• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning, 5.4 for me today. The smartguard feature on my Medtronic pump has kicked back in, hooray!

Plans for today are to panic-read Northanger Abbey before I host a staff book group discussion on it tomorrow. I have read it before but it wasn't my favourite so I'm struggling to remember huge chunks of it!

The 7yo is now aware she will be having a new baby brother or sister later this year, and has gone into school (the school I work at) with her news - I'm sure I will be getting lots of emails from colleagues throughout the day! 🙂
5.8 for me on a thoroughly wet and miserable Berkshire morning. Home alone as usual on a Wednesday with no one WFH and our youngest leaving shortly for his shift at Tesco, but I don't mind having a day to myself, even if it is only once a week. Still have one fence panel left to paint but not likely to get it done today.

@ColinUK - I showed my wife your clever Scotch tape picture yesterday and she promptly informed me me that Scotch tape is actually 100 years old this year https://scotchbrand.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/scotch-eu/about/

Eye screening tomorrow, 09:30 at our local Community Hospital. Luckily, as I mustn't drive, it's only a 20-minute walk from home. Just hope it's not another wet morning.

Have a good day, your weather permitting.
We’re back! Yesterday was a blur thanks to the overnight flight and dozing off and on throughout the night. Feel more human today and my BG has rewarded me by a 4.4 this morning 🙂

Not much planned today other than unpacking, catching up with washing, etc. then a busy few days with various appointments and my diabetic eye screening on Friday. Need to book my annual diabetic review at the GP which they do as a separate blood draw and other checks with a third appointment to review the results, although this last one is a phone call.

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone from a very wet Bedfordshire.

I’m happy to report a 5.1 earlier this morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay dry.
@ColinUK we've just booked to see Titanique in May for our wedding anniversary.
YAY!! Hope you enjoy it!

Of course if you hate it then I’ve never seen it and certainly didn’t recommend it to anyone ever o_O
6.0 this morning. Not much planned today which means I’m likely to ruminate a bit so excuse me whilst I sit and ponder Life.
No numbers this morning as my monitor decided to play silly b's last night before dinner. Error code 7. Means I can't fix it and need to contact customer care 0800 phone line. As surgery pharmacy supplied it I will check with them first. Need to collect both our prescriptions today.

Did a deep clean of chicken coop after keep fit yesterday. Ham & mushroom omelette for lunch before craft club. Several of us had the same idea and were knitting red poppies.
Got home to find hubby emptying a compost bay. Made from old pallets so quite substantial. Lots of trips to the polytunnel with the wheelbarrow.
Indoor work today. Cold wet and miserable outside. I miss the birds Dawn chorus.
Have a good day folks.
3.2 for me today and embarrassed to say that was a finger prick because Libre sensor fell off last night not long after I got into bed. Worse still I woke early hours feeling hypo. When into the bathroom to do a finger prick so that I didn't disturb Ian and it was 2.8 followed by a 2.9 double check as I found it hard to believe I was really that low, so looks like I was probably in the red most of the night again and that was with no active Fiasp, a chocolate chip shortbread before bed because my levels were too low and 5 jelly babies through the night AND I had reduced my evening Levemir again although I didn't do a lot of physical activity yesterday. Just wondering if this cold virus has depleted my liver stores and it just isn't trickling out as much glucose as it usually would.

Will be phoning Abbott later hopefully for a replacement. My arm strap broke a couple of weeks ago and I really feel that it is instrumental in me not generally having issues with Libre. This sensor was only 3 days old and I had done my usual very thorough skin prep before applying it, so not having a strap seems to be the key factor and will definitely be ordering a new one.
Morning all and it was a 5.2 for me.

Car back from garage we're street legal for another year.
Pharmacy rung and missing prescription items sorted.

Good rehearsal last night another new song in the bag bar a few tweaks.

Set list sorted for show by our original band.

Rabbit dosed despite vet calling as I was trying to get a syringe in his mouth.

Now got a promoter to contact to turn a gig offer down.

Have a good day everyone.
Afternoon all - don't know where the day has gone. Weather is a bit undecided, plenty of sun and blue sky, but also intermittent showers.

On the 6.6. step with @eggyg this morning.

We both spent nearly all yesterday sitting in the office chairs using the computers to book various stages of a holiday in France. Driving down as far as Sarlat where we'll spend a week and dawdling on our way down and back up in various places including the Loire area. By 8:30 pm we hadn't finalised everything, so I hauled J away and cooked a scratch dinner. No time to continue today as we're expecting a visitor for coffee this afternoon and out early for our usual meet up in the local this evening. However it is quite exciting. I always love planning holidays!

Congratulations to @khskel on your HS.
7.1 today following an uneventful night. Didn't have yesterday's payback either.
The weather doesn't know what to do today, first blue sky and sun then torrential rain and then back to the former.

We had the cleaner help us locate where the fruit flies were animating... under the plastic bag corner, rotten spuds. All clear now and and the pantry was sorted too.

Congratulations @khskel on your HS.
Didn’t post yesterday so stressed with all this eye stuff, its all so complicated to post what’s happening, needless to say the eye clinic have even rejected the GP referral, and the people who deal with all the referrals even deleted the doctors request to try another clinic, every time we phone they say they will phone back and don't The doctor is trying his best to sort the mess out and advised me to contact the relevant people to make a formal complaint, so several emails were sent out yesterday including our MP.

BS was 4.7 yesterday and 5.2 today I am very surprised that its so stable, my BP isn’t
YAY!! Hope you enjoy it!

Of course if you hate it then I’ve never seen it and certainly didn’t recommend it to anyone ever o_O
We've read a good review somewhere and also someone was on the radio saying how good it was so we're looking forward to it. Plus the few days away as well.
Afternoon all - don't know where the day has gone. Weather is a bit undecided, plenty of sun and blue sky, but also intermittent showers.

On the 6.6. step with @eggyg this morning.

We both spent nearly all yesterday sitting in the office chairs using the computers to book various stages of a holiday in France. Driving down as far as Sarlat where we'll spend a week and dawdling on our way down and back up in various places including the Loire area. By 8:30 pm we hadn't finalised everything, so I hauled J away and cooked a scratch dinner. No time to continue today as we're expecting a visitor for coffee this afternoon and out early for our usual meet up in the local this evening. However it is quite exciting. I always love planning holidays!

Congratulations to @khskel on your HS.
I too love planning holidays.
I think this meme sums it up in a nutshell!


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Good (early) morning, it's a 6.4
Dog woke me up at 1.15 and again at 4.45 desperate to go outside, so a bit of a disturbed night for both of us. I'll be heading back to bed shortly after I've finished my coffee!
On the plus side I've booked my flights to visit my mum in Turkey for two weeks in April.
Have a great day everyone x
train to Taunton to stay with friend in Dorset for the night with 2 others and going out for supper then the next day train to Totnes and staying with another friend for one night.
Totnes is fairly close to me, nice town with a lot of independent businesses, it has a reputation of being a bit alternative. Enjoy your trip, sounds like quite the tour!