• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 5'1 today.

Yesterday in the early morning I took the executive decision of turning off the low alarm after it woke me up 3 times during the night. In all fairness I was just above the low line from 1 am to 9, although only one small red dot in the graph and very flat otherwise. When I woke up it said 3'8 again, but went to the toilet to test on finger prick and got a 4'7, and when I got back to the room Libre agreed. Last night the graph was more in the 5s it seems, and also pretty stable.

Very, VERY long day ahead at work. I start at 6 again, and unlike the supervisor I mentioned last time, the one I work with today doesn't take smoke breaks and tends to be stressed from the moment she clocks in. So it will be harder to get my cup of tea and 10 minutes of peace and quiet. Wish me luck! :thankyou:
Morning yawning. 5.5.

I really don’t need to be up so early but the old inner radiator is kaput again and has been on maximum temperature all night, and the internal monologue won’t shut up! It’s ironic it’s frosty this morning, I’m tempted to roll about half naked on the icy lawn and go back to bed but it won’t work, I’ve tried before! 😉

It’s our “every other Thursday help with swimming lessons” day today, maybe, Zara hasn’t been well, some sort of bug, hoping she’s ok by tomorrow as it’s her birthday. Her other grandparents had organised a little tea party for her yesterday, as they are currently on their way down to Southampton to board a ship for their annual five week Caribbean cruise, and will miss her birthday, but she was too poorly to go to their house. We will pick up the child care/swimming lesson slack for the ensuing weeks. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! We’ll need a holiday when they get back, beginning of April! Oh just remembered, we do have one booked for Easter weekend, with ALL the family! No rest for the wicked! 😛 I really need to learn how to get more sleep, no time for nana naps for the next few weeks.

Have a great day.
Morning and a 6.1 and another flat line with no correction doses.
Absolutely lovely day yesterday with a very nice call in Formby then found a quaint tea shop where had lunch ( one of those places which did book binding and then upstairs did Will writing etc).
Had my call with local DSN from GPs in morning to run through my tests all results she was happy with.
My hBa1c has gone up to 50 from 47 but my excuse was November/December relaxing when my TIR was in low 90s and average BG was 7.5 but she was really happy with that and even more so when I told her my TIR was back up to 98% and average BG was 6.5.
All other kidney and LFTs were normal.
I did do one silly thing as I took my insulin pen out but only had 3u left in it which I jabbed after lunch which was not enough.
So had a walk along Crosby seafront and saw the Anthony Gormley statues to keep my level under control and again it was so nice to be able to do so all in all such a nice day.
Off to St Helens today but again stress free and pretty routine.
Whatever you are up to have a great day
Morning all. 7.9 for me before breakfast. A little higher than I would have liked, but such is life. Still a little wet and blustery here, so I am planning to do some software development today. My latest idea is to use a food-nutrition API I found to add an ability to my diabetes software to understand natural language meal descriptions and calculate carbs automatically. Just something to do on a wet and blustery day that will be useful if I can get it to work.
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Morning all. 7.4 for me this morning, down from a high of 9.2 earlier in the morning (Dawn Phenomenon), thanks to the 2 units of NovoRapid I took at the time. My faulty G7 sensor (signal loss, inaccurate readings) finally gave up the ghost yesterday morning, so I had to yank it off and apply a new one. Sent Dexcom a support request and, after a long and tedious conversation with one of their support techs I was successful in getting them to send me a replacement.

I posted earlier in the week that I was going to add an ability to my diabetes software to understand natural-language meal descriptions and calculate carbs automatically (see above). I am happy to report that my work was a success and much easier than I had anticipated - just putting the finishing touches on it today.

Have a great day everyone.

Morning you lovely lot! 🙂
5.9 for me and it’s bloods day, eeeeeeek!

Libre estimated A1c is 38 so we shall see.
TIR - 100%

Found some old blood results on the NHS app yesterday and in 2019 my A1c was 40, so in reality there’s a good chance I’ve been prediabetic this entire time and not known because it hasn’t been tested again until the bloods I had done before Christmas.

Wish me luck!
Have a super lovely day xo

Bloods done, weight, health check done.
Results hopefully back tomorrow, if not Monday.
BP up a touch but pain levels have been high the last fortnight or so.
Fingers crossed now I suppose :thankyou:
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morning all
6.2 for me not 100% happy with that but its a long old way from the bad days of 15+ and its in my range
you all have a good day
love to you all
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Another bolus guesswork result yesterday evening, our guests have gone, but they'd clearly decided OH must be missing his roots, and brought us a bottle of Vimto, a chunk of Lancashire cheese (which is actually my favourite cheese, even though it’s betraying my Yorkshire roots) and Butter pies! So we ate the pies last night. They are a Preston speciality, and are basically potato, onion and butter, encased in pastry! (traditionally, Preston was a Catholic city, and they were eaten on Fridays when no meat was allowed).
A 5.3 for me today. 🙂 Bloomin' cold this morning.

