• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all - a glorious day - the outside thermometer which is in the shade measured 11ºC this morning.

6.0 when I first woke and since then (despite eating lunch 2 hours ago) I have had a remarkably flat line - see attached - so it looks like my tweaking of basals is helping a lot! I am 90% TIR which is a lot better than the HCL that I turned off just over a week ago.

@Bloden I am so glat the Omnipod 5 HCL is working for you!

Not doing much today, making the remains of the gammon into a pie with mushrooms in a creamy sauce (think garlic mushrooms) for dinner tonight. Last night's chicken Bhuna with sag aloo was successful and there's enough left for tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get all the stuff "decorating" the open plan downstairs back into the understairs cupboard now it's been painted.

@goodybags do keep on posting, I really enjoy everyone's posts every day, sharing people's good and bad times and supporting each other. @ColinUK you're very brave climbing up Big Ben... I'd never make it past the first floor!

@Grannylorraine congrats on your HS.

@rebrascora good luck with the insurance company sorting out your wall - I hate dealing with them!

Hope everyone has a good day... take care lovelies.


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The guy said he had never been taught to leave it in gear!!
I've been driving for over 50 years but I can still remember my driving instructor stressing that when parking on a slope it's handbrake on, car in gear and front wheels turned in towards the kerb.
I've been driving for over 50 years but I can still remember my driving instructor stressing that when parking on a slope it's handbrake on, car in gear and front wheels turned in towards the kerb.

Well this guy was adamant that no one had ever told him that!
our youngest was SEN on account of a genetic condition. His primary school were really good at supporting him, as was college, but his secondary school were rubbish. Some of his teachers didn't know he was SEN, with some of those that did not knowing why. Hope your boy gets all the support he needs, all the way through.
I've just sent a pretty robust email to school essentially begging them for more support. Fortunately I had the foresight to engage with them pretty much from when my son started there last year and am on first name terms with all the SEN team and all the senior leadership team and have involved them all.

They do try really hard given the limited resources they have - both time and money - but he's my son and I know he needs far more help than is currently on offer.

I've had a positive response already though right from the top so I'll get there. It's just exhausting and hard to see your child struggle so much.

Formal diagnosis etc is still months away too but we're very much on the first pathway for all of that but even then it nearly didn't happen for a number of reasons.
6.1 this a.m. and a slight rise after breakfast which pleased me.

Had a guitar lesson earlier and can now play Agaloch's Desolation Song and (from memory) Thin Lizzy's Whiskey in the Jar.

Had lunch out with Jim & Sue which was nice a catch-up.

The weather here has been cloudy for the bulk of it with no wind at all, and quite warm too.

Have a good rest of the day everyone.
Congrats to @Pam123 on the HS.

I was not told about brakes and hills by my driving instructor. First holiday J and I had together 42 years ago was to Jersey. I parked our rental at the top of a sloping car park and we changed into walking boots. Car was still there when we went off on our cliff walk. It was not there when we returned - and then we noticed a crowd at the bottom all round a clearly prized classic Morris Minor. Yes, our rental had run down the hill and hit it! J was full of "didn't you know?" No I didn't, but I have never forgotten since!
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Congrats to @Pam123 on the HS.

I was not told about brakes and hills by my driving instructor. First holiday J and I had together was to Jersey. I parked our rental at the top of a sloping car park and we changed into walking boots. Car was still there when we went off on our cliff walk. It was not there when we returned - and then we noticed a crowd at the bottom all round a clearly prized classic Morris Minor. Yes, our rental had run down the hill and hit it! J was full of "didn't you know?" No I didn't, but I have never forgotten since!
My OH always told me off for leaving the car in gear but that was how I was taught, perhaps because I learnt in a hilly area. OH learnt in Rhodesia and there people weren't told that.
If you were pointing down hill you put the car in reverse, if pointing up hill then put it in first gear and make jolly sure you put the handbrake on.
Congrats to todays HS’ers @Pam123 & @Grannylorraine
@Martin.A I saw you posted a few days ago, that you were cracking on with the fence, I straight away thought to myself the Slugs (when they re-appear) later in the year will be please to see the new fence

a few people earlier have commented after me saying maybe I post to much, thanks for the care :care:
I didn’t mean I’m going to actually stop posting - just sometimes I really feel I just go on a bit, like maybe to much detail, and things don’t make sense, but like…
thanks for reminding me about how, yes It can be good that we all just rant and share sometimes @Eternal422
yes that can be good for our MH as well as our management of Diabetes (no matter if we are T1,2,3 or unknown T) our shared experiences can help others

