat I tell you. Temperature got up to 19 degrees, I actually sat in a deck chair and read my book for an hour or two. Bed stripped already and will go on the line like yesterday’s washing. Bit more gardening today, maybe, but we’re definitely going for a local walk, we need a bottle of red for the tea! 😉

Have a sunny Sunday.
Good morning. 6.1 on another gorgeous day.

Mr Eggy got his first earlys in and I got the Jeyes fluid out and cleaned the paths. Got up a sweat I tell you. Temperature got up to 19 degrees, I actually sat in a deck chair and read my book for an hour or two. Bed stripped already and will go on the line like yesterday’s washing. Bit more gardening today, maybe, but we’re definitely going for a local walk, we need a bottle of red for the tea! 😉

Have a sunny Sunday.
I love breaking out the Jeyes.
Weirdly therapeutic doing the patio and paths.
Morning all great sunny day here. i feel glad to be alive. Caught up on my sleep.
BG 6.0 pleased with that
You all have a good day take care
love to you all
4.4 this morning for me. Yesterday was a BG roller-coaster day and I struggled to keep things level, no obvious reason but it was annoying to have to munch on snacks to avoid hypos. Oh well, all part of the diabetes circus!

Busy yesterday looking after the grandchildren whilst my daughter and her husband were off in Pittsburgh exploring to see if they want to do the move there. We took my grandson to his football game where he scored 4 goals and the team won the match 8-2! We dropped them off at one of my daughter’s friends afterwards for a party and had the rest of the day to ourselves. The other grandparents are taking over today until Tuesday when my daughter and SIL return.

@Pam123 lovely picture of the aquarium! It made me search through my old pictures and I found these :



@gail2 - hopefully you are out of pain now and feeling better?

Have a good day everyone, hoping you all get a chance to enjoy any sunshine today!
Another 6.0 and another bright and sunny Berkshire morning with wall-to-wall blue sky and sunshine forecast for all day and temperatures to hit the high teens. Busy day catching up on the laundry so might even get some dry on the line. That would be a first for early March.

@Wirrallass - I though about sending Gwynn a PM but he would have to log in to see it was there, and that's what he's not done for a month now. He may, of course, still be looking in and reading posts. If you are, Gwynn, please let us know you're OK.

@Eternal422 - don't know how old your grandson is but both our boys played football from U8s through to U18s so that took care of our Saturdays during the football season when they were growing up. At one point our eldest was also playing on Sundays for a different team. He's now all Futsal and our youngest plays the traditional 5-a-side. My son and daughter from my first marriage never played football but were into Taekwondo and are both black belts, in my daughter's case a 2nd Dan.

Enjoy your Sunday. Hopefully your weather's the same as ours.
Morning all. Yesterdays lazy day kept me in target nicely all day, although the app kept losing connection with the sensor and i had to keep scanning. Then after dinner i had a couple of hypos, one very stubborn not long before bed. I had a really good nights sleep but woke to 11.2. The app shows i've been high overnight but the alarm didn't go off. Probably it lost connection again.

Today we are going to see my SiL, back for lunch, then hospital to see mum, then to the cinema before coming back for a snack.

Have a good day everyone. I could do with getting out in the garden again but it will have to wait for now.
Morning folks. A brilliant 6.7 for me. Haven't had a reading that low before.
Mind you I had a bit of a lie in. (went back to bed at 5.45am after feeding cat and letting her out. Far too dopey and tired to FP then)
Still happy enough. All that running around the garden yesterday and lugging heavy bike gear with all the armoured padding in has paid dividends. Reading after a dinner of cauliflower cheese was only 8 yesterday.

Hubby makes a lovely dish. Broccoli and romanesco with leeks and diced gammon. He does use a bit of flour to make cheese sauce but overall carbs still less than 40g.

More gardening planned today. I am inspired by @eggyg to jet wash our paths as they are very mossy.
More laundry to do including hand washing the Hi Vis vests and a waterproof liner for my mesh bike jacket that I wear in the summer.
Hopefully split and move some lupins and ox-eye daisies if the soil is workable enough.
Sending hugs to @Grannylorraine . Clearing out someone's home after they have died is difficult enough without the stress of having to clear all that hoarded stuff as well.

Lovely sunny Sunday so T shirt on today.
Have a good day folks.