• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

@goodybags - a few weeks ago you were asking about recycling blister packs and I told you Boots took them but I learned yesterday that the reason I could take mine to our local Boots was that they were running it as a trial in London and the South East, and only now are they rolling it out across all their stores nationwide. You should be OK now.
Do you still have to sign up for a Boots Advantage card first, and register your empty packs on the Boots App? That’s what it still says on the Boots website, I’d been hoping when they rolled it out nationwide, anyone could just pop them in the bin as they were passing. It seems like an awful faff, and I don’t particularly want a Boots advantage card. I’d happily do it if you could just post them in a bin like I can pop my flimsy plastics in a bin at the co-op.
Do you still have to sign up for a Boots Advantage card first, and register your empty packs on the Boots App?
No, but you do if you want to earn Advantage points from recycling. I don't have an Advantage Card and I haven't installed the App.
No, but you do if you want to earn Advantage points from recycling. I don't have an Advantage Card and I haven't installed the App.
Thank you! I’m happy to recycle them if I can do it simply! OH and I get through 8 blister packs a month as standard, before we start on the odd pain killer and antihistamine.
Morning everyone. A nice round 5.0 for me on this wet and windy day.
I would leave it on Jo. It’ll sting a bit but apparently “a bleeder is a good reader”. It’s only happened to me once, I had a white tee shirt on too! It was everywhere! If it doesn’t stop stinging take it off, pointless putting another on the other arm until necessary. I only use my right arm.
Its also happened to me and I left mine on, it was sore for a day then it was fine,I also only use my right arm as I mostly sleep on my left side .
well this mornings visit to the doctor turned out to be to be very positive, First of all he was angry about the way I have been treated between the referral team and Spa Medica, He insisted that I was in the catchment area and he said there surgery refers people all the time to them, he had a copy of the report which he phoned through to his receptionist while we were in the surgery and said This lady was referred to Spa Medica for urgent treatment a month ago for diabetic macular oedema and it was refused, re refer her, and ask them what there playing at.

So now I know what they think is wrong, I also asked him while I was there about staying on insulin permanently because everything is stable, he said they wouldn't change anything, and there approach is if its working don't break it, I am so pleased Ive been to see him he is the only doctor who I trust and he understand my phobia.

So now I have to wait to see what happens now I'm still a bit concerned even though my doctor insist it will be ok, The woman who promised to phone this morning from Spa Medica still hasn't phoned either,

nearly forgot my BS was 6.7 high for me but maybe because of the visit to the doctors, we went into town after decided to treat ourselves to some steak tonight were home alone as daughter and boyfriend are eating out and going on to the cinema, we grabbed a couple salad cobs, got in BS shot up to 10.6 then realised I forgot my insulin
Overslept today and my BG was 9.1, might be due to a plateful of pileu rice covered in a prawn madras last night.

Much warmer at 14° and very wet and windy with it, the heating hasn't been on much as a result.

Congratulatons @rebrascora & @zippyjojo on your HSs!

Glad your visit @Pam123 to the Dr's was positive.
Afternoon all. 8 something this morning after an over treated hypo then high overnight. We're away so having to guesstimate carbs. I've not done too bad really but had a hypo last night and ended up over treating. Oh well, food was nice.

@rebrascora big hugs to you. Hope you feel better soon.
Evening all.. well, another horrible day weather wise. Yesterday had started off nice but by the afternoon the weather turned vile and it continued so today.

No recollection of what my BG was first thing. I keep forgetting that I need to scan rather than just look at the number or I shan't have a record.

Anyway, yesterday we had to do a Lidl shop as there were no veggies in, plus my phone is needed to get the points/offers etc and I can't let J take my phone without me. So I went with him and regretted it as I came home in pain. By bedtime I was crying with pain and took 2 Neurofen which put me to sleep nicely - only found out this morning that you are only supposed to take one tablet of that particular variety of Neurofen! Eeek! One way and another I couldn't get out of bed this morning. Eventually got up about lunchtime and did attend a pre-arranged appointment with the nurse at the surgery this afternoon. Whilst there she examined me and said the pain was muscular... but it's bloody fierce at times, so basically it's painkillers until I can see the Chiropractor on Monday.

