• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Wanted to make a separate post about nice to be back at home after my few days in Edinburgh.We had a lovely meal on Royal Yacht and it was much bigger than I thought it would be and the service was excellent.Perhaps it came with the Territory although there were a few comments that I reminded them of some of the photos of Prince Philip on display especially one where he was in a Tuxedo lounging about on the chair.
We were piped aboard which I thought only happened to Admirals and we have a Pipe and Drum Band to watch in the Quayside.
Another lovely meal at the Dome last night and a hotel switch as the upper floors of the Sheraton had no water so they moved a few of us onto their Sister Hotel the W.That was superb with great views and videos coming through the lift floors showing a descent into a snow covered conifer forest.
We had a few Māoris do a Haka and explained what it meant at our meeting to instill a winning spirit in us all rather than just whisky.
In terms of BG my first day on train etc was higher but gradually got decent control despite my routine being completely changed.
Could go on but you have probably read enough of my post.
Stay safe,stay warm and out of the wind
Morning all. A higher 10.4, don't know why as i was low 7s when i went to bed.

@eggyg sorry to hear about your MIL but congrats on the HS. Thinking of you all. Take care.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on your HS.

Its very windy here atm. I hope you're all safe where you are.
Sorry to hear about your MIL @eggyg but I'm glad she was able to pass away peacefully

After today we will be down to 9 residents in the care home as three more are leaving today :(
4.4 when the sensor settled after a few alarms at 3.9 so I decided to get up. Luckily Dawn arrived and took things in hand so I didn’t need any carbs and could have the planned cooked breakfast which should keep us going most of the day. Just got hair cut today then hope to spend some time working on my radio course later.

@eggyg although we’ve never met IRL, I feel I know you and count you as a friend on here and have been following your news of your MIL, feeling the emotions. I think this resonants as it is something we will all experience. Thinking of you all at this sad time, sending strength and comfort.

On a separate note sending best wishes to HS for @MeeTooTeeTo and @eggyg.

@Lanny - hope you stay safe in the storm. We’ve not heard from my wife’s aunt in Eglinton (near Derry) yet but it looks like all of NI is getting the strong winds of Eowyn.

Take care everyone, hoping you all stay safe!

4.7 for me and now a question.

I have stopped regular testing before and after meals as I am ok with the food. Except for any new additions to the menu

I have started testing more regularly when I wake. Is this a stronger indication of overall BG management?
5.9 for me this morning - not sure when I last has anything in the 5s in the morning (maybe it's my dodgy sensor!). The wind is howling up on our hill - thinking I'm going to have a telly day snuggling with the dogs. I managed to keep the fire going overnight and have filled up a thermos as presume we may have a power cut before the day is out.

@eggyg feels wrong giving you a star for your HS but you deserve it and maybe it was a parting gift from your Mother in Law. So sorry that the last few weeks have been so difficult for you all but glad she is at peace now. Big Hugs for you all and keeping fingers crossed for the driving tests xxx
Morning all. A 5.2 this morning after the most carby of carb fests! Chippy tea! Went for a conservative dose as I quite often don’t finish, but I did last night, stressful day and full of cold, doing a 2.5 correction at 10pm was scary but I’d reached 15 by then. It worked. Eggy 1 Diabetes 0!😛

MIL passed away in her sleep yesterday afternoon. Mr Eggy and I were both with her as was her sister. It happened quite suddenly, she had been medicated quite heavily, for agitation and pain, at 5.30am. She never woke. I noticed her colour had changed then her sister noticed her breathing had also changed, I called the brothers whilst Mr Eggy held her hand and told her it was time to go and see his dad, unfortunately they were too late, she’d gone within 10 minutes. It was very sad but a huge relief that the suffering is over and that she went so peacefully. We left the care home about 6, we’d already called our girls, that was hard, went to visit the two youngest who are local, eldest at work. Then went to the chippy. Watched the news headlines and went to bed, for the first time in six weeks our phones were put on silent mode. I’m assuming funeral director will be in touch today, luckily MIL had the foresight to buy a funeral plan about 10 years ago. Even chose her hymns. So that should be quite straight forward. Mr Eggy has been dealing with her financial things for the last week or so as of course the LPA died with her. He’s very organised and pragmatic which does hold him in good stead. But I know it’ll all hit him after the funeral. I’ve got up early as I was tossing and turning, as usual, so he can get some rest.

