• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 for me after 2 JBs for a Libre 2.9 earlier and a lot of time in the red again, despite a Levemir reduction. No idea why I didn't wake up sooner.
So, i've been to see the physio and its not plantar fasciitis. He thinks its Fat Pad Atrophy. Something that will take time to heal because obviously i can't stay off my feet. He's told me to cut back on longer walks, use my exercise bike more to get the exercise. He's also given me exercises to do daily which will work my hips, knees, thighs and calves which hopefully will support me more and take some weight. I've got more insoles and he wants to see me in May to see if its easing. If not, they'll look at what else they can do.
10.3 this morning, not a happy bunny. At brekkas they were a more respected 7.1
No sooner than finished it, I went into psychosis and stayed that way until midafternoon.
Now I'm having weird sensations and unhelpful thoughts of suicide that I'm accepting rather than arguing against. I've also taken 15mg Haliperidol to curb myself-haven't had this much in the last seven or eight years, no doubts I'll pay the price later, and sleep.

Also I have got 90% TIR

But apart from that I actually managed a walk, and got further than I had in over a week! Can't be all bad.

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS.

I hope your feet improve for your own walking abilities too, @freesia
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evening forum friends ‘twas 6.9 today when I woke at 05:55

It’s turning into a stressful month @work, as January was if I’m honest

looking forward to finding out what’s going on with the retinal swelling on Monday when I’m seen in DMO clinic, possibility another Ozurdex (it will be coming up to 6 months since I had my first Ozurdex put in that eye) we will see

TC everyone 😎
Good morning all. Clickety click 6.6.

It’s cold and raining and still dark, ie a miserable day. Eurgh! It’s ok, haven’t anything planned apart from making a steak and ale pie for tonight’s tea, and probably tomorrow’s and the next day’s. I have a big pie dish!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning and a 6.4 for me with another flat line.
Yesterday turned out quite busy with trip to butchers,farm shop and hospital for my Upper GI check.
Saw Consultant and in and out within 20 minutes before car parking charges kick in even though I got last space and is a lottery.
They need to do a CT scan in 4-6 weeks just to check whether my clot has resolved or not and then decide whether I stay on Apixaban or not.I asked about CPeptide etc and he basically said no point as was stable on insulin so that medication would not change so whatever the state of my pancreas if I was doing well which I am then no need for any further tests.
Have my local DSN from GPs ringing me this morning just to follow up earlier blood test results but have accessed them on App and although my cholesterol has gone up from 4 to 4.2 following taking statin they have already agreed I don’t need to change dosage and it does not cause me any issues.
Then went to garden centre and had big slice of cake to go with coffee and no insulin handy so it went to 12 and had to walk down to GPs to put prescription in to bring BG back down so about a mile or so there and back.
Then had tea and settled down well at night with no correction doses as 6.5 going to bed.
Trip to Formby and Southport today so always nice to see sea so have a good day as fairly early start today well for me as have to buy some Do Nuts first even though the supermarket staff never believe me when I say they are not for me but truth is I don’t like them at all.
Morning all. 7.3 here before breakfast. My current G7 sensor is losing signal quite often now, but thankfully it expires later today so hopefully the next one will be better behaved. Very annoying to have to keep resetting the bluetooth connection.

Morning all. 6.2 and a flat line overnight. Weekly shop to do today then a short walk to a friend's house for a cuppa, chat and craft. Dull and rainy here today, no sign of yesterdays sunshine.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Quite pleased with that, house guests took us out for a meal last night, to a pub in the next village that we sometimes have lunch at as part of a circular walk, but I’ve never eaten there in the evening. I had fish and chips, and managed to guess the bolus reasonably, though I overdid it a bit and needed a couple of jelly babies at bedtime. I don’t often have chips out, because they can be disappointing, and I never feel they're worth the bolus maths, but I know that this pub's chips are superb, so was tempted.
Morning All - 7.4 this morning - bit higher than lately as had some sneaky chocolate last night and some grains & kidney beans for my supper - yummy Merchant Grains Jamaican pouch which I added some tomato passata to and topped with sour cream, guacamole & salsa and had with 2 salt & pepper chicken thighs, broccoli & green beans - oh yes and just remember that I did a baked apple for Mark and had a teeny tiny portion (table spoonful) with custard. Meant to be doing my volunteer gardening today but it's pouring with rain and hubby gone on the early train to London so I've said I can't go in until later and hoping they'll message back to say don't bother today. I'm off on a mini trip down south tomorrow - train to Taunton to stay with friend in Dorset for the night with 2 others and going out for supper then the next day train to Totnes and staying with another friend for one night. We're going to pop into Salcombe on Friday afternoon. Then back up to Penrith on Saturday late morning as 2 of the children coming home. Mark will probably be pulling his hair out and feeling house-bound by that point :rofl: Have a good day everyone xxx
An early morning 4.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning everyone
6.0 for me
Have a good day love to you all
gail xxxxxxx
yummy Merchant Grains Jamaican pouch which I added some tomato passata to and topped with sour cream, guacamole & salsa and had with 2 salt & pepper chicken thighs, broccoli & green beans
Sounds lovely and fairly quick to make. I might try that.
Morning lovelies! 5.3 for me 🙂

Gorgeously wet and gloomy day here.
I think today is definitely going to be a chill day before bloods tomorrow.

Hope you all have a good one <3
today (according to Libra) was 9.9 😱
I didn’t & don’t usually FP test on waking these days
like most CGM wearers just glance at the app half hour later (after using bathroom and making a cuppa) It had dropped to 7.9 (FP test then was 6.9)
so realistically was most likely somewhere between a Len and Ten today 😉 :rofl:

sometimes I do go on… yes, but the forum is just such a good place to unload and share what’s going on, so glad I found this fantastic forum.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone
TC 😎