• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

its another 5.2 this morning two low alarms in the night treated with JBs crawling on the bottom line all night, I seam to be lower in the day as well but fairly level, I would have expected due to the stress ongoing at the moment it would be higher. anyway the MP has contacted me this morning asked for a few more details and just sent me another message to say he has contacted Patient Experience on my behalf and will get back to me when he gets a reply.
Bit of an update, my lovely doctor has just phoned me, he sent my OCT scans to a consultant at hospital, and she has told him I don’t have AMD, its DMO it still needs treating of course but there still trying to get SpaMedica to treat me, which he isn’t hopeful, I feel better knowing that I am at least doing something using the sleep mask and isn’t as bad as first thought.
A gorgeous day here with wall-wall sunshine, much better than yesterday.

8.3 today & 9.1 at breakfast.

I buggered up the boiler this morning and had to call the gas fitter for advice, he said he'd come out this afternoon which he did, fixing the boiler in two ticks! Whatever I did wasn't serious.

We went to town this morning to shoot some pool - I couldn't miss a ball. I played three people and won them all. Maybe because of relatively happy day so far?

My Care Coordinator paid a visit this afternoon to check on my mental health - she tried to spot any triggers, something I lack, or maybe not readily obvious.

Congratulations @Pam123 on today's HS. At least your blood's are behaving.
@Bloden, I believe there's going to be an upgrade to the Omnipod 5 software, hope it will make life easier for you.
The upgrade downloaded today. The only difference for me is Custom Foods, as far as I can see. I won't be moving onto the dexcom G7, but at least the option's there!
Bit of an update, my lovely doctor has just phoned me, he sent my OCT scans to a consultant at hospital, and she has told him I don’t have AMD, its DMO it still needs treating of course but there still trying to get SpaMedica to treat me, which he isn’t hopeful, I feel better knowing that I am at least doing something using the sleep mask and isn’t as bad as first thought.
hi @Pam123 at least you know it’s DMO now, hopefully very soon you can get examined by a a consultant / ophthalmologist and they can decide on the most appropriate treatment for you at last :thankyou:
Morning all. 5.7 on this frosty Friday.

We may have child care duties as Zara still wasn’t 100% yesterday, and it’s touch and go if she goes to nursery. She didn’t go swimming yesterday as she was exhausted from her sickness bug. She’d only been sick the once and that was Monday night/Tuesday morning but it’s taken it’s toll on her, Eden and mummy had it at the weekend and they’re both absolutely fine. She did perk up yesterday afternoon as I persuaded her to go into the garden for some fresh air, it was a glorious day, she planted some tomato seeds in the greenhouse with Gaga and then we came in and she did a 50 piece jigsaw and had a tiny bite to eat. I hope she’s ok as it’s her 4th birthday today and she was looking forward to celebrating with her little friends. She’s having a party on Sunday at a local soft play centre for her cousins and non nursery friends so fingers crossed she’s at least ok for that. Just waiting for a message from daughter about the “state of play”.

Have a fab day.
Morning a 4.9 after a flat line in the 5s and a Unicorn.
Lie in to boot and cold but no frost after a nice day yesterday and another one planned today in North Cheshire a nice quiet Friday.
Then the w/ end and starting to look forward even more to more daylight and getting warmer.
Morning all. 7.7 for me on waking, which is a little on the high side but I'm happy enough with it as I had a flat uneventful night of uninterrupted sleep, which is a rare thing for me these past years.

I woke with some more ideas for improvements to my software, so some more coding on the cards for today. Keeps my brain engaged and is actually useful to me, so bonus!

Have a great day everyone.

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Morning all. 6.3. Nothing much planned today apart from meeting a friend i don't see very often for a coffee this morning then home to change the bedding, do physio exercises, maybe read my book or crochet.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning lovelies!

5.4 for me and a day waiting on blood results.
Hoping they come through today so I know what’s what. Anxiety was wild yesterday, couldn’t even eat.

Hope you all have a lovely Friday and a great weekend <3
Morning all, 8.2 here, no idea where that came from, I was pottering along in the 5s til about 5 am.
Lovely sunny day here yesterday, I got all my bedding and towels from the guests done and dried outdoors, and did a load of gardening.
Forgot to post yesterday.

Today’s number is a 6.0

C’est tout.

4.7 today and going to see mum as it’s her 89th birthday.

As I thought yesterday was a long stressful, emotional day, even worse for my hubby, it it is over now and onto the next chapter in getting his fathers estate in order so the Will can be honoured.

Congratulations to @Pam123 on your HS yesterday and hope you get your eye sorted quickly now after the problems you have had over the last few weeks.
Good morning on waking at 05:55 was a bit low today at 4.3
Had to have a banana before driving Mrs @goodybags to work

weighed myself today down to 84 KG now in-fact if I can loose just another 8 KG 🙄
Back in June last year was 103 KG and a few years ago was 120KG 😱

Just thinking for the first time since sometime back in my teenage years
I will actually be a healthy weight

HAGD everyone 😎
Morning all
Went to bed on a 5.7 woke up to 6.2 I need to trust my diabeties
you all have a good safe happy day
Only had 3.5 hours sleep im knackerd
Going out on Indie today need/crave marmite on breakfast toast Had low sugar jam instead today its not the same
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

4.7 this morning for me.

Yesterday’s care assessment for my parents was cancelled last minute and rearranged for next week. Bit annoying but at least my parents are now more open to getting some help. I think they need more than they are talking about, but this will at least be a first step.

Eye screening today so I fully expect the mist to clear and bright sunshine to arrive around 3pm today :rofl:

Just seen a bit about creon shortages on BBC breakfast news and aware there are some here on this forum that are affected. Just makes you think how reliant a lot of us are on the medicines we need and perhaps how fragile the supply chains are getting.

Take care everyone.
Morning all

An unexpected 5.2 for me today - especially since I have a sore throat / cold on the go, and a head full of cotton wool.

Congrats on yesterday’s HS @Pam123 and sorry to hear about your macular odema :care: - hopefully they can put an effective treatment plan in place now you have a clear diagnosis.