In other news, eldest grandson staying over tonight, as he has his third attempt at passing his driving test tomorrow at 8am! Our eldest granddaughter is also taking her third driving test tomorrow at 12pm! Let’s hope we’ve got someNthing to celebrate, and let’s hope Eowyn doesn’t blow down lots of tres and blocked the driving route! We’ve got an amber warning, gusts up to 70mph. It’s fairly blowing now at just 55 mph! All fingers and toes crossed please.

Have a fab Friday.
Sorry to read your news re MiL. Never easy for any family.
Morning all. I hope everyone survived the storm without any harm to people or property.

8.7 for me on waking, probably due to my having a lie-in because my power was out and it seemed absurd to get up to then sit in the dark. Power came back at 9am - hours before I was expecting.

Blood sugar back down to 7.1 now, which is much more comfortable.


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Sad news about your MiL @eggyg
My condolences to you and your family.
Morning everyone. A rather low 4.2 for me earlier this morning.

Have a great day folks and stay well.
Sincere condolences @eggyg and much love to you and the family. Hope some of the pressure and stress of the past weeks can ease for you all now. Thinking of you as you work through all the ‘sadmin’, funeral arrangements, and suchlike, and can then begin to adjust. Best of luck for your grandson on his driving test!

4.8 for me this morning.

Stay safe in the wind everyone. Batten down those hatches!
Morning all. A 5.2 this morning after the most carby of carb fests! Chippy tea! Went for a conservative dose as I quite often don’t finish, but I did last night, stressful day and full of cold, doing a 2.5 correction at 10pm was scary but I’d reached 15 by then. It worked. Eggy 1 Diabetes 0!😛

MIL passed away in her sleep yesterday afternoon. Mr Eggy and I were both with her as was her sister. It happened quite suddenly, she had been medicated quite heavily, for agitation and pain, at 5.30am. She never woke. I noticed her colour had changed then her sister noticed her breathing had also changed, I called the brothers whilst Mr Eggy held her hand and told her it was time to go and see his dad, unfortunately they were too late, she’d gone within 10 minutes. It was very sad but a huge relief that the suffering is over and that she went so peacefully. We left the care home about 6, we’d already called our girls, that was hard, went to visit the two youngest who are local, eldest at work. Then went to the chippy. Watched the news headlines and went to bed, for the first time in six weeks our phones were put on silent mode. I’m assuming funeral director will be in touch today, luckily MIL had the foresight to buy a funeral plan about 10 years ago. Even chose her hymns. So that should be quite straight forward. Mr Eggy has been dealing with her financial things for the last week or so as of course the LPA died with her. He’s very organised and pragmatic which does hold him in good stead. But I know it’ll all hit him after the funeral. I’ve got up early as I was tossing and turning, as usual, so he can get some rest.

In other news, eldest grandson staying over tonight, as he has his third attempt at passing his driving test tomorrow at 8am! Our eldest granddaughter is also taking her third driving test tomorrow at 12pm! Let’s hope we’ve got something to celebrate, and let’s hope Eowyn doesn’t blow down lots of tres and blocked the driving route! We’ve got an amber warning, gusts up to 70mph. It’s fairly blowing now at just 55 mph! All fingers and toes crossed please.

Have a fab Friday.
So sorry to hear but when OH's mum passed it he found it less upsetting than seeing her as she was in the last months of her life. We just knew she had had enough and it was a relief that she slipped away peacefully at the very end.
She had donated her body to Oxford University medical school so there was no funeral as such and all the family were all over the world so they organised a zoom memorial. We think the medical school will eventually return the ashes and have a service of thanksgiving for all those who have donated their bodies. So it did seem rather odd at the time.
At least you both have your family around you for support and you can take time for yourselves.
Condolences to @eggyg on your loss. But congratulations (sounds empty) on your HS.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on the HS.

8.6 dropping to 7.6 half an hour later.

We've been awake most of the night with one thing or another, not necessarily caused by the, on-going breeze.

Stay safe everyone.
Good morning fair people. Hope everyone is fairing ok with storm eowyn, I feel like I was in it last night as woke up feel tired. Still feel tired but I did manage a short walk before breakfast earlier. I've not been finger pricking for a bit as my finger pads are denting a lot. I did prick yesterday though and was 6.2.

Wishing everyone a fab BG day. stay safe and warm in the storm.
Good morning fair people. Hope everyone is fairing ok with storm eowyn, I feel like I was in it last night as woke up feel tired. Still feel tired but I did manage a short walk before breakfast earlier. I've not been finger pricking for a bit as my finger pads are denting a lot. I did prick yesterday though and was 6.2.

