00:10 BS 6.4
An extremely early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day!
Yesterday’s graph looks a bit better but, was crampy for most of the day. Decided to eat more as it seems to help a bit so, ate two meals. Now then, let’s see WHERE my two graphs for yesterday & the last few hours end up?: I’m putting them here where I intend to; let’s see IF it ends up here?

Dozed in bed most of the day as I was quite tired, ate & went to bed properly around 8pm! Couldn’t stay awake for DIP so, I’m now up at this silly o’ clock. Just had a cuppa soup & some cheese twists & will watch DIP now on iPlayer!
The rest is about cdrama so, you CAN skip it, I won’t know!
Been watching a new contemporary cdrama just started a week called The White Olive Tree about a Chinese female war correspondent who meets a male civilian explosives expert teaching the army of The Eastern Country how to defuse bombs & mines etc. She stood on a mine & he tried to defuse: best he could do was give her 5 seconds & how far can you run in that time; both shaken up but, he shielded her & they both made it!
It seems to be set in some middle eastern country in conflict & quite a large chunk of it is in english as that is the language that the locals, sounds like an Arabic middle eastern language, & the world’s international press & volunteers use to communicate with each other.
It’s a love story set in a conflict war zone & it hits the entire gamut of human emotions more-or-less! I like watching it a lot!