• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

@Eternal422 - did you get a letter or, like me, a text with a link to the NHS Portal? Just curious as to whether the switch to online is just here or nationally. Pleased you got the all-clear, as I did a few days ago.
It was a text link to the NHS Portal where I can see all my previous screening letters. It would be nicer if it was all combined in one place, perhaps from the NHS app, but nevertheless it is an improvement and good to see all previous letters and results as well. I could also see the actual retina images as well, not that I know what to look at!
Morning folks. It was a 9.6 today ( I suspect a 9.7 but monitor says it's close enough) hopefully it will start coming down soon.
Well done on weight loss @goodybags
Congrats on HS @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine
Sorry posted before I finished. Hope you can get some permanent pain relief for your knee @gail2 .
Tai Chi this morning. Have already helped hubby load the car with 8 trugs of brambles and 2 bags of general garden rubbish. He will drop me off then head to the tip and call at greengrocer for more veg. When he picks me up will head into Horncastle for some more seed modules and chicken feed.
Have a good day everyone :D
A happy 5.1 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning.
Wow! Sorry that you lost everything, that must have been devastating! Luckily I never lost any of the fish, my favourite being the pair of Melanopus Clownfish who loved their anenome!
Yes it was terrible it put us off for w while but took the plunge 2 years ago here's a picture we have just added a pair to Solar storm clowns there so cute they love hosting in the grass


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Yes it was terrible it put us off for w while but took the plunge 2 years ago here's a picture we have just added a pair to Solar storm clowns there so cute they love hosting in the grass
Beautiful tank. We thought about a marine invertebrate tank many years ago but cost of setting up and maintaining put us off. We kept tropical fish in a 400l tank for many years. No room for a tank now but I enjoy visiting aquariums.
it was a 5 for me this morning, I got a letter this morning form Health Hermonie confirming the eye appointment
nothing makes sense, the GP and my Optician have confirmed they they haven't referred me, ive asked what its for and emailed but had no luck, I am going back to see my Optician on the 9th April to see if things have changed using the sleep mask, in the mean time I have had a reply from my MP to say he has escalated my appeal to be treated a a private clinic.

Congrats on the HSs @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine
Evening all on what has been a rather dreary day with a cold penetrating wind and occasional drizzle.

6.7 on waking.

Attended a funeral at the crematorium earlier today. It was a really nice non-religious ceremony conducted by a lady celebrant. In fact it was the nicest ceremony I have attended. It really portrayed the fun person it was celebrating. He had been the landlord of a pub in town that we used to frequent along with a bunch of mates, until the pub changed hands some years ago, but we had always kept in touch with the landlord and landlady after they sold it. We didn't go on to the party at the rugby club afterwards, but met up with a couple of mates elsewhere. We felt that the family needed some space. However, it was interesting that after the ceremony we were introduced to 2 people who had flown for the same airline that we flew for... except that our flying careers started nearly 20 years before theirs, but still overlapped. We will keep in touch.

Sounds like we live in pubs, but actually we only go once or twice a week and always to meet up with friends for a chat. There is not a lot of culture in this neck of the woods!

Ho hum.... congratulations to @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine on your HS and to @goodybags on your weightloss!

Take care all!
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Congrats @Grannylorraine & @ColinUK on your House Specials today
thanks to all those that congratulated me on my weight loss, I am surprised so many of you mentioned it

I made up for you not going for a swim today @Martin.A
as I went this afternoon, I shan’t be going again on a Friday late in the afternoon, the pool was busy and half roped off for children's swimming lessons 🙄
Ok good to see them learning / enjoying themselves, but limited the room for everyone else
which surprised me as Virgin being a members gym, when I usually go ( haven’t been since before Christmas) but I go later in the evenings or sometimes early in the morning before work

Thinking about work, I’ve told my Manager I shall go BTW on Monday (been off all this week due to anxiety & stress)
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Good morning, just missed out today with a 5.3
It looks like the run of sunny weather is at an end, yesterday wasn't cold but it was dull and damp. @Pam123 I love your tank! I'd like a marine tank but the amount of work puts me off, I have a cold water tank with three fancy goldfish and some white cloud mountain minnow.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. 6.1 here before breakfast. Yesterday turned out a little less dull than I expected, thankfully. My baking experiment was not a success, so scratch that recipe from my list. Good fun last evening playing tunes and singing a few songs with friends of mine.

Have a great day everyone..

morning snapshot.png
Morning a 6.2 for me after a rise after going to bed and then the correction dose kicked in in the wee hours due to Pizza effect.
Dogs operation was not carried out due to not losing enough weight so have a few weeks respite but although the dog has been assessed the surgeon had not seen the dog and as it is a flat faced breed there is extra risk due to the anaesthetic procedure so he preferred to wait.
This is one of those areas where me and my wife will only end up disagreeing over as I know we are both guilty of giving them too many treats but she still fundamentally blames the problem over the decision to get him castrated.
It goes back to the Vets decision to offer “ chemical castration” to our other make dog which gained lots of weight as a possible solution to them wanting to fight with each other.
So it is a subject area I have probably avoided but now the Surgeon has pointed this out we are both going to have to put them all on a very strict diet.
Anyway a day watching rugby and maybe lunch out as we had cancelled our trip to Ludlow due to expecting to have to stays at home managing the dogs recovery so we have rebooked.
Anyway enjoy all
Morning all. 6.6 on this glorious morning.

The weather yesterday was utterly miserable but we’ve got two fantastic days ahead, highs of up to 17degrees and lots of sun. You know what that means? Washing on the line! And possibly gardening. Living the vida loco! 😉

Have a super, sunny Saturday.
Another 5.3 for me today. 🙂


4.6 today, plans are shopping then the rest of the day sorting out/clearing out FIL house, we have heard via our solicitor that the family member has been sectioned so can we store their belongings, which we will do, but adds another layer to the stress of doing this, although we will only store clothes and actual possessions, not all the rubbish she has hoarded.
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6.2 for me and it is retinal screening day, Appointment is at noon on a Saturday!! It was dark, wet and miserable yesterday and foggy last night but a lot brighter today and no doubt the sun will have burned through the fog by lunchtime and be glorious for my walk home from the hospital.
Going to see Karen and Gorka from Strictly, dance at The Sage tonight (that is the big silver sea slug building on the Gateshead bank of the Tyne) with my sister and my friend. Really feel in need of something to lift my spirits, so hope this will do the trick and my eyes have recovered enough to see clearly.
I did my driving licence renewal last night. Can't believe this is my second renewal since diagnosis. I got to 55 with my original paper licence from passing at 17 and now 3 card licences in 6 years!
Morning all a loverly sunny day here. Had no sleep due to knee pain which means i am going to be a snappy bitch. Start stronger meds for it today. BG was 7.7 at 714 When nurse came it was5.5 [b4 breakfast] so can i cheet and have the seoond one please
you all have a good safe happy day
love to all