• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora - thank you. We live about an hour away which adds to logistics of things. Almost thinking that we are at the point of needing a care home for them. Mum seems ok with this and has said a few times perhaps they should. Dad sort of agrees but doesn’t want to go. Dad particularly is not a very sociable person, even less so nowadays and I think he would hate being in a care home. But we have to do something as this isn’t that sustainable for everyone involved.
You could look at Housing 21 who have different types of supported living all over the country suitable for couples or singles.
Nice surprise: just finished lunch & brother took me home to sleep; hall light was on so, power is back. Bedroom still freezing but, going to bed now with heater on!

Oh MY The Traitors final! 😱 May watch Uncloaked now in bed since I don’t need to worry about depleting battery power anymore? 🙄:D

WHAT a day & a half it’s been! 😱
@freesia and @Leadinglights - thanks for that suggestion. I hadn’t thought about supported living instead of a care home. That may be a better option. Lots to look into! Thank you for the suggestions.
NI is now at yellow alert because of snow tonight & more high winds tomorrow ahead of Storm Herminia that’s coming up but, not expected to be as bad as Eowyn was: some places are going to take 10 days to get power restored so, I’m thankful to have power tonight! 😱 & 🙂 Keep those hatches battened down for Storm Herminia! 😱 Rather sad to see that 4 Dark Hedges trees were blown down: famously in the second season episode 1 The Game Of Thrones of beech trees lining a road that are over a hundred years old that have formed an overhead arch across the road; was in the Ballymoney borough council area, now it’s a much bigger borough council called The Causeway Coast & Glens, just outside the village of Stranocum & just 6 miles from where I live! Highest winds in 27 years of 92mph! :(
06:15 BS 5.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Safe Day! A Smiley Hug emoji like the Care Reaction for posts!

Herminia is hitting the South West first today!

My graphs for the last teo days look VERY strange & I may have panicked a bit with basal yesterday & I DID think that at the time but, that very big & short rise from waking to breakfast looked like a 90 degree straight up MASSIVE MOUNTAIN on the graph of almost 10ml in 2 hours! I went to bed eventually at BS at still 11.1 at 01:49 as I was a bit wired so, I found it harder to drop off. Then, BS dropped a lot overnight! But, basal back to 68 today & hopefully BS & graphs will settle down? :confused:
Morning a 6.2 for me but a lovely flatfish after going to bed at 6.9 and no correction dose for my left over Pizza.A Unicorn as well so very happy.My main difference is no snacking which of course is often related to swings in BG level as you eat to head off lows.
Garden Centre day today and a lovely lunch out yesterday but overall just a lazy w/ end.Enjoy
8 this morning. A shade high but still in the zone so happy enough.

I'm other news the ultrasound went well and the radiologist is pretty convinced the lump is just a lipoma so that's a relief.

Fine day flying yesterday too. A bit windy but that makes it fun.

Not much on today. The boy is desperate to get fitter and more in shape so I've got to get the garage sorted and get the boxing bag back up as he's keen to use that.
Morning all. 7.3 for me on waking, after a flat night with no disturbances. Actually, it was probably the best night of sleep I have had in a long time. Yesterday was a pretty good day too, though I did have to fend off a hypo after breakfast because my sensor was reading a little on the high side. But, it is good that my instinct told me to do a finger-prick test (result 4.1 - sensor read 5.2) and have a cracker and some lucozade to nudge blood sugar back in the green zone.

Have a good day everyone. Today I am going to try a new recipe I found for almond meal bread. The chia bread I had for lunch yesterday was nice, but blood sugar crept up 2hrs later, so clearly something in the bread does not agree with me. This renews my interest for a low-carb bread I can bake myself. Wish me luck...


Disturbed night sleep. Was exhausted yesterday and a bit down ruminating about lots of things that the police meeting brought up (and my rereading of a particularly traumatic piece of creative writing I did about my experiences of SA) together with having to talk about the meeting with my folks on Friday night. That segued into thinking about what will happen in court when I’m in the witness stand; how tough his barrister will be etc.

Now take all that, throw in an IAPTS assessment call tomorrow for EMDR or other specific trauma therapy options, Olivier induction Tuesday as well as a volunteering introduction at https://queerbritain.org.uk/ as I applied to be a volunteer and have made it past the first hurdle (and I need to prep a presentation on “anything you like no matter how bananas it is” - So I’m thinking of doing one on “theatre”, chocolate or probably bananas because why not?!); introducing a friend to Aida on Tuesday; a full day out Wednesday; Thursday (my birthday) coming Big Ben, having lunch then seeing The Tempest it makes for a busy week.

I also want to bake in advance of a coffee morning on Friday (recipe attached) and it feels like I’ve no time to breathe this week.

Now take all of that and stir in to the mix that mum and dad (mainly mum) announced that they’re thinking seriously about selling the family house (that they moved in to when I was 11) and either buying the bungalow that a friend of theirs who died last Sunday lived in, or buying a flat in a Jewish retirement community and it’s a lot.

I said that it’s always better to move to a bungalow or retirement place because you want to rather than because you have to so if that’s what they want to do then go for it but I can’t help but worry how they’ll cope with the transition.

They have a large 4 1/2 bed detached house with a large garden, parking for 4 cars on the drive etc. mum uses a second bedroom as her overflow wardrobe and dressing room. The bungalow is two bed. They just won’t easily fit. I worry they’ll miss the garden they’ve made over the last almost 50 years.

As for moving to a flat in a community I get the attraction. They’re seeing friends die one by one and their social circle is shrinking. Moving in to a retirement community would give them a ready supply of new people to befriend and would give access to a curated social calendar as well.

Genuinely I do get it. Dad’s 84, mum will be 83 in March, and they struggle with the stairs at home but they’re both in good health for their respective age. But it’ll be a wrench seeing the home I grew up in sold.

This isn’t about me though. It’s about them and their quality of life. Doesn’t make it easier though.
Good morning, woke up at 3am at 5.6 and have been mostly awake since then with horrible shoulder pain.
We learned yesterday that all the residents bar one will be gone by Tuesday, she has to go to a nursing home so it's taking a bit longer to find her a place.
We still have not been given any formal notice of redundancy. I think we will have to fight to get what we are owed.
Morning folks. 8.3 here.

Herminia is making herself heard! So the plan for today is walk the dogs and stay at home. Hang on to your hats / toupees / lightweight pets everyone - it’s windy out there!
Morning all hope you are all well and safe
5.7 for me new amount of insulin seems to be working ok didt have as many carbs last night, had been loading up on carbs due to insulin/hypos. A masing how six units less make a difference
Take care of yourselves


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