That is something worth looking into a bit more. Apart from the obvious vehicle safety consideration, brake fluid is nasty stuff, can be very corrosive so you don't want it leaking onto an internal car component surface, to corrode something that might result in a big bill - nor onto your drive, from where it can be transferred into a domestic flooring surface.Might have leaky brakes. Just had to top up the brake fluid. Wait and see and keep checking the levels.
Not so much reading (I find reading CW really really hard as I have only ever listened to it and very rarely write anything down), more like speaking a second language fluently. There comes a point when you are only subconsciously aware of the dits and dahs and words just appear in your head. A chap called Chris Rutskowski likens two experienced CW operators chatting to each other as the closest thing to telepathy you can get - you're almost planting thoughts in the other person's head.was really interested in hearing from some of our club members about CW and how when proficient you recognise whole words rather than translating individual letters.
Good morning 6.2 here.Morning all. Hope everyone’s good.
Feeling a bit out of sorts last few days and levels have been running high. The two are probably linked.
We bank with the NatWest and on the very rare occasion we receive a cheque we just have to take a photo of it on our banking app. And voila! It’s paid in. Blooming amazing. But obviously that’s why all the branches are closing, we don’t need them anymore.have a cheque to pay in which happens about twice a year so may have a trip to my local branch in the next town rather than just pay into the ATM.
This made me chuckle, my infantile humour.he’d had his number 2