Morning all. A 5.2 this morning after the most carby of carb fests! Chippy tea! Went for a conservative dose as I quite often don’t finish, but I did last night, stressful day and full of cold, doing a 2.5 correction at 10pm was scary but I’d reached 15 by then. It worked. Eggy 1 Diabetes 0!😛
MIL passed away in her sleep yesterday afternoon. Mr Eggy and I were both with her as was her sister. It happened quite suddenly, she had been medicated quite heavily, for agitation and pain, at 5.30am. She never woke. I noticed her colour had changed then her sister noticed her breathing had also changed, I called the brothers whilst Mr Eggy held her hand and told her it was time to go and see his dad, unfortunately they were too late, she’d gone within 10 minutes. It was very sad but a huge relief that the suffering is over and that she went so peacefully. We left the care home about 6, we’d already called our girls, that was hard, went to visit the two youngest who are local, eldest at work. Then went to the chippy. Watched the news headlines and went to bed, for the first time in six weeks our phones were put on silent mode. I’m assuming funeral director will be in touch today, luckily MIL had the foresight to buy a funeral plan about 10 years ago. Even chose her hymns. So that should be quite straight forward. Mr Eggy has been dealing with her financial things for the last week or so as of course the LPA died with her. He’s very organised and pragmatic which does hold him in good stead. But I know it’ll all hit him after the funeral. I’ve got up early as I was tossing and turning, as usual, so he can get some rest.
In other news, eldest grandson staying over tonight, as he has his third attempt at passing his driving test tomorrow at 8am! Our eldest granddaughter is also taking her third driving test tomorrow at 12pm! Let’s hope we’ve got something to celebrate, and let’s hope Eowyn doesn’t blow down lots of tres and blocked the driving route! We’ve got an amber warning, gusts up to 70mph. It’s fairly blowing now at just 55 mph! All fingers and toes crossed please.
Have a fab Friday.