• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 9.8 on waking, sweaty and heart racing, after a dream about work. I still feel slightly panicky about it now!! I left i October, why am i still dreaming about it?!

@ColinUK the apple cake looks delicious. I like that its made with ground almonds.

@Gwynn i can only repeat what others have said. You have all our support albeit virtual. I can't imagine what you're both going through. Sending hugs to you.
<WHISPERS> "White Rabbits" :D

A 5.5 for me today.

@Gwynn you have our support and love thinking of you <3 <3 <3 <3
Its confession time at 6am i ate 2 banana's didt have low bg just fancied them at 749 my bg was 11.0 🙄 that will teach me to be a gready madam
you all have a good safeday
Morning all
Was woken at 0600 with a high alert (1u to sort) and a nasty headache after a low alert just after i went to bed, 1/2 box OJ to sort. The coughing had eased a bit yesterday so had a reasonable sleep.

Finally up at 0800 and BG 7.5 after sorting cats.

Why are modern kettles so loud! Didn't know I needed to compare decibel levels when I bought a new one.

Meeting a friend this afternoon for coffee and to get his birthday present to him as I have a busy week, double booked on 2 days and treating a cat 5x a day. Not sure I'm up to it, can only try. Will be good to get out.

Big hugs @Gwynn at least virtually I can't give you this bug. Please let off steam here

Have a lovely weekend if you can.
6.4 after a fairly flatfish night. I was woken up at 2.30 by the dog wanting to go out, she then wouldn't settle until I let her on the bed with me, little so and so :rofl:
Morning all. 9.8 on waking, sweaty and heart racing, after a dream about work. I still feel slightly panicky about it now!! I left i October, why am i still dreaming about it?!
It's 19 years since I stopped teaching in secondary school. I rarely dream about it now, but still occasionally have what I call 'The Register Nightmare'. Trying to register my form (tutor group) on an old-fashioned paper register, but they all keep running in and out and I never finish.
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Looks like basal rate and evening bolus will need adjusting.

I'm supposed to be playing in York next Saturday but the promoter/organiser/singer has been admitted to hospital with s brain tumour. He's had it for a while but it seems to have taken a sudden turn for the worse. Fingers crossed, puts things into perspective somewhat

Have a good day everyone.
5.8 for me on a dull, overcast but dry Berkshire morning. Had a rare lie-in this morning and didn't get up until 8:30, most unlike me.

@goodybags - I read the other day that the mild and damp weather we've been having is ideal for slugs so I expect another invasion on the scale of last year (over 100 removed on one single day, if you recall)

@Gwynn - so sorry to hear things have taken another turn for the worse but hope your wife is getting the treatment she needs.

Whatever your plans, have a good day. Back on fence-fixing duty for me.
Morning all. 9.8 on waking, sweaty and heart racing, after a dream about work. I still feel slightly panicky about it now!! I left i October, why am i still dreaming about it?!

@ColinUK the apple cake looks delicious. I like that its made with ground almonds.

@Gwynn i can only repeat what others have said. You have all our support albeit virtual. I can't imagine what you're both going through. Sending hugs to you.
I left 5 years ago and I still dream about it and they are usually nightmares.
My dream was setting out a lab class before I went home in the evening all ready for a 9am start then coming in in the morning and somebody had been in and swapped everything around so it was all the wrong stuff.
It's 19 years since I stopped teaching in secondary school. I rarely dream about it now, but still occasionally have what I call 'The Register Nightmare'. Trying to register my form (tutor group) on an old-fashioned paper register, but they all keep running in and out and I never finish.
That reminds me of my first weeks as a cashier at Tesco, a couple of years ago, when I kept dreaming of endless queues of customers coming to my till!
Morning all and blessed Imbolc!