@rebrascora sending sympathies. Hope you feel better soon.

@Pam123 hope you can get your referral sorted very soon.

Take care all!
Good evening everyone! A 5'2 this morning, confirmed by finger prick as well. To be honest I was happier about the sensor being accurate than the HS itself!

Tomorrow must be the end of the work week for some of you, where for me it's back to work after having Wednesday and Thursday off. I feel I spent them well. Yesterday I went to book club in the morning, only two of us showed up this week. Far from being one of these awkward situations, the conversation got so good we were there two hours longer than usual! Then I went to buy pillows and linen for my new bed and did a small food shop, and when I got home I called my parents and packed a bunch of my things. I have filled 3 bags for the recycling bin and 2 for the charity shop so far.

Today I went to Exeter with a friend, I warned him I didn't want to eat in Wagamama again (we went in the past two visits) and we went to Turtle Bay. Turns out it was not the place for either of us, but we are glad we tried. I also had to do my mandatory visit to Bird and Blend to get some fancy tea flavours 😎

Oh, and we went into the Underground Passages, which I hadn't visited before.

My blood sugar has been on the lower side today, same as yesterday. A few sour gummies have been consumed to avoid dropping while walking around, and I had the precaution to lower my morning basal for the Exeter trip.

I intended to do the same yesterday for my shopping, because I planned to walk the 30 minutes to the retail park, but I forgot when I was speaking with my book club friend. So had to take the bus instead because I was in the 4s, even after hours sitting. Maybe I got the insulin wrong for my breakfast at the cafe, tho I suspect is a problem of timing rather than the dose (I did have a significant spike before coming down). Then I considered walking on the way back but changed my mind quickly when I realised how uncomfortable was to carry the bulk of duvet and pillows :rofl:
6.4 this morning and struggling to find anything decent to eat here - seems like everywhere is burgers, tacos and the like! So, after a second trip to the outlet mall (as it was cloudy today) we stopped off at a supermarket and bought some salads and yogurts to make our own meal tonight!

Finding our way around quite easily thanks to Google Maps, what did we do before it? Tomorrow is meant to be sunny all day so we’re off south a bit along the coast to St Pete beach. This is not really a photo taking holiday but nevertheless enjoyable being somewhere different. My wife bought a Michael Kors bag (it’s the law if you visit a mall with one of their shops, apparently :rofl: ) and we both bought hoodies as amazingly, 70F still feels cool, well, the wind is cool, not so bad if you’re out in the sun and a bit sheltered!

Congratulations on the HSs and hoping those who are not well get better soon.

Take care everyone!
Morning lovelies! Yay Friday!

Another 5.2 for me on Libre when Mr Q’s alarm went off at awful o’clock.
Didn’t bring BGM up with me so just have to take that for now.
Personally, I’m finding it wildly inaccurate over Dexcom and finger jabbing but I’ll stick it out and see how it goes.

Happy birthday @Grannylorraine

Hope you all have a super day/weekend! <3


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Morning congrats on the HS all.A near miss for me with a 5.3 and a good nights sleep and a flat line after a 2u correction dose to deal with surge before bed due to left over Chinese meal.
Glad it’s Friday and been a nice quiet week and now warming up.
Have a good day all and even better w/ end
Good morning 5.7

Congrats on todays HS @Quill & any body I’ve missed over the last few days

Happy Birthday @Grannylorraine :party: hope you have a great day whatever plans you have

@Pam123 good to see you had a positive appointment with your GP, everything crossed you finally get the referral and treatment you need,
instances like the situation your going through just shows how broken healthcare provision can be

@Martin.A thanks for the info on recycling the blister packs at boots,
I now have a small bin almost full, and on seeing someone mention you can get points for recycling them I re- registered for their points card yesterday, I even got bonus ones & a money off coupon as it picked up I'm over 60.

looking forward to the weekend, but working today (as usual)

Have a fabulous Friday everyone
TC 😎