Morning all. 6.8.

Its bright and sunny atm so after my physio exercises i might try and get in the garden for a while (as long as its not too painful), maybe i should swap it around). Then this afternoon i'm seeing my friend for a cuppa and chat. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning was 6.7 on waking today

Congrats on those House Specials yesterday @khskel & @Pam123

Have a Terrific Thursday everyone
4.9 this morning for me.

Loads of washing done yesterday, now we collect more from my parents today! We’ve also arranged a care assessment this afternoon for them to get something in place for them. Dad fell in the bedroom whilst getting dressed on Tuesday, the day we got back. He has very poor balance now so I think he really needs more help, but at least this will be a first step in getting him to accept more help.

@Pam123 - so sorry to hear of all the problems you’re having getting your eyes sorted. It must be so frustrating being messed around so much. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it will get sorted soon.

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone. A happy 5.0 for me on this beautiful sunny day.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Morning folks. 6.4 this morning - a trip out of the 7s, yay!

I’m very active this week - him indoors is away so it’s down to me to do two dog walks a day and general puppy entertainment duties. I want my life back! Omnipod 5 is managing to cope as long as I put it in Activity mode for the whole day. Seems to work. Off out to the nearest garden centre and some me time (hopefully, the pup won’t notice I’ve gone and will just sleep quietly in her bed). Pigs will fly!
Just got back home after my eye screening appointment and wouldn't you believe it, today's been all blue sky and sunshine...!!! Sunglasses weather, with or without an eye screening appointment. At least I should be able to finish painting the garden fence this afternoon. No chance yesterday, which was a complete washout. Spent the day getting on top of the laundry.

Thursday's one of my swim days but I'll take the bus unless my eyes are back to normal by midday. Might even leave it until tomorrow.

Still flipping backwards and forwards either side of 6 with a 6.2 this morning.

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine and has a good day.
3.9 for me today and a very straight flat line in the red from just before 1am when I had a couple of jelly babies which clearly did little other than to produce a small black "mole hill" on my graph to take me out of the red for about half an hour before it dropped again and then another JB at 3am which doesn't seem to have impacted the straight red line at all! No evening Levemir last night (I reduced it the last 2 units) so not much more I can do about it. It is like my body just wants to be at this level and I slept really well but stats now showing a whopping 18% below range for the last 7 days. 😱Annual diabetes full blood tests tomorrow morning. A fortnight ago when I was battling my second bout of cold in a month and levels were high and I was expecting my HbA1c was going to be higher than usual, now it is looking like it might end up being a bit low. I guess we will know next week.
4.3 this morning.

Had a chaotic afternoon in which my library was overrun by 100 drama students at lunchtime, who turned the space into a dressing room and remained until I left at 5, when their show started. The idea was that I would babysit them... it would have been nice if I'd known about it beforehand!
My poor after school club kids were all stuck right at the back of the library, which I had to fight to keep free for them. I had various teachers asking me to move them to a different room, to which I said no, and that if they moved, I would go with them, as my job was to look after the after-school kids, not to supervise 100 drama students on my own.
I also had 3 teachers asking me to let their kids change in there - to which I said absolutely not for safeguarding reasons. After I said this, they started asking me if I could close the blinds, so again I said NO, THEY ARE NOT CHANGING IN HERE.
Gahhhhhhhh. So stressful. I did not sleep all night, and when I got in this morning, my room was completely trashed. And they've stolen my doorstop! Tempted to take one of their props in return, but this wouldn't be fair on the kids...!

Anyway there is another show tonight and tomorrow, but my manager (assistant head) will be here to tell off any naughty drama teachers! So hopefully today will be a lot calmer. And the sun is shining, which is lovely 🙂

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Morning all - another day of sun and clouds. So far it's been dry.

6.9 this morning.

Not a lot on today, trip to Lidl methinks as I am 47p short of the target to earn us 10% off our next shop. Then make some of the gammon I cooked earlier into a gammon, leek and mushroom pie with suet pastry for dinner tonight. Such an exciting life I lead!

Yes, @eggyg, would much rather spend the day booking a holiday!

@Bloden, I believe there's going to be an upgrade to the Omnipod 5 software, hope it will make life easier for you.

Take care all!