I’ve myself learnt so much from you all
some things, from what I picked up on here, really have changed how I manage my health, one of the biggest for me last year, was your suggestion @PattiEvans that I took a Libra on the free trial then pushed the HCP’s to fund it

I actually recently did the same (to a non-forum member) who like me is T2
he was already on insulin (MDI) and possibly now Mounjaro
& Libra also

I’m so looking forward the 32nd of whenever it was
we all were going to meet up, 😉think it was @eggyg that was going to host the forum hordes & @ColinUK I’m sure will bake a cake (low carb version of course) hopefully everyone can make it

First one reporting in this morning it seems!


And I can hear birdsong! They might well be bloody parakeets but it’s still birdsong.

@goodybags Don’t listen to ‘em. Post as much as you want to post. And about anything and everything that you want to post about. This place is an important space for all of us to offload into at times so don’t let anyone else tell you how you should use it.

And did you say baking cakes? Well I baked this Thursday evening to take to a coffee drop in yesterday. IMG_2528.jpeg

Traditional Jewish apple cake. Incidentally vegan. Ground almonds rather than flour but glazed in about a gallon of apricot jam.

Meeting my old boss and friend Ben this afternoon for a quick coffee and to confirm he’s happy (wrong word but it’ll do) for me to pass his details to the police as they’ve asked if they can speak with him about my telling him about the SA stuff after reporting it to them. He’s already said of course I can but I want to double check.

Theatre this evening. Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 18-something (I forget the date) at the Donmar. I know nothing about it other than it was nominated for more Tony’s I think than anything else and it’s a musical based on War and Peace.

Not entirely sure I’m in the mood for it but I can always sell the ticket if I decide I’m not.
Morning @goodybags as Colin says please post exactly as you want to and what is best for you.I have always found this forum very tolerant and supportive and recognise that we may need to rant,post a little or a lot depending on what is in our own best interests etc to ease our frustration,improve our MH or whatever.
Up early with dogs and white rabbits etc.
A 5.9 for me and another flat line after a 2u correction to sort out my 2nd round of Pizza BG surge.
Am definitely being more aggressive with my insulin and is really working and strangely is giving me less variability than more.
Really enjoyed yesterday after a busy productive week and feel I have “earned” my w/ end break.I know it is a nonsense as we all deserve our w/ end whatever we have/ have not done in the week but I have always enjoyed it more if I feel I have had a busy week either work or non work related.
So hope you have a great w/ end as know I will
Good morning 6.6 today

Not sure what the weather will be like but will ask Alexa in a minute
when I’m in the kitchen, usually I ask her things like that whilst waiting for the kettle to boil

Thanks @ColinUK & @Wendal for saying that, yes this forum help so many of us in so many ways

sounds like I’m not the only one awake around here I can hear the baby crying (next door)
still it drowns out the internal-monologue that was inside me
Have a Super Smashing Saturday everyone 😎
Good morning everyone,

Here just to give you an update as I have been absent for a few days.

My wife has become very very ill and was eventually sectioned and hospitalised yet again this week. She was worse than I have ever seen her, completely out of her mind and very distressed/manic.

I too am very distressed and hurt by it all, especially her accusations.

I know where they have taken her and I have taken a suitcase of clothes for her but I have had no contact and the hospital refuse to tell me how she is.

Just to give those of you who may not have any experience of mental illness, on the last evening she constantly paced and jabbered gibberish and in the middle of the night dismantled the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, gave the bits to me, and said 'they're spying on us. Ring the police'.