Wishing everyone a fab BG day. stay safe and warm in the storm.
Are you using your finger pads or the sides of your fingers? If you use the sides (either side of the nail) you'll find it less painful as the finger doesn't have so many nerve endings there and it doesn't usually lead to the denting you mention.
Morning all - grey and dreary but the wind from the earlier part of the night has dropped completely and it's dry.

I'm on the 8.6 step with Silent Sands and similarly it's now dropped to 7.6.

Not a lot on today - off to the fruit and veg wholesalers to see if I can get some Seville oranges for marmalade. Then making Normandy Pork for dinner.

@eggyg glad to hear MIL passed in peace finally with family around her. Hopefully Brian will remember the good times. Hugs to you all and good luck to the two grandchildren with their driving tests.

Congrats to @eggyg and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

@Wendal sounds like you had a wonderful experience in Edinburgh, truly a time to remember.
4.7 for me this morning. No evening Levemir required again due to hauling haylage and feed buckets up to the horses on foot (car out of action) and needed 1 JB to keep me out of the red. Had a great night last night at the Newcastle arena watching The Strictly Tour. It was an excellent show. Probably the best one I have been to even though I didn't know most of the celebs. (I am not able to watch the TV show as I don't have a TV). Wind here is scary and making things a little challenging especially with my car being out of action, but good for my diabetes management getting all this extra exercise battling the wind as well as the hill. Is this what they call resistance training?

@eggyg So relieved for you that the torment is over for all involved. Sending all my love to you and Brian and keeping fingers crossed for your grandchildren's driving tests, although I wonder if they might be cancelled with the wind being as strong as it is. Can't believe you managed an HS after all that! Definitely a massive victory over the Diabetes! Well done!

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS too.

@Wendal Lovely to read your account of your rather fancy trip to Edinburgh!

Hoping everyone stays safe through the storm with minimal or ideally no damage! I half expected the Met Office to have over-dramatized it, but this one definitely seems to be a real one!
5.7 this morning we changed our energy supplier a couple of weeks ago from Eon next to Octopus, we had our final reading for the Electric taken off our credit last night, but the readings which were sent to both new and old supplier by us and by Octopus didn't match, so phoned Eon next only to be told that Octopus had sent the higher readings and its them we ned to speak to, so phoned Octopus who said no that's wrong and confirmed the reading were the same as ours, but to our shock apparently Eon do this all the time and reject the actual reading, luckily my hubby had the reading on his phone time dated with the picture on the meter, Octopus are now putting in a complaint and even worked out the difference between the two reading and have credited it to our account straight away, its true what the adverts say there fantastic, the operator asked if we had been referred or knew anyone with Octopus as they and us would get £50 each but the only person we know is my estranged sister so that's out of the window but I would certainly recommend them to anyone.

@eggyg - so sorry to hear your MIL has passed hope your family can get back to normal now
Morning all - grey and dreary but the wind from the earlier part of the night has dropped completely and it's dry.

I'm on the 8.6 step with Silent Sands and similarly it's now dropped to 7.6.

Not a lot on today - off to the fruit and veg wholesalers to see if I can get some Seville oranges for marmalade. Then making Normandy Pork for dinner.

@eggyg glad to hear MIL passed in peace finally with family around her. Hopefully Brian will remember the good times. Hugs to you all and good luck to the two grandchildren with their driving tests.

Congrats to @eggyg and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

@Wendal sounds like you had a wonderful experience in Edinburgh, truly a time to remember.
Hi Patti/Barbara.It was a lovely trip and and I do prefer our much smaller Team Meetings rather than the larger January ones however any trip to Edinburgh is always nice and they do look after us.
Apart from last year where they decided to go to Butlins at Bognor so that everyone in the U.K. could go so some 800 people and it was awful so cold and poor food ( fortunately I missed last year due to having a bug) so there was pressure on them not to repeat the experience.
We only had about 150 in Edinburgh and will be one of my last National Meetings so I wanted to enjoy it.
What was also nice is that we all get on but I am older than virtually all the others and as I don’t drink I tend not to stay in the bar late, however I had a number of people who came up to me and said how much they appreciate how I will raise points and ask questions that they want to voice but don't have the confidence.
I am not worried about saying it as I see it as the culture is a very open one and I have nothing to fear but I can’t always be sure if it is what others want to say.But after a lifetime of dealing with people I could see the clear appreciation of how they thought I was trying to help.
Where I work is probably about 80% women including most of Senior Management and there are plenty of hugs etc at all levels but it was extra nice to have people who I don’t know well come up and appreciate and enjoy talking to you.
Anyway feel I am in self appreciation mood so apologies if I have overstepped the mark.
HAGW all