• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

If it had been earlier it would have been "Good moaning"! I woke to a 10.3after a awful evening yesterday where I never got a big enough gap to take my last antibiotic of the day as I had three hypos after two earlier in the day. Juggling the insulin, food and other meds with an antibiotic to be taken an hour before meals or two after is a nightmare. I tried reducing the gap once and got awful wind and heartburn. In the morning I also have to take a PPI (Lansoprazole - a stomach protector avoiding antibiotic and food). I managed physio well yesterday although it was limited by my lack of energy.

Today was another frustrating day as one of my banks decided I could no longer log in (very unhelpful). I eventually managed to change login details and get in via the Internet which I wanted to avoid (change of details). Attempts to get through on the phone proved fruitless. After the endless security I got "Please hold while we put you through to an adviser", rang for a while and chopped the call.

It was a real mix today with wind, rain, mizzle against a dull grey background!
Good evening everyone! 6'4 in the morning, with a gentle rise and descent overnight from a Spanish Christmas sweet (I have a few left) that I ate at bedtime. I did bolus for it so not a bad peak, they are just slow release as they contain plenty of fat.

Yesterday I went out in the afternoon to buy one thing at Asda and have a nosey around Dunelm, mostly as an excuse to leave the house and walk the 30 minutes to get there. When I arrived to the shops my BG said 4 and vertical arrow down, I had 2 gummies and it got stable in the 4s but I had a strong headache and felt weak and it was lunch time anyway so I sat down in Dunelm's cafe and had a cheese scone. It was a really good one, to be honest. Wasn't sure how to bolus for it as I still had the 30 min walk back, and Libre chose that moment to start bothering me with the "try scanning again in 10 minutes" so I checked with finger prick that I wasn't too low and went home, then had the rest of my lunch and bolused for that and the scone at the same time. Yup, I went a bit high in the meantime, but it was a good enough solution in my book.

Today has been relaxed, the weather was not too horrible apart from strong wind on my way back to work, after that I've spent the rest at home. I just cooked and ate some vegan chilli and I'm going to wash up and read for a while. Take care everyone!

PS: more hugs to @eggyg and family, and good luck to the grandkids on their driving tests. It was a nightmare for me to pass, I got so nervous!
Morning all. 5.0. Up early as hubby has the weekend off we're off out for the day.
7.5 this morning. Can't complain.

Few things on today - the boy has his power lifting coaching. He's doing really well, not the most active of children and only been going a few weeks and already lifting some pretty impressive weights. His coach is just amazing too, really knows how to get the best out of him.

Then I am hoping to go to the club field for a flying session and then back in time for an ultrasound on an annoying lump in my arm.
Morning all. 7.4 and one heck of an upset stomach
Morning everyone - 6.4 this morning. Up early with Wilbur barking - he always does that, goes out, has his breakfast then zonks out and meanwhile I'm up - really tempted to sneak back upstairs but not sure what I'll come back down to with the big puppy, although she quite often just goes back to sleep too. Hubby up in the Cairngorms since Wednesday doing Mountain Rescue winter training so it's just me and the dogs here. Yesterday I hunkered down out of the wind and basically binge watched the Australian Traitors. I did do a weights workout in between which I really enjoyed. It was the first time using weights for over 3 years (since before op) so I used very light weights and less reps to get used to it. My coach has set up the programme in Trainerize which is really good and has videos of the correct way of doing each exercise. I'll venture down off the hill today as need to go food shopping. Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning all 8.8 for me higher than normal, guess its a combination of lower insulin plus that nana i had at 7am wasnt low just fancied it
You all have a good day
Good morning! After a reasonable night a BG of 6.7, 0% urine glucose but still mild - moderate ketones. Weird dreams I cannot remember bar a Mk II Escort jam-sandwich police car with custom wheels! Mind you I have owned two Mk IIs and my mother one so it is in the DNA!

Cold. Mix of blue sky and cloud of various shades.
Good morning everyone

BG: 5.5
BP: high

Life: low

Wife: odd

I'm taking a break from the church worship team as the pressures and saddness in my 'life' became too great.

It's just a season! One that's bern going on, getting increasingly worse for 38 years...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning folks. 6.3 here.

There’s a really heavy frost out there! Don’t remember that being forecast. Lots of research to do today on the Omnipod 5 and I might nip over to Tenby later. I want some trousers I can wear to work when the Pod is on my stomach and back. Dungarees are ok, but not for work!
Morning all. 7.1 when I got up suddenly at 6.35! I’d slept in, I never do that.