At that point they had already recommended sectioning but had nowhere to take her. So she continued in her downward spiral into utter darkness at home under no treatmentvat all.

She ran off in the early hours but was found by the police (eventually) and was taken to a safe house and then, much later, taken to a secure hospital.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely no support for me. None! I am struggling to cope.

Forgive me if I am somewhat absent for a while


I still wish all the best to all of you. Count your blessings if you can. If you can't, get someone else to count them for you.
@Gwynn your absence is forgiven of course, I think quite a few of us were concerned, can I say feel free to post, rant drop in and say hi, anything, :thankyou: anytime
someone is always here
if your wife is still ill, I hope she is getting the care she needs from whoever :care:
@Gwynn I know it has limitations but you do have emotional support here. We care for you and about you. By extension we care about your wife as well.

I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for either of you and my heart goes out to you both.
Morning all. 6.2 here. Decided to split breakfast bolus this morning, as the past two mornings have seen a rise in blood sugar some 2-3hrs after breakfast, most likely caused by the high-protein content in my sausage omelette. Maybe a split-bolus strategy may help flatten this out a bit this morning.

Earlier in the week, the G7 app on my iPhone started acting really strangely (losing signal, not always responsive), so I had to do something. For the past while, I have been running xDrip+ on an Android (Samsung Galaxy 4) to send blood sugar values to a BluJay watch. I installed the build-your-own G7 app on that phone and reconfigured xDrip+ to act as an app follower. Happily, it works like a charm. Now, I have the Android phone dedicated solely to communicating with my G7 sensor and feeding blood sugar to my BluJay watch. My iPhone is now solely for personal use.

Morning all. A high, for me, 7.4. Possibly something to do with overindulging in Lindt chocolate last night.🙄

We had a lovely quiet day yesterday only spoilt by me having a migraine about 9ish, then a hypo and another migraine, at the same time, after lunch. I slept it off and I was fine but we were supposed to be walking to the registry office and I was looking forward to stretching my legs. Never mind, maybe today we’ll get out, looking like a bonnie morning, sun just rising and I’m loving the fact it’s not even 8am, the birds are singing here too @ColinUK they’re definitely not of the parrot variety! The only exotic bird around these parts is me! 😉

Another quiet day ahead, bed change and hoping to hang it out, I’ve got some books needing sorted, my shelves are overflowing again. The girls’ bedroom still hasn’t been tidied since they were here last weekend so I’ll do that too. Mr Eggy is doing tea tonight, fillet steak and all the trimmings. Yummy! I just wish he knew how to tidy up as he goes along! We have a rule, one makes the tea the other tidies up, I tidy up as I go along so it’s basically stack the dishwasher. When Mr E cooks it’s a full kitchen wipe down, tiles, floor, cupboard doors! I just bite my tongue and get on with it, it’s only once in a blue moon. 😛

@Gwynn sorry to hear your wife isn’t well again. Hoping things improve for you both very soon.

Have a splendid Saturday, if you’re able.
Morning all. 6.1 here.

The Omnipod 5 dealt with a 3am rise and had me nicely on target by the time I woke up. Lots of peaks and troughs yesterday, but approx 70% in range (much better than my usual 50%). I hope this 2nd Pod is a fast learner - last week’s classes were nerve-wracking to say the least. I hate it when diabetes gets in the way of me doing my job...going for a walk...getting on with life in general!

Sending (((HUGS))) @Gwynn. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but just know your forum friends are here for you.
Morning all, 4.9 here, glass of red wine effect again!
What is the weather playing at? Went out for a hack with a couple of others yesterday morning, we were commenting before we set out that the weather looked to be clearing up after the heavy overnight rain, though it was still only 5 degrees. Half a mile down the road, we turned on to the exposed bit of bridleway, where the wind funnels straight up the valley, and it started raining sideways. Another mile further on, and the sun came out and dried us! It was then cold and drizzly for the rest of the day, and I wasn’t jealous at all when my sister texted from Bristol that it was a lovely warm sunny day there, and she’d got all her washing dry.

Sorry to hear your news, @Gwynn , we are all thinking of you.