6.5 for me
Mortally hungover, recovering with Boston cuddles on the settee while Mr Q pootles around getting ready to leave for 'Trash Fest' with the lads (a day of boozing and horrifically bad films they do every now and then)

Thinking of you and your wife right now, it's so hard to deal with but she's obviously in the right place and will be getting the care, evaluation and medication she needs.
Take this time to recoup some energy and look after yourself.
Please look up your local mental health crisis line as soon as you can and give them a call, hopefully they can help you.
Big squidges x
@silentsquirrel and @Leadinglights thats something for me to look forward to then..not. 5 and 19 years and still dreaming! In my dream i was having to work with horrifically badly behaved 5 year olds who kept running off and i was being followed around by the Head who kept tutting at me and putting crosses all over a piece of paper.
@silentsquirrel and @Leadinglights thats something for me to look forward to then..not. 5 and 19 years and still dreaming! In my dream i was having to work with horrifically badly behaved 5 year olds who kept running off and i was being followed around by the Head who kept tutting at me and putting crosses all over a piece of paper.
It's only occasionally now! For me, office staff kept appearing saying "It's a legal document, it MUST be filled in correctly."!!
12:01 BS 8.6 Which VERY QUICKLY JUMPED TO 12:09 BS 10.9 just by sitting up in bed to put in my basal! 😱 I actually wrote WOW! That’s a big jump just by sitting up to put in basal on my libre. But, thank goodness it’s starting to go down already as I half lying back in bed under the covers as I post this before I have a quick breakfast, I thought given how much DP is, 12:20 BS 9.2.

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I got going very slowly yesterday & ALMOST ended up with only eating one meal, breakfast at 10:34! I was going to bed around 23:30 ish when I realised I’d only eaten once & completely forgot to eat lunch: sometimes I don’t eat dinner in a day & just have 2 meals; never just gone with only 1 meal before when NOT watching a golf major or The Olympics, that is! :rofl: I was thinking CAN I sleep on an empty stomach as I was feeling too lazy to cook & the answer was a resounding No! After years of eating late after a busy night at the family restaurant & going to bed right after on a full stomach that’s still digesting & feels full when I get up the next day; that’s why I’m STILL not a regular breakfast person even all these years later since 2010 when I retired from the restaurant business! 🙄 So, I had a mug of cuppa soup & some cheese twists to which I gave it the full 40 NR as from past experience cuppa soups & bread can really hike up my BS!

Loved the new series of Death In Paradise last night & I rather like the latest new detective: saw him, of course, on the Christmas special where he called the commissioner on the denouement Agatha Christie style of doing things; still not comfortable doing that & would rather just write it up in a report! :D He’ll loosen him; the island will do that to him! :rofl:😛😎

BS wiggled a bit in the low 9’s as I typed this & I think there’s no particular hurry after all in getting breakfast right away! :confused:
Afternoon all. Forgot to post my 5.1 this morning but it’s done now so I’ll go away and leave everyone in peace.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
5.9 today rising late morning at 10.30am, hence I took my basal late (it'll probably bugger up my BG later), making everything late!

Blue-sky & wall to wall sunshine, feeling on the warm side too.

Having stayed out of 'normal' WoW for a hell of a long time (1987 for anything normal, welding, before taking a sideways look again at IT), well longer as I look back through the year's. I made IT a way of life for all my life, teaching IT to the Terrified and from wired LANs on mainframes, to what we have today... nightmares of never-ending password errors and superfluous windows on Win95 & XP!
9.6 this morning from me. Jabbed 12 units of Fiasp and my 20 units of Levemir and went back to sleep and slept longer than expected and woke to a 4.8 and a scramble to get breakfast before I hit the red. Think I just made it thanks to a little bit of FOTF slowing my descent! Still coughing and spluttering and wheezing a bit but hopefully I will see progress tomorrow.

@Gwynn Really sorry to hear how unwell your wife has been. I hope she is getting the treatment she needs and I would encourage you to get out and walk if you can as it is so good for lifting your spirits as well as for your physical health. I hope the sun is shining over there on the west coast as I know myself that that definitely helps to lift the spirits a bit. Please take care of yourself. We all care about you.
5.6 this morning. I ignored the 3.9 at bedtime and glad I did as it gradually rose overnight before settling back to mid 5s.

My wife was due to go away today and overnight for a spa break with friends from work but wasn’t well during the night and has decided to stay here instead. So, we are having a quiet day at home, which after this past week is very welcome. I’ve done my course practical electronics this morning and will just spend the afternoon reading I think.

@Gwynn - so sorry to hear your wife is struggling again. I hope you have friends nearby to speak to rather than bottling up your anguish, it must be a horrible time for you to experience. As others have said, you have our support here, albeit virtually/remotely.

Take care everyone.