I was supposed to be taking grandson into town for his 7am driving lesson before his test, but unfortunately he had an email at 9pm last night to let him know they’d cancelled his test, due to unavailability of the examiner. :( Probably due to the weather I expect. He messaged his cousin, who’s test is 12pm, she hadn’t received anything and up to now we’re not heard otherwise, TBF she’ll be still asleep. Very, very disappointing, but apparently if they’ve cancelled you are guaranteed another within four weeks. Suppose it’s something. Anyhoo, he decided he’d go to work early, he was supposed to start at 9.30 after his test. He finished at 12 yesterday because the shop, and the town, didn’t have any power so had to close. He said he had loads to butcher so wanted to get in early, not many 18 year olds would be so dedicated. I’m just back from taking him. I’d forgotten how much I hate driving in the dark, I have terrible night vision, plus I’m absolutely fullof cold and kept sneezing and having to wipe my nose and my eyes were constantly watering. It was the longest 20 miles I’ve ever driven. So glad to be home.

Yesterday wasn’t a good day for our county, power lines down, trees all over the roads, our local sports centre cum theatre, which is currently closed because of RACC, had its temporary roof blown off. Roads closed all over the city. Nursery had to close so not only did grandson need picked up at 12pm instead of 4.30, we had the two little ones from 1pm. Our peaceful day was shattered, but it took our mind off things and I finally got to watch the new Wallace and Grommit. Absolutely hilarious. I was laughing out loud.
Funeral director had called earlier in the day and told us what happens next. She’s coming Monday to make the arrangements. So, fingers crossed, we have today and tomorrow free. And relax. 😉

Have a super Saturday and I hope no one had too much damage done. We’ve lost yet another branch off our ancient damson tree, bird feeders down and next doors ridge tiles are in the shared gutter between our houses, after bouncing off our roof! What a clatter that was. Apart from very dirty windows we didn’t come off too bad.
Morning folks. 6.3 here.

There’s a really heavy frost out there! Don’t remember that being forecast. Lots of research to do today on the Omnipod 5 and I might nip over to Tenby later. I want some trousers I can wear to work when the Pod is on my stomach and back. Dungarees are ok, but not for work!
A 5.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all, 5.1 here. Unusual for me, I was within an inch of reaching for my ipad an hour ago and waiting for OH to wake up, and I went back off into a deep sleep for another hour. I must have been tired, but I didn’t really do much yesterday. I went up to the yard with the intention of riding the pony, but when I got there, he was still out in the field, and when I went down to catch him, a)I realised how unpleasantly windy it still was and b) he was happily playing chase with the new mare who has been taking a while to settle in, so I left them to it, and spent the time cleaning tack.
Morning all 6.8 for me.

Yesterday woke up to a sh one t storm on social media due to our guitarist posting some offensive pictures on line and spent most if the day trying to clean up the mess. No contact with him but someone trying to see him today.

It's bright and sunny here. We need to poop out to get some beeps to go with the haggis.

Have a good day everyone
4.0 today for me. Amazingly I had my first Unicorn Day yesterday!

Yesterday started with a phone call from Ireland to my wife to say one of her cousins had passed that morning. The funeral is Sunday but with the winds we won’t be going and the cousin who called said don’t even attempt to come they don’t expect us to risk it by coming.

Apologies for the next long post - just need to write it all down to clear my head!

Then whilst my wife was having her hair done I had a call from Dad to say the paramedics were with him and wanted him to go to hospital due to a suspected DVT on his calf. I spoke with the paramedic and agreed we would come over and take him as they didn’t want to leave Mum on her own and also didn’t want to take her to hospital with him. We had to take him to a day care ward attached to A&E and that he had been booked in there at the new Birmingham MET hospital.

Well, “booked in” basically just means skipping A&E and having a 4-6 hour wait (someone in the waiting room had been via A&E and now this ward for a total of 12 hours). Eventually a doctor saw him, started planning treatment but then had a bleep from the crash team. So we ended up with another doctor taking over and finally, about 6 hours later, we were discharged with a clot busting injection given, one for us to administer tonight and a prescription for another one for Sunday night. They were happy for me to do it once I said I injected insulin and this injection is similar into the tummy, just a bit longer needle. I will get a call on Monday for him to go for a scan to confirm if it is a clot, but they are fairly sure it is. Apparently the D-dimer result has raised which would also indicate a clot. On Monday we will also have a consultant let us know the ongoing treatment plan.

I called one of my aunts and she very kindly got a taxi to go over to stay with Mum whilst we were at the hospital and we took her home when we got back with Dad at about 11pm. This all just makes me realise how stuck we are as neither Mum nor Dad can really be left alone as they sort of care for each other.

Now I feel guilty about going away on holiday in the future and not being around for these sort of situations. There’s my son and daughter but it doesn’t seem fair this is starting to affect so many lives even though we all pull together as a family without question. I’m an only child so the burden rests with me.

Sorry for the long post! Just wanted to get this off my chest!

Take care everyone!