The upgrade downloaded today. The only difference for me is Custom Foods, as far as I can see. I won't be moving onto the dexcom G7, but at least the option's there!@Bloden, I believe there's going to be an upgrade to the Omnipod 5 software, hope it will make life easier for you.
hi @Pam123 at least you know it’s DMO now, hopefully very soon you can get examined by a a consultant / ophthalmologist and they can decide on the most appropriate treatment for you at lastBit of an update, my lovely doctor has just phoned me, he sent my OCT scans to a consultant at hospital, and she has told him I don’t have AMD, its DMO it still needs treating of course but there still trying to get SpaMedica to treat me, which he isn’t hopeful, I feel better knowing that I am at least doing something using the sleep mask and isn’t as bad